

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28

通信地址:山东省青岛市松岭路238号 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院
2018.1-至今 中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,副教授
2015.9-2017.12 中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,讲师
2013.7-2015.9 中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士后
2008.9-2013.6 清华大学,环境学院,环境科学与工程专业,博士
2004.9-2008.7 山东大学,环境科学与工程学院,环境工程专业,学士
2010.8-2010.10 日本京都大学,短期访学
英文留学生课程《Environmental Engineering》
1.Jia Xin*, Yang Liu, Fei Chen, Yijun Duan, Guanli Wei, Xilai Zheng, Miao Li*. The missing nitrogen pieces: A critical review on the distribution, transformation, and budget of nitrogen in the vadose zone-groundwater system, Water Research,2019, 165,114977.
2. Leyun Wang, Xilai Zheng*, Feifei Tian, Jia Xin*, Hui Nai. Soluble organic nitrogen cycling in soils after application ofchemical/organic amendments and groundwater pollutionimplications.Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018, 217, 43-51.
3. Youyuan Chen, Baoying Wang, Jia Xin*, Ping Sun, Dan Wu. Adsorption behavior and mechanism of Cr(VI) by modified biochar derived from Enteromorpha prolifera. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 164, 440-447.
4.Jia Xin*, Fenglin Tang, Jing Yan, Chenghong La, Xilai Zheng, Wei Liu*. Investigating the efficiency of microscale zero valent iron-based in situ reactive zone (mZVI-IRZ) for TCE removal in fresh and saline groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626, 638-649.
5. Fenglin Tang, Jia Xin*, Xilai Zheng, Tianyuan Zheng, Xianzheng Yuan, Olaf Kolditz. Effect of solution pH on aging dynamics and surface structural evolution of mZVI particles: H2production and spectroscopic/microscopic evidence. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(30), 23538-23548.
6. Fenglin Tang, Jia Xin*, Tianyuan Zheng, Xilai Zheng*, Xiupei Yang, Olaf Kolditz. Individual and combined effects of humic acid, bicarbonate and calcium on TCE removal kinetics, aging behavior and electron efficiency of mZVI particles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 324: 324-335.
7. Youyuan Chen, Bingbing Dong, Jia Xin*.Occurrence and fractionation of Cr along the Loushan River affected by a chromium slag heap in East China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 15655-15666.
8. Youyuan Chen, Yangyang Li, Ping Sun, Guanglin Chen, Jia Xin*. Interactive effects of salt and alkali stresses on growth, physiological responses and nutrient (N, P) removal performance of Ruppia maritime. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 104:177-183.
9. Jia Xin, Fenglin Tang, Xilai Zheng*, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz, Xin Lu. Distinct kinetics and mechanisms of mZVI particles aging in saline and fresh groundwater: H2 evolution and surface passivation. Water Research, 2016, 100: 80-87.
10. Jia Xin, Fenglin Tang, Xilai Zheng*, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Transport and retention of xanthan gum-stabilized microscale zero-valent iron particles in saturated porous media. Water Research, 2016, 88: 199-206.
11. Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng*, Jun Han, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Remediation of trichloroethylene by xanthan gum-coated microscale zero valent iron (XG-mZVI) in groundwater: effects of geochemical constituents.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 271: 164-172.
12. Jia Xin, Jun Han, Xilai Zheng*, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Mechanism insights into enhanced trichloroethylene removal using xanthan gum-modified microscale zero-valent iron particles. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 150, 420-426.
13. Jia Xin*, Xiang Liu, WeiLiu, Xilai Zheng. Effects of biochar -BDE-47 interactions on BDE-47 bioaccessibility and biodegradation by Pseudomonas putida TZ-1. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014, 106: 27-32.
14. Jia Xin*, Xiang Liu, Wei Liu, Xilai Zheng. Aerobic Transformation of BDE-47 by a Pseudomonas Putida sp. Strain TZ-1 Isolated from PBDEs-Contaminated Sediment. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2014, 93(4): 483-488.
15. Jia Xin, Ruilong Liu, Hubo Fan, Meilan Wang, Miao Li, Xiang Liu*. Role of sorbent surface functionalities and microporosity in BDE-47 sorption onto biochars. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2013, 25(7): 1368-1378.
16. Jia Xin*, Xiang Liu, Lu Jiang, Miao Li. BDE-47 sorption and desorption to soil matrix in single- and binary-solute systems. Chemosphere, 2012, 87(5): 477-482.
17.Jia Xin*, Xiang Liu, Wei Liu, Lu Jiang, Jihua Wang, Jia Niu. Production and use of DDT containing antifouling paint resulted in high DDTs residue in three paint factory sites and two shipyard sites, China.Chemosphere, 2011, 84(3): 342-347.
18. 范淑芬, 辛佳*, 黄静怡, 荣伟莉, 郑西来. 基于零价铁的地下水化学还原修复体系中的电子转移有效性和电子竞争机制. 化学进展, 2018, 30(7): 1035-1046.
19. 田飞飞,纪鸿飞,王乐云,郑西来*,辛佳*,能惠.施肥类型和水热变化对农田土壤氮素矿化及可溶性有机氮动态变化的影响.环境科学,2018,10:1-12.
20. 辛佳, 刘翔. 滴滴涕污染场地调查及修复技术. 安全与环境学报. 2011, 2: 28-34.

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