通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院
1.1998.09-2002.07 青岛理工大学供热通风及空调工程专业,获工学学士
2. 2002.09-2005.07中国海洋大学工程热物理专业,获工学硕士
3. 2005.03-2007.07中国海洋大学港口海岸及近海工程专业,获工学博士
1.2007-今. 中国海洋大学工程学院讲师、副教授
2.2011-今 青岛海大节能技术中心 副主任
3.2014.9-2015.12 美国爱荷华州立大学访问****
1. 高效能传热传质、工业节能技术及能源管理体系、海洋热能转换
1.本科生课程: 工程流体力学、传热学、机械设计基础、工程制图
2.研究生课程: 高等传热学、微尺度流动及传热学
2.船舶及海洋平台的轮机油水混合物油水相界间弥散传质机理、流变特性及其成分在线检测技研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 63万元,2017/01-2020/12,在研,第二位参与人
5. 氨水溶液解吸-压缩制冷循环原理研究和样机,863项目,100万元,2009.1-2010.12,第二完成人
6. 海洋温差驱动的氨水发生-再热动力循环原理及其海水换热装置强化传热研究, 国家自然科学基金,40万元,2011.1-2013.12, 第二完成人
1.Yan Li*, Zhiduo Sun, Liang Han and Ning Mei, Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Methodfor EnergyManagement SystemsBased on an Internet of Things. IEEE Access, 2017
2.Xuebo Liu, Hua Dong, Yan Li*, Ning Mei. Thermal conductivity and Raman spectra of Carbon Fibers. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2017
4.Yan Li*, Cong Liu, Xuebo Liu, Yanbo Liu. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer on the Lubricating Surface with Micro-Groove. Heat Transfer - Asian Research , 2016, 45(3): 228-238
5.Yan Li*,Saisai Liu, Jian luan, Qilin Wang, The Desalination Device Using the Rising Liquid Film on the Microscale Fluted Surface of Horizontal Tubes , Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 901(4):59-63
6.李艳*,奚溪,徐菲菲,梅宁.燃料成分分析及基于LS-SVM对锅炉效率的预测.热科学与技术, 2014, 13(1): 56-60
7.武永宾,李艳*,闫哲,张继. 升膜蒸发海水淡化实验研究. 中国海洋大学学报
8.李艳*,刘严博,刘聪.机件表面微槽内流体流动的数值研究, 机械研究与应用,2012, 25(6):74-77
9.Ning Mei*, Yan Li,Guirong Wang, Yu Bai, Xiaojun Liu, Risingliquid film induced by rewetting and heat transfer on the surface of afluted helix horizontal tube, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2012,19(2):107-121
10.Chong Li, Lijun Zhang, Yan Li, Xinwei Wang*. Material behavior under extreme domain constraint in laser-assisted surface nanostructuring. Physics Letters A,2016,380(5–6):753-763
11.Yan Li*, Chao Yang, Zhe Yan, Bin Guo, Han Yuan, Jian Zhao, Ning Mei.Analysis of the icing and melting process in a coil heat exchanger.The 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, Portugal, 2017.
12.Yan Li*, Chuan Li, Yajie Wu, Cong Liu, Han Yuan, Ning Mei.Simulation of the reconstruction of the boundary layer by moving cylinders. The 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, Portugal, 2017.
13.Qilin Wang, Yan Li*, Zhicheng Yu, Bin Guo.Numerical simulation of gravity-driven droplet displacement on an inclined micro-grooved surface. 5th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference, 2016,Singapore, 2016.
14.LiYan, WangLu, LinHuan, Yan Xueyong,SongLina,Mei Ning*. The theoretical and experimentalinvestigation to an ocean wave powered piezoelectricvibration generator. Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, p 578-583,2013.
15.Lu Wang, Yan Li, Huan Lin, Lina Song, Ning Mei*. Experimental and numericalinvestigations into an ocean current induced rotating magnetic field electric generator.Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, p925-930, 2013.
16.Yan Li, Shuchao Zhang, Ning Mei,The Numerical Research on Heat and Mass Transfer of Rising Film Evaporation of Binary Mixtures on the Surface of Microscale Fluted Horizontal Tubes,Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,2011,32(10)
Resume in English
Yan Li
Title: Associate professor
Department:Mechanical Engineering
Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone 86--2407
E-mail yanli@ouc.edu.cn
09/1998—07/2002 Qingdao Technological University, Heating Ventilation and Air-Condition Engineering, Bachelor
09/2002---07/2005 Ocean University of China, Engineering Thermal Physics, Master
09/2005-02/2007Ocean University of China, Harbor Coast and Off-shore Engineering, Doctor
Work Experience
2007.07 -NowWork in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China
2014.09 -2015.13 Visiting Scholar in, Iowa State University
Research Interests / responsibilities
Efficient heat and mass transfer, Industrial energy saving technology, Micro/nano materials and flow control technology
Engineering fluid mechanics, Basis of mechanical design, Engineering drawing
Advanced heat transfer, Microscale flow and heat transfer
Research Projects
1.Mechanismof Boundary Layer Reconstruction and the Heat and Mass Transfer of the Film Edge in Microfluid, National Natural Science Foundation, 2014.1-2017.12, host
2.Mechanism and experimental study of seawater desalination onhorizontal tube,Provincial Natural Science Foundation,2013.10-2016.10,host
Major Publication:
3.Yan Li*, Zhiduo Sun, Liang Han and Ning Mei, Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Methodfor EnergyManagement SystemsBased on an Internet of Things. IEEE Access, 2017
4.Xuebo Liu, Hua Dong, Yan Li*, Ning Mei. Thermal conductivity and Raman spectra of Carbon Fibers. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2017
5.Yan Li*,Chao Yang.Phase and Morphological Changes of Crystalline Material during Internal Cavity Fabrication Using Laser Ablation.Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering,2017
6.Yan Li*, Cong Liu, Xuebo Liu, Yanbo Liu. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer on the Lubricating Surface with Micro-Groove. Heat Transfer - Asian Research , 2016, 45(3): 228-238
7.Yan Li*,Saisai Liu, Jian luan, Qilin Wang, The Desalination Device Using the Rising Liquid Film on the Microscale Fluted Surface of Horizontal Tubes , Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 901(4):59-63
8.Ning Mei*, Yan Li,Guirong Wang, Yu Bai, Xiaojun Liu, Risingliquid film induced by rewetting and heat transfer on the surface of afluted helix horizontal tube, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2012,19(2):107-121
9.Chong Li, Lijun Zhang, Yan Li, Xinwei Wang*. Material behavior under extreme domain constraint in laser-assisted surface nanostructuring. Physics Letters A,2016,380(5–6):753-763
10.Yan Li*, Chao Yang, Zhe Yan, Bin Guo, Han Yuan, Jian Zhao, Ning Mei.Analysis of the icing and melting process in a coil heat exchanger.The 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, Portugal, 2017.
11.Yan Li*, Chuan Li, Yajie Wu, Cong Liu, Han Yuan, Ning Mei.Simulation of the reconstruction of the boundary layer by moving cylinders. The 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, Portugal, 2017.
12.Qilin Wang, Yan Li*, Zhicheng Yu, Bin Guo.Numerical simulation of gravity-driven droplet displacement on an inclined micro-grooved surface. 5th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference, 2016,Singapore, 2016.
13.LiYan, WangLu, LinHuan, Yan Xueyong,SongLina,Mei Ning*. The theoretical and experimentalinvestigation to an ocean wave powered piezoelectricvibration generator. Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, p 578-583,2013.
14.Lu Wang, Yan Li, Huan Lin, Lina Song, Ning Mei*. Experimental and numericalinvestigations into an ocean current induced rotating magnetic field electric generator.Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, p925-930, 2013.
15.Yan Li, Shuchao Zhang, Ning Mei,The Numerical Research on Heat and Mass Transfer of Rising Film Evaporation of Binary Mixtures on the Surface of Microscale Fluted Horizontal Tubes,Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,2011,32(10)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27
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