

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28











Shi Jun, female,doctor of law, working as an associate professor and postgraduate tutor in the law School of Ocean University of China.
Research Field:
Environment and Resources Protection Law, mainly targeting on the theoretical research of environmental education, environmental lawsuit and so on.

Research Projects:
Taking charge of and successfully managed some nation-level, province-level and prefecture-level scientific research projects for World Wildlife Fund, China Marine Development and Research Center, Qingdao Social Science Planning Project, Ocean University of China Liberal Arts Development Fund and so on. To be specific, WWF the Yellow Sea ecological district Project, Education Campaign For Protection of biodiversity and ecological habitat in Yellow River ecological district; China Marine Development and Research Center’s special project for Ocean University of China, Formulation and Perfection of Laws and Regulations for Protection of Yellow River Delta Efficient Ecological Economic Zone; Qingdao Social Science Planning Project, Research of legal issues on building an ecological-friendly city and relative environmental planning; Ocean University of China Liberal Arts Development Fund, Research of legal issues on environmental planning and construction of ecological-friendly city. As a major member, participating in Ministry of Education Philosophy and Social Science Development Report Construction Project, China Environmental Legal System Building Development Report; Ministry of Education Social Science Research Project, Research on Environmental Pollution Damage Socialization Relief Compensation legal system; National Bureau of Oceanography key research project, the Bohai Sea Area Legislation Research, UNCLOS Development and Perfection of Marine Rights and Interests Research, Uninhabited Islands Service Regulation(draft); All-China Environment Federation legislative research project, Basic Research on Environment Public Interests Litigation Legislative Research Project; Shandong Province Education Department Reform Project on Higher Education, Reflection and Innovation of Education Practice for Training Excellent Law Talents; Ocean University of China undergraduate education teaching research project, Research on Education Practice System for Training Excellent Law Talents and so on.

Books and Articles:
China Environmental Legal System Building Development Report (associate editor)
Documents Research on the Current Law Regulating the Bohai Sea (coauthor)
Study on the Paid Use System of China’s Sea Area (coauthor)
Research on Marine Fishery Resources Restoration Legal System——also on Zhejiang Province Marine Fishery Resources Restoration Legal System Building (coauthor)
Pollution Prevention and Biodiversity Protection——from a Perspective of Civilization and legal system (associate editor)
Pollution Prevention and Biodiversity Protection-From the Perspective of Civilization and the Rule of Law (associate editor)
Construction of Environment Basic Law and Perfection of Marine Environmental Protection Law (associate editor)
Ecological Civilization Construction and Environment Public Interests Litigation (associate editor)
Environmental Law research in the context of Climate Change (associate editor)
Research on Blue-yellow Economic Zone Construction Legal System (associate editor)
“General Higher Education Law Science Core Teaching Material” Series——Criminal Procedure (associate editor)
Environment and Resources Protection Law (coauthor)

Also published dozens of academic articles on Legal Forum, Zhengzhou University Journal, Ocean University of China(social science layout)and other publications , such as Building China’s Environmental Public Interests Litigation from a Perspective of Procedural Law, On Incentive Principle in Environmental Law, China Environmental Education Legislation and its Development, Facilitation effect of Urban and Rural Area Planning Law to Urban area environmental protection, Suggestions on Yellow River Delta Area Environmental Pollution Harnessing Measure, On the Functions of Environmental Education and Construction of Environmental education.

The 9th China Law Society the Bohai Sea Rim Law Forum, the First Prize
Shandong Province Higher Education Excellent Teaching and Research Achievement Award, the Third Prize
Shandong Province Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, the Third Prize
Shandong Province Social Science Excellent Achievement Award, the Third Prize
The 21th Shandong Province Social Science Excellent Achievement Award, Excellence Award
Ocean University of China “the 6th Excellent Teaching Achievement Award”, the Second Prize
Ocean University of China “the 3rd Bank of Communication Teachers Award Fund”, the Second Prize
The first “Ocean University of China Distinguished Course Teaching Award”, the Second Prize
Ocean University of China “the 3rd Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Award”, the Third Prize
Ocean University of China Teaching Evaluation Award, Excellence Award
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