

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28

彭 昌 盛 简 历

彭昌盛,男,1972年10月生,博士,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者。中国力学学会会员,美国化学学会会员,山东环境科学学会会员,墨西哥研究员(Ⅰ级),Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences副主编,Science Journals International 编委会委员,青岛市侨联青年委员。
主持的科研项目包括:国家级1项,省部级5项,其它2项,主要参与的科研项目包括:国 家重点1项,国家科技重大3项,省部级1项,其它1项;已发表学术论文150余篇,被SCI/EI收 录80余篇,出版专著1部《扫描探针显微技术理论与应用》,申请专利18项,已获专利授权9项。

电话:**邮箱:cspeng@ouc.edu.cn, cspeng@sohu.com

·09/1999-04/2003 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院 工学博士学位
·09/1993-07/1996 中国矿业大学化工学院 工学硕士学位
·09/1989-07/1993 安徽理工大学矿物加工工程系 工学学士学位

·06/2005-至今 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院 博士生导师
·07/2016-08/2016 墨西哥圣路易斯波多西大学 高级访问****
·07/2013-01/2014 墨西哥圣路易斯波多西大学 访问****
·09/2008-01/2009 墨西哥圣路易斯波多西大学 访问****
·04/2003-03/2005 墨西哥圣路易斯波多西大学 博士后
·07/1996-08/1999 煤科总院杭州环境保护研究所 工程师
·08/1996-12/1996 日本工业技术研究院 访问研究员

·2006- 墨西哥国家1级研究员(墨西哥科技部公告页:http://www.conacyt.mx/SNI/Publica_Resultados_2da.pdf)
·2007- 美国化学学会会员,青岛市侨联青年委员
·2008- 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者
·2009- 青岛“天泰优秀人才”二等奖,中国力学学会会员,山东环境科学学会会员
·2010- 中国海洋大学环境工程学科博士生导师
·2013- 山东省南四湖水专项工作先进个人
·2014- 山东省创业大赛暨第二届全省大学生创业大赛二等奖
·2015- 中国海洋大学“国家级大学生创新创业训练计划”优秀指导教师
·2016- 中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会委员


·2005 环境工程专业英语 主讲 双语
·2006-2018 大气污染控制工程主讲 中文
·2006-2018大气污染控制工程实验 主讲 中文
·2010-2018 水污染控制工程课程设计 主讲 中文
·2015-2018海水淡化技术与工程主讲 双语
·2007-2018固液界面相互作用主讲 中文
·2011-2018 全球环境变化与可持续发展 主讲之一 中文
·2011-2018 水资源与水污染控制案分析主讲之一 中文
·2010-2015Introduction to Environmental Science主讲之一 英文

·2009 硕士3人(中国2,哥伦比亚1)
·2012 博士2(埃及1,哥伦比亚1,硕士3人
·2014 硕士4人
·2017 博士3,硕士4人(中国3,赞比亚1)
·2018 博士1,硕士3人
·2016-2017 苦卤水资源化利用技术研究:山东省重点研发计划项目(主持,2016GSF115040)
·2013-2015 基于土壤使用功能的重金属污染土壤修复效果评价方法研究:国家重点实验室开放课题(主持,SKLECRA2013FP12)
·2011-2014 环渤海区域海水入侵、土壤盐渍化预警与防控关键技术研究示范:海洋局公益项目(专题主持,)
·2010-2011 不同类型土壤渗透性的检测:环保部公益项目(专题主持,**)
·2009-2011 重金属废水处理及资源化利用,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(主持,NCET-08-0508)
·2009-2011 南四湖流域重点污染源控制及废水减排技术与工程示范课题:国家水专项(专题主持,2009ZX07210-008)
·2009-2011 防治海水入侵的选择性渗透反应墙技术研究:教育部新教师基金(主持,6)
·2009-2010 电动-渗透反应墙技术原位处理地下水硝酸盐污染:教育部重大项目培育基金(主持,708060)
·2008-2010 中国北方新兴城镇污水处理与回用技术研究:教育部科技创新工程重大项目培育基金(专题主持,308016)
·2006-2007 电解-充填床电渗析联合处理重金属废水的研究:教育部留学回国启动基金(主持,2006-331)
·2015-2016 湖北某场地含氰废物处理修复工程
·2000-2001 河北宝恒化工有限公司染料及生活污水治理工程
·1999-2000 山西大同齿轮集团公司电镀废水处理工程
·1996-1997 淮南新集矿业集团八里塘矿矿井水改造处理工程
·1996-1997 河南平顶山矿业集团自燃矸石山灭火工程
1 一种基于热伏耦合技术的超声辅助太阳能海水淡化器,ZL 2015 1 **.0 (授权)
2 一种利用选择性渗透反应墙技术防治海水入侵的方法,ZL1.7 (授权)
3 一种集成式太阳能海水淡化装置,ZL 2014 2 **.5 (授权)
4 一种瓦式太阳能节能建筑构件,ZL 2015 2 **.5 (授权)
5 一种振动式雾化蒸发结晶装置,ZL 3.9(授权)
6 连续电去离子制纯水的方法,ZL**.3 (授权)
7 一种低温吸附装置,ZL 2015 1 **.X (授权)
8 新型自行车防盗锁,ZL98 2 19738.1 (授权)
9 防弹车灯,ZL 98 2 12140.7 (授权)
10 化学电渗析法联合处理电镀废水,**.6 (受理)
11 电解-电渗析联合技术实现含铜废水资源化的方法,8.X (受理)
12 一种实现电镀污泥资源化的方法,3.3 (受理)
13 太阳能恒温沼气池,3.7 (受理)
14 一种实现硝酸盐污染地下水资源化的方法和工艺,1.5 (受理)
15 一种防止地下水硝酸盐污染的方法,0.4 (受理)
16 一种以纤维为造孔剂的粉煤灰基吸附材料,1.9(受理)
17 一种苦卤水资源化利用集成工艺及设备,1.5(受理)
18 一种嵌布式零价铁多孔吸附反应材料,3.X(受理)
1 彭昌盛, 宋少先, 谷庆宝编著, 扫描探针显微技术理论与应用, 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2007.
Peng Changsheng, Song Shaoxian, Gu Qingbao, Scanning Probe Microscopy Principles and Applications, Beijing: Chemical Industry Press,2007. (in Chinese)

1 Min Dai, Ling Xia, Shaoxian Song, Changsheng Peng*, Electrosorption of As(III) in aqueous solutions with activated carbon as the electrode, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434: 816–821.SCI(IF:3.387)
2 J Liu, Y Wang, Y Fang, T Mwamulima, S Song, C Peng*, Removal of crystal violet and methylene blue from aqueous solutions using the fly ash-based adsorbent material-supported zero-valent iron, Journal of Molecular Liquids,2018, 250: 468-476, SCI(IF:3.648)
3 J Liu, Y Wang, X Zhang, Y Fang, T Mwamulima, S Song, C Peng*, Preparation of Fe@GAC and Fe@GAR and Their Application for Removal of Crystal Violet from Wastewater, Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229 (2) :38. SCI (IF:1.702)
4 T Mwamulima, X Zhang, Y Wang, S Song,C Peng*, Novel approach to control adsorbent aggregation: iron fixed bentonite-fly ash for Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) removal from aqueous media,Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,2018, 12(2): 2. SCI (IF:1.716)
5 I Ali, C Peng*, T Ye, I Naz, Sorption of cationic malachite green dye on phytogenic magnetic nanoparticles functionalized by 3-marcaptopropanic acid, RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 8878-8897.SCI (IF:3.108)
6 I Ali, C Peng*,I Naz, Removal of Lead and Cadmium Ions by Single and Binary Systems using Phytogenic Magnetic Nanoparticles Functionalized by 3-Marcaptopropanic Acid, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, SCI (IF:1.17)
7 I Ali, C Peng*,ZM Khan, I Naz, M Sultan, An Overview of Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater Using Magnetotactic Bacteria, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2018, DOI10.1002/jctb.5648SCI (IF:3.135)
8 I Ali, C Peng*,Z Khan, M Sultan, I Naz, M Ali, H Farid, M Mahmood, R Ahsen, Removal of Crystal Violet and Eriochrome Black T dyes from Aqueous Solutions by Magnetic Nanoparticles Biosynthesized from Leaves Extract of Fraxinus Chinensis Roxb, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018, SCI (IF:0.793)
9 H Guo, C Peng*, C Kou, J Jiang, F Zhang, H Yuan, Adsorption mechanism of recovering potassium from seawater by modified-clinoptilolite using microwave, Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination,2018, 8(1): 102-110, SCI (IF:0.686)
10K Yang, X Cheng, T Mwamulima, H Guo, C Peng*,Economic analysis of a household solar desalination device integrated with photo thermal and photovoltaic, Desalination and Water Treatment,2018, doi:10.5004/dwt.2017.21882SCI (IF:1.631)
11 H Liu, Y Zhao,C Peng, S Song, A L Valdivieso, Lime mortars – The role of carboxymethyl cellulose on the crystallization of calcium carbonate, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 168: 169–177.SCI (IF:3.196)
12 F Ma, B Wu, Q Zhang, D Cui, Q Liu, C Peng,F Li, Q Gu*, An innovative method for the solidification/stabilization of PAHs-contaminated soil using sulfonated oil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 344: 742–748. SCI(IF:6.065)
13 I Ali,C Peng*, I Naz, Z Khan, M Sultan, T Islama, I Abbasi, Phytogenic magnetic nanoparticles for wastewater treatment: a review, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(64): 40158-40178, SCI (IF:3.108)
14 T Islam, C Peng*, I Ali, Morphological and cellular diversity of magnetotactic bacteria: A review, Journal of basic microbiology, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/jobm., SCI (IF:1.438 )
15 J Liu, T Mwamulima, Y Wang, Y Fang, S Song, C Peng*, Removal of Pb(II) and Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions using the fly ash-based adsorbent material-supported zero-valent iron, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017,243: 205–211. SCI (IF:3.648)
16 I Ali, C Peng*, Z Khan, I Naz, Yield cultivation of magnetotactic bacteria and magnetosomes: A review, Journal of basic microbiology, 2017, 57(8): 1-10. SCI (IF:1.438)
17 Y Wang, A L.Valdivieso, T Zhang, T Mwamulima, X Zhang, S Song, C Peng*, Synthesis of fly ash and bentonite-supported zero valent iron and its application of removal toxic cationic dyes from aqueous solutions. Environmental Engineering Science, 2017, DOI: 10.1089/ees.2016.0418, SCI(IF:1.426)
18 S Qayyum, I Khan, Z Bhatti, C Peng*, Cloning and characterization of F3PYC gene encoding Pyruvate carboxylase in Aspergillus flavus strain (F3), 3Biotech, 2017, 7 (4): 245. SCI (IF:1.361)
19 Y Wang, A López-Valdivieso, T Zhang, T Mwamulima, X Zhang, S Song, C Peng*, Preparation of microscale zero-valent iron-fly ash-bentonite composite and evaluation of its adsorption performance of crystal violet and methylene blue dyes, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24:20050–20062, SCI(IF:2.741)
20 H Guo, C Peng*, W Ma, H Yuan, K Yang, Study on the heat and mass transfer in ultrasonic assisting vacuum membrane distillation, Membrane Water Treatment, 2017, 8(3): 293-310. SCI (IF:0.679)
21 Y Wang, F Ma, Q Zhang, C Peng, B Wu, F Li, Q Gu, An evaluation of different soil washing solutions for remediating arsenic-contaminated soils,Chemosphere, 2017, 173, 368-372.SCI (IF:4.208)
22 Y Zhao, H Yi, F Jia, H Li, C Peng, S Song*, A novel method for determining the thickness of hydration shells on nanosheets: A case of montmorillonite in water, Powder Technology, 2017, 306(1): 74-79. SCI(IF:2.942)
23 I Ali, Z Khan, C Peng, I Naz, M Sultan, M Ali, M Mahmood, Y Niaz, Identification and Elucidation of the Designing and Operational Issues of Trickling Filter Systems for Wastewater Treatment,Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017 , 26 (3), SCI (IF:0.793)
24 F Ma, Q Zhang, B Wu, C Peng,N Li, F Li, Q Gu, Treatment of PAH-contaminated soil using cement-activated persulfate, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0268-8, SCI(IF:2.741)
25 C Peng, T Mwamulima, X Zhang, Removal of Dye (CV) and Heavy Metal (Cd2+) from Aqueous Media by GFBA and ZVI-GFBA, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2017, 8(2): 35-40.EI
26 S Qayyum,I Khan,Y Zhao,F Maqbool,C Peng*, Sequential extraction procedure for fractionation of Pb and Cr in artificial and contaminated soil, Main Group Metal Chemistry, 2016, 39(1-2):49-58. SCI(IF:0.490)
27 S Qayyum,I Khan,ZA Bhatti,F Tang,C Peng*, Fungal strain Aspergillus flavus F3 as a potential candidate for the removal of lead (II) and chromium (VI) from contaminated soil, Main Group Metal Chemistry, 2016, 39. SCI (IF:0.490)
28 S Qayyum,I Khan,F Maqbool,F Tang,Q Gu,C Peng*, Biological remediation of Pb and Cr from contaminated soil by Aspergillus flavus, Main Group Metal Chemistry, 2016, 39. SCI(IF:0.490)
29 S Qayyum, I Khan, F Maqbool, Y Zhao, Q Gu, C Peng*, Isolation and characterization of heavy metal resistant fungal isolates from Industrial soil, China, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2016, 48(5): 1241-1247. SCI(IF:0.491)
30 S Qayyum, I Khan, K Meng, X Zang, Y Zhao, Q Gu, C Peng*, Bioaccumulation of heavy metals from aqueous solution using indigenous fungal isolates, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 2016, 45(4): 499-507. SCI(IF:0.172)
31 Qiao Su, Changsheng Peng*, Liang Yi, Haijun Huang, Yanxia Liu, Xingyong Xu, Guangquan Chen & Hongjun Yu, An improved method of sediment grain size trend analysis in the Xiaoqinghe Estuary, southwestern Laizhou Bay, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(16):1-10. SCI(IF:1.569)
32 H Liu,Y Zhao,C Peng,S Song,A López–Valdivieso, Improvement of compressive strength of lime mortar with carboxymethyl cellulose, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51(20): 9279-9286. SCI(IF:2.599)
33 M Dai, L Xia, S Song, C Peng, A L Valdivieso,Adsorption of As(V) inside the pores of porous hematite in water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 307: 312-317.SCI(IF:6.065)
34 F Ma, C Peng, D Hou, B Wu, Q Zhang, F Li, Q Gu, Citric acid facilitated thermal treatment: An innovative method for the remediation of mercury contaminated soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300: 546–552. SCI(IF:6.065)
35 H Liu, C Peng*, M Dai, Q Gu, S Song, Influence of sticky rice and anionic polyacrylamide on the crystallization of calcium carbonate in chinese organic Sanhetu, Surface Review and Letters, 2015, 22(6): 1-11. SCI(IF:0.491)
36 D Li, J Li, Q Gu, S Song, C Peng*, Co-influence of the pore size of adsorbents and the structure of adsorbates on adsorption of dyes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 38: 1-10.SCI (IF:1.631)
37 S Qayyum,I Khan,K Meng, Y Zhao,C Peng*, Remediation technologies for heavy metals contaminated soil, Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, 2015, 3(11): 96-105. EI
38 Q Su, C Peng*, H Yu, X Xu, J Yao, Study on Relationship between Groundwater Conductivity and Chemical Characteristics in Seawater Intrusion Area around Laizhou Bay, Advanced Materials Research,2014, 864-867: 903-907.EI
39 M Dai, C Peng*, W Zheng, J Wang, X Qian, Exploration for the technology of tradition building materials and consolidation mechanism, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014, 548-549: 1689-1695. EI
40 C Peng,R Jin,G Li,F Li,Q Gu,Recovery of nickel and water from wastewater with electrochemical combination process,Separation and Purification Technology2014, 136(9):42-49. SCI (IF:3.359)
41 Song Shaoxian, Jia Feifei, Peng Changsheng, Study on decomposition of goethite/siderite in thermal modification through XRD, SEM and TGA measurements, Surface Review and Letters,2014, 21(1). SCI (IF:0.491)
42 C Peng, J Almeira, A Shady, Enhancement of ion migration in porous media by the use of varying electric fields,Separation and Purification Technology2013, 118(8): 591-597. SCI(IF:3.359)
43 J Wang, C Peng*, Z Yang, D Li, Y Wu, Adsorption and regeneration characteristics of granular adsorbent based on coal fly ash for methylene blue removal, Advanced Materials Research,2013, 773: 899-906.EI
44 C Peng*,J Almeira, Q Gu, Effect of electrode con?guration on pH distribution and heavy metal ions migration during soil electrokinetic remediation, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 69: 257-265.SCI (IF:1.569)
45 L Wang, M Wang, C Peng*, J Pan, Toxic Effects of Nano-CuO, Micro-CuO and Cu2+on Chlorella sp., Journal of Environmental Protection,2013, 4: 86-91. SCI(IF:0.774)
46 A Shady, C Peng*, New process for ex situ electrokinetic pollutant removal. I: Process evaluation, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2012, 18: 2162–2176. SCI (IF:4.421)
47 J Almeira, C Peng*,A Shady, Simultaneous removal of cadmium from kaolin and catholyte during soil electrokinetic remediation, Desalination,2012, 300: 1-11. SCI (IF:5.527)
48 J Almeira, C Peng*,A Shady, Enhancement of ion transport in porous media by the use of a continuously reoriented electric field, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2012, 13(7): 546-558. SCI (IF:1.214)
49 R Jin, C Peng*, A -Shady, K Zhang, Recovery of precious metal material Ni from nickel containing wastewater using electrolysis, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012, 164: 263-267.EI
50 Y Zhang, C Peng*, F Li, Study on optimal circulation dynamic system and feasibility analysis for a solar biogas digester, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012, 164: 482-486.EI
51 A -Shady, C Peng*, J Bi, H Xu, J Almeria, Recovery of Pb (II) and removal of NO3? from aqueous solutions using integratedelectrodialysis, electrolysis, and adsorption process,Desalination,2012, 286: 304-315. SCI (IF:5.527)
52 A Shady, C Peng *, J Almeria, H Xu, Effect of pH on separation of Pb (II) and NO3?from aqueous solutions using electrodialysis,Desalination,2012, 285: 46-53. SCI (IF:5.527)
53 C Peng, Y Liu, J Bi, H Xu, A Ahmed, Recovery of copper and water from copper-electroplating wastewater by the combination process of electrolysis and electrodialysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2011,189(3):814-820.SCI(IF:6.065)
54 Li, P. P., Peng C. S.*, Li, F. M., Song S. X., Juan A. O., Copper and Nickel Recovery from Electroplating Sludge by the Process of Acid-leaching and Electro-depositing, International journal of environmental research, 2011, 5(3): 797-804.SCI (IF:0.927)
55 J Bi, C Peng*,H Xu, A Shady, Removal of nitrate from groundwater using the technology of electrodialysis and electrodeionization, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2011, 34: 394–401.SCI (IF:1.631)
56Q Gu, C Peng, Q Zhang, F Li, Growth effect and accumulation of As on / in two vegetables in three types of Chinese soil, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 347-353:048-2053.EI
57 J Almeira,C Peng*, P Li, Effect of electrode configuration on the distribution of Cu during electrokinetic soil remediation.Journal of Korean Society of Urban Environment, 2010, 10(2): 169-177.EI
58 彭昌盛, 最小冰聚体结构单元模型及其对水性质的量化分析, 化学学报, 2009, 67(16):1936-1942. SCI
Peng Changsheng, Simulation of Minimum Ice Structure Unit and Quantitive Analysis of Its Effect on Water Properties, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2009, 67(16):1936-1942.SCI(IF:2.131)
59 J Almeira,C Peng*, Z Wang, Effect of different electrode configurations on the migration of copper ions during the electrokinetic remediation process, Asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering, 2009, 4(5):581-585. SCI (IF:0.836)
60 Peng Chang-sheng,Low G. Kathleen, Zhang Qian, Effects of Water Salinity and Content on Particle Size Distribution and Soil Strength.J.Environ.Sci.Eng., 2009, 3(1): 24-28. EI
61 Peng Changsheng, Song Shaoxian, Simulation of minimum ice unit and its effect on water properties, Surface Review and Letters,2008, 15(6): 841-846. SCI (IF:0.491)
62 S Song, C Peng*, Viscosities of Binary and Ternary Mixtures of Water, Alcohol, Acetone, and Hexane, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2008, 29(5):1367-1372.SCI (IF:1.591)
63 C Peng, H Meng, Application of activated zeolite in the advanced treatment of potable water, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology, 2007, 56(4): 257-262. SCI (IF:0.824)
64 C Peng,Q Gu, H Meng, S Song, Effect of hydration film on scanning images of atomic force microscope. J. Uni. Sci. Techn. Beijing, 2006, 13(1): 92-96. SCI (IF:0.943)
65 CPeng, S Song, T Fort, Study of Hydration Layers near a Hydrophilic Surface in Water through AFM Imaging. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2006, 38(5): 975-980. SCI(IF:1.132)
66 S. Song, A.Valdivieso, D.Campos, C Peng, M. Fernandez, I.R.-Soto, Arsenic Elimination from a High-Arsenic Water by Coagulation with Ferric Ions and Coarse Calcite. Water Research, 2006, 40(2): 364-372. SCI (IF:6.942)
67 Peng Changsheng, Song Shaoxian, Gu Qingbao, Determination of hydration film thickness using atomic force microscopy. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(4): 299-304. SCI(IF:1.649)
68 Peng Chang-sheng,Song Shao-xian, Gu Qing-bao, Effect of Solvation Film on the Viscosity of Colloidal Dispersions. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 23(5): 603-607.SCI(IF:1.852)
69 C Peng,S Song, S Lu, Determination of the Solvation Film Thickness of Dispersed Particles with the Method of Einstein Viscosity Equation. J. Uni. Sci. and Techn. Beijing, 2005, 12(4): 370-375.SCI (IF:0.943)
70 Q Gu, C Peng*, F Li, S Song, J Wang, Treatment of Oily Wastewater Through Bed coalescence Using a New Filter Material Prepared from Oil Sludge. Environmental Engineering Science, 2005, 22(4): 472-478. SCI (IF:1.426)
71 S Song, C Peng*, M Olivares, A Valdiviesob, T. Fort, Study on Hydration Layers near Nanoscale Silica Dispersed in Aqueous Solutions through Viscosity Measurement. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 287: 114-120. SCI (IF:4.233)
72 Song Shaoxian, Peng Changsheng*, Thickness of Solvation Layers on Nano-scale Silica Dispersed in Water and Ethanol. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2005, 26(2): 197-201. SCI (IF:1.591)
73 C. Peng, H. Meng, S. Song,A. Lopez-Valdivieso, Secondary potential in electrodialysis membranes and the effect on permselectivity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2004, 273: 256-261. SCI (IF:4.233)
74 C Peng, H Meng, S Song, S Lu, A Valdivieso, Elimination of Cr(VI) from Electroplating Wastewater by Electrodialysis Following Chemical Precipitation. Separation Science and Technology, 2004, 39(7): 1501-1517.SCI (IF:1.106)
75 C Peng, S Song, Determination of Thickness of Hydration Layers on Mica in Aqueous Solutions by Using AFM. Surface Review and Letters, 2004,11(6): 485-489. SCI (IF:0.491)
76 Meng Hong, Peng Changsheng*, Song Shaoxian, Deng Dayao, Electro-regeneration Mechanism of Ion-exchange Resins in Electrodeionization. Surface Review and Letters,2004, 11(6): 599-605. SCI (IF:0.491)
77 C Peng, S Song, S Lu, A. Valdivieso, Electroplating wastewater treatment through chemical precipitation and electrodialysis. European J. Min. Proc. & Environ. Protection, 2004, 4 (3): 235-240. EI
78 C Peng, H Meng, J Zhang, S Lu, Treatment of electroplating wastewater. Journal of Universityof Scienceand Technology Beijing, 2003, 10(1): 8-11. SCI (IF:0.943)
79 Meng Hong, PengChangsheng*,Lu Shouci, Wang sanfan, Study on the permselectivity of ion exchange membrane. Rare Metals, 2002, 21(4): 243-249. SCI (IF:1.189)

80 袁合涛, 孟柯,王勇梅, 彭昌盛*, 太阳能与空气源热泵组合干燥玫瑰花蕾的试验研究,太阳能学报2017, 38 (3) :820-825. EI
81方义, 刘继伟, 谷庆宝, 彭昌盛*,生物矿化在环境保护方面的应用,硅酸盐通报, 2017, 36 (4) :1209-1215.
82 张晓琳,Teza MWAMULIMA,王勇梅,宋少先,谷庆宝,彭昌盛*,粉煤灰基多孔材料负载纳米铁的制备及其对龙胆紫的去除效果,环境科学研究2017, 30 (8) :1295-1302.
83 杨可, 陈学攀, 郭浩, 彭昌盛*, 一种超声雾化太阳能海水淡化系统的研制, 水处理技术, 2017, 43(10): 33-36.
84 李栋,孙午阳,谷庆宝,彭昌盛*,植物修复及重金属在植物体内形态分析综述,环境污染与防治, 2017, (11):1256-1263.
85臧小龙, 谷庆宝, 孟柯, Sadia Qayyum, 彭昌盛*, 土壤中重金属形态分布对化学提取的影响,环保科技2017, 23 (1).
86 闫晓彤,袁合涛,杨可, 李倩, 彭昌盛*, 一种光热/光伏耦合式小型太阳能海水淡化装置的研制,水处理技术, 2016,42(10): 76-79.
87 彭昌盛,孟柯,臧小龙,谷庆宝,袁合涛, 微生物淋滤在重金属污染土壤修复中的研究进展, 环境污染与防治, 2016, 38(3):77-81.
88彭昌盛,臧小龙,袁合涛,谷庆宝, 污染土壤中重金属的化学提取技术及其实际应用综述, 环保科技, 2016, 22(1):1-9.
89 李丹丹,彭昌盛*,张腾,谷庆宝, 以纤维为造孔剂的粉煤灰基材料对染料的吸附研究, 环境科学与技术, 2016, (2):70-74.
90 郭浩,彭昌盛*,李倩,袁合涛,喷雾结晶法处理高浓盐水实验研究,水处理技术2016,42(1):101-109.
91 张滕,王勇梅,彭昌盛*,袁合涛, 染料废水的处理方法及研究进展, 环保科技, 2016, 22(1):36-40.
92马福俊, 李方, 张倩, 彭昌盛, 李发生, 谷庆宝, 过硫酸盐氧化与水泥固化稳定化协同修复苯胺污染土壤, 环境科学研究, 2016, 29 (5) :731-736.
93 张倩,陈宗娟,彭昌盛,李发生,谷庆宝, 大港工业区土壤重金属污染及生态风险评价, 环境科学, 2015, 36(11):4232-4240.
94 彭昌盛,刘惠,张倩,谷庆宝,徐兴永,于洪军,颗粒粒径和水溶液性质对多孔介质渗透性的影响,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)2015,45(3):107-115.
95 李丹丹,彭昌盛*,谷庆宝,以纤维为造孔剂的粉煤灰基吸附材料的制备,环保科技, 2015, (5):19-23.
96 吴玉婷, 马福俊, 谷庆宝, 彭昌盛*, 过硫酸钾氧化去除水和土壤中的苯胺, 环境工程技术学报, 2015, 5(4): 259-264.
97 郭浩, 彭昌盛*, 寇长江, 张秀喜, 污泥堆肥对针茅和车前草生长的影响, 环境工程技术学报, 2015, 5(2): 136-142.
98 苏乔, 彭昌盛*, 徐兴永, 基于高密度电法的潮汐作用对潍坊滨海地下水影响分析, 海洋环境科学, 2015, 34(2): 286-289.
99 虞洋, 彭昌盛*, 虞兰兰, 谷庆宝, 常家铭, 莱州湾石油烃海洋环境容量计算—基于非线性规划的排海通量最优化法, 海洋环境科学, 2014, 33(2): 293-299.
101 马蕾, 彭昌盛, 曲克明, 张旭志, 王贤明, 蒙脱石/聚丙烯酸钠复合高吸水材料在咸淡水环境中的吸水性能, 中国科技论文, 2013, 8 (2) :158-165
102 袁惠萍, 彭昌盛*, 王震宇, 厌氧折流板反应器-生物接触氧化池联合工艺处理新兴农村生活污水试验, 水处理技术, 2012, 38(4): 91-95.
103彭昌盛,谷庆宝, 李盼盼, 晋瑞杰,分步电沉积与选择性沉淀技术回收混合电镀污泥中的重金属,化学发展前沿, 2012, (1):9-20.
104 马蕾, 彭昌盛*, 范超, 徐兴永, 于洪军, 水化学性质对蒙脱石悬浮液膨胀性的影响, 中国海洋大学学报, 2011, 41: 379-385.
105 范超,李萍,韩潇源,陈东景,彭昌盛, 基于环境经济综合核算的黄河三角洲滨海石油开发生态环境效应评价初探, 海洋开发与管理,2011, 28(3):82-86.
106 范超,李萍,陈东景,彭昌盛,基于资源价值折耗的石油资源账户建立与分析—以黄河三角洲石油开发为例, 自然资源学报, 2011, (11):1953-1962.
107 范超, 李萍, 陈东景, 彭昌盛, 基于使用者成本法的黄河三角洲石油资源价值折耗分析,资源科学,2011, 33 (4) :736-742.
108 王岩, 陈友媛, 彭昌盛, 初始含水量对黄河口潮滩溶质优先运移的影响研究, 海洋环境科学,2011, 30 (3) :310-315.
109 彭昌盛, 张倩, 徐兴永, 于洪军, 马蕾, 团聚-分散行为对悬浮液Zeta电位的影响, 中国海洋大学学报, 2010, 40(10): 121-126.
110 陈广泉, 徐兴永,彭昌盛, 于洪军, 苏乔, 莱州湾地区海水入侵灾害风险评价, 自然灾害学报, 2010, 19(2): 103-112.
111 李盼盼, 彭昌盛*, 电镀污泥中铜和镍的去除工艺研究—电解去除铜和镍, 电镀与精饰,2010, 32(2): 39-43.
112 李盼盼, 彭昌盛*, 电镀污泥中铜和镍的回收工艺研究—污泥的酸浸出工艺, 电镀与精饰,2010, 32(1): 37-40.
113 毕晶晶, 彭昌盛*, 胥慧真, 地下水硝酸盐污染与治理研究进展综述, 地下水,2010, 32(1): 97-102.
114 刘艳艳,彭昌盛*, 电解电渗析联合处理含铜废水, 电镀与精饰,2009, 31(4): 34-39.
115 童桂华,彭昌盛*, 贾永刚, 曹阳, 离子交换树脂去除水中硝酸盐的研究,工业用水与废水, 2008, 39(4): 73-76.
116 彭昌盛, 刘萍, 陈友媛, 我国海水入侵形势与对策. 中国科技成果, 2007, (6): 18-20.
117 彭昌盛,宋少先, 水化膜对原子力显微镜扫描图像的影响, 中国粉体技术, 2004,10(z1):123-128.
118 彭昌盛, 孟洪, 谷庆宝, 化学法处理混合电镀废水的工艺流程及药剂选择, 水处理技术,2003, 29(6): 363-366.
119 彭昌盛, 谷庆宝, 孟洪, 卢寿慈, 化学法处理混合电镀废水及药剂选择,北京科技大学学报,25(1), 2003EI
120 孟洪, 彭昌盛*, 卢寿慈, 宋存义, 电渗析过程中的浓差极化及水解离机理分析, 膜科学与技术, 2003, 23(1): 7-11.
121 孟洪, 彭昌盛, 卢寿慈, 离子交换膜的选择透过性机理, 北京科技大学学报, 2002, 24(6): 656-660. EI
122 彭昌盛, 孟洪, 徐玉琴, 宋存义, 电镀废水处理过程中的二次污染, 电镀与涂饰, 2002, 21(2): 40-43.
123 孟洪, 彭昌盛*, 肖举强, 宋存义, 活化沸石去除水中磷化物的研究, 矿产综合利用, 2001, (4): 10-14.
124 彭昌盛, 孟洪, 宋存义, 活化沸石在微污染水深度处理中的性能研究, 非金属矿, 2001, 24(3): 48-49.
125 彭昌盛, 孟洪, 张维和, 张雷娜, 宋存义, 碱性条件下化学法处理大同齿轮厂混合电镀废水, 环境工程, 2001, 19(6): 24-26.
126 彭昌盛, 孟洪, 张景来, 汪莉, 宋存义, 碱性条件下化学法处理混合电镀废水, 电镀与涂饰, 2001, 20(4): 51-54.
127 彭昌盛, 孟洪, 朱文梅, 气浮法实现选煤厂煤泥水闭路循环的试验研究, 洁净煤技术, 2001, 7(1): 14-18.
128 彭昌盛, 煤炭开采加工和利用过程中的环境污染及治理, , 2000, (1) :15-17
129 彭昌盛, 王趁义, 药剂制度和操作条件对浮选精煤助滤脱水效果的影响, 煤炭科学技术, 1998, (9) :29-32.
130 彭昌盛, 蔡璋, 浮选柱的分选原理与参数选择, 黑龙江矿业学院学报, 1998, (1) :15-20.
131 彭昌盛, 蔡璋, 浮选柱与浮选机分选煤泥的对比试验研究, 洁净煤技术, 1997, (4) :10-13.
132 彭昌盛, 王趁义, 浮选柱分选细粒煤过程中的参数选择, 江苏煤炭, 1997, (3) :14-15.
133 彭昌盛, 范玉平, 浮选柱分选细粒煤的原理与设计, 江苏煤炭, 1995, (3) :7-8.
134 彭昌盛, 煤系高岭土的提质,矿产综合利用,1995, (2) :18-20.

135Yongmei Wang, Alejandro López-Valdivieso, Teng Zhang, Teza Mwamulima, Changsheng Peng*, Novel Adsorbent from Iron Ore Concentration Tailings for Toxic Cationic Dye Removal from Water, Proceedings of the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress. Springer International Publishing, USA, 2017: 565-577. SCI
136 Teza MWAMULIMA, Xiao-lin ZHANG, Yong-mei WANG, Chang-sheng PENG*, Shao-xian SONG, Cadmium (Cd) Removal from Aqueous Solution by Iron Enhanced Pellets Made from Fly Ash,2017International Conference on Energy, Power and Environmental Engineering (ICEPEE 2017), 510-515. EI
137H.Yuan, K.Yang, X.Yan, Q.Li, H.Guo, M.Teza, C.Peng*, Economic and Environmental Benefit Analysis of Energy Performance Contracting for Solar Hot Water System in Chinese Universities, Advances in Materials Sciences, Energy Technology and Environmental Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials Science, Energy Technology and Environmental Engineering, MSETEE 2016, Zhuhai, China, May 28-29, , 2017, 281-285. EI
138 Guo H, Peng C S, Ding Z W, et al. One-step preparing magnesium hydroxide particles from mother liquor of salt production. The Second International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry, Sanya, November 18-20, 2017. EI
139 Yongmei Wang, Alejandro López Valdivieso, Changsheng Peng*, Teng Zhanga, Teza Mwamulima, Synthesis of microscale zero valent iron and its application for toxic cationic dyes removal from aqueous solution, Congress XXV Congreso Internacional en Metalurgia Extractiva,Guanajuato,Mexico,2016, 298-303.
140 李倩,郭浩,袁合涛,闫晓彤,杨可,彭昌盛*,我国浓海水的利用现状及展望,2015(第十届)青岛国际脱盐大会暨全国冶金节水与废水利用技术研讨会, 2015,中国青岛
141 苏乔,彭昌盛,徐兴永,刘文全,陈广泉,潮汐作用对莱州湾南岸剖面地层电阻率的影响强度研究,第一届海洋防灾减灾学术交流会论文集,2014,中国北京
142Su, Qiao,Peng, Changsheng,Yu, Hongjun,Xu, Xiongyong,Yao, Jing,Study on Relationship between Groundwater Conductivity and Chemical Characteristics in Seawater Intrusion Area around Laizhou Bay,3rdInternational Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2013),903-907,Shanghai,2013.11.12-2013.11.13. EI
143Su, Qian,Peng, Changsheng,Yu, Hongjun,Xu, Xiongyong,Xu, Xiuli,Study on the Effects of Tide-Induced Interface of the Fresh-Saline Groundwater Based on High Density Resistivity,International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environmental Science (ICAEES),24-27,2013, Guangzhou, China. EI
144 Ahmed Abou-Shady, Huizhen Xu, Changsheng Peng*, Production of pure water suitable for laboratory experiments by electrodialysis technology, The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineerin, May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan, China. EI
145Jingjing Bi, Changsheng Peng*, Huizhen Xu, Treatment of Nitrate-contaminated groundwater using the Technology of intermittently Ion-exchange and Electro-regeneration, The 2011 International Conference on BioengineeringChemistry and Environment Science BCES 2011), 24-26 June 2011, Nanjing, China.
146 Changsheng Peng*, Panpan Li, Jingjing Bi, Qingbao Gu, Heavy Metals Recovery from Electroplating Sludge by the Multi-Steps of Leaching, Electrodepositing and Precipitating, The 2011 International Conference on BioengineeringChemistry and Environment Science BCES 2011), 24-26 June 2011, Nanjing, China.
147Huizhen Xu, Changsheng Peng*, Abou-Shady Ahmed, Jingjing Bi, Removal of nitrate from groundwater using the technology of electrodialysis, Proceedings2011World Congress on Engineering and Technology, Oct. 28-Nov.2, 2011, Shanghai, China. EI
148P Li,C Peng*, F Li,Study on the Treatment of Electroplating Sludge with Electro Technology, The 12thAsian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, 2008, Dalian, China. EI
149 Y Liu, C Peng*, Z Wang,Recovery of Copper and Recycle of Water for the Cu2+Contained Wastewater Using the Combined Technique of Electrolysis and Electrodialysis, The 12thAsian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress,2008, Dalian, China.EI
150 C.S. Peng,S.X. Song and J.L. Wang,2005, “Determination of Hydration Film Formed on Solid Surface by Using Atomic Force Microscopy”,ChinaInternational Conference on Nanoscience & Technology (ChinaNANO2005), Beijing, 5P-93-165
151S Liu , Q Gu, C Peng, Fasheng Li, 2005,Contribution of detergent phosphorus in domestic wastewater of typical cities in China, 2005 SWCS Annual Conference, Soil and Water Conservation Society.
152 Peng C, Song S, Ash removal from fine coals by column flotation, Memoria deXIIEncuentro Sobre Procesamiento de Minerales,M. Zapata, J. Zapata (Eds.), 2004, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
153 C Peng,S Lu, S Song, H Meng, 2003. “A Noval Chemical Precipitation Process for Mixed-Electroplating Wastewater Treatment. The 7th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, Earth2003, Taiwan, China.

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