

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27


1.2017.04-2018.04 新加坡南洋理工大学,电子电气工程学院,博士后
2.2016.03-2017.03 新加坡南洋理工大学,机械与宇航工程学院,博士后
3.2015.01-2018.05 上海交通大学,动力工程及工程热物理流动站,博士后
4.2009.09-2015.01 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,获工学博士学位(硕博连读)

2018.05- 至今中国海洋大学,工程学院,副教授



1.国家自然科学青年基金,基于摩擦-电磁复合发电技术的点吸收式波浪能发电装置基础研究,27.00,2020年01月- 2022年12月,主持
1.Zhao B, Zhang B, Zhang K. Modelling three-dimensional soft elastohydrodynamic lubrication contact of heterogeneous materials. Tribology International. 2018.
2.Bo Zhao*, Kun Zhou, and YouBai Xie, A new numerical method for planar multibody system with mixed lubricated revolute joint,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.113: 105-119(2016).
3.Bo Zhao, Xudong Dai, Zhinan Zhang, Youbai Xie,A new numerical method for piston dynamics and lubrication analysis, Tribology International, 94: 395-408 (2016).
4.Bo Zhao*, Zhinan Zhang, Congcong Fang, Xudong Dai, Youbei Xie, Modeling and analysis of planar multibody system with mixed lubricated revolute joint, Tribology International.98: 229-241(2016).
5.Bo Zhao, Fei Shen, Yi Cui, Youbai Xie, Kun Zhou*, Damage analysis for an elastic-plastic body in cylindrical contact with a rigid plane,Tribology International.115: 18-27(2017).
6.Shen Fei, Bo Zhao, Lin Li, Chee Kai Chua, Kun Zhou*, Fatigue damage evolution and lifetime prediction of welded joints with the consideration of residual stresses and porosity,International Journal of Fatigue, 103: 272–279(2017) .
7.Bo Zhao*, Xudong Dai, Zhinan Zhang, Youbai Xie, Numerical study of the effects on clearance joint wear in flexible multibody mechanical systems,Tribology Transactions.58.3: 385-396(2015).
8.Bo Zhao*, Yi Cui, Youbai Xie, Kun Zhou, Dynamics and lubrication analyses of a planar multibody system with multiple lubricated joints.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2018,232(3),326-346.
9.Bo Zhao, Xudong Dai*, Zhinan Zhang, Shihao Wu, Youbai Xie, “Numerical study of parametric effects on joint wear in the flexible multibody systems with different flexibilities and clearance sizes”,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology.228(8):819-835(2014).
10.Bo Zhao, Zhinan Zhang, Xudong Dai*, Modeling and prediction of wear at revolute clearance joints in flexible multibody systems,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 228.2: 317-329(2014).
11.Liang Wang, Bo Zhao, Jiayi Wu, Chuanyong Chen, Kun Zhou*, “Experimental and numerical investigations on failure behaviors of woven fabric composites under off-axial loading”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.2018,141,157-167
12.Bo Zhao, ZhiNan Zhang, XuDong Dai, “Prediction of Wear at Revolute Clearance Joints in Flexible Mechanical Systems”, International Tribology Conference MALAYSIA 2013. Procedia Engineering,. 68: 661-667(2013).( Best Paper)
13.Bo Zhao, Xudong Dai, Shihao Wu, “ Effects of Mechanical Flexibility and Clearance Size on the Wear at Revolute Joint in the Flexible Multibody Systems”, 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
14.Bo Zhao, Fei Shen, “A numerical coupling model for a multibody system with multiple lubricated clearance joints”, 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL, AERONAUTICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (ICMAA 2017).Malacca, MALAYSIA,108:15006 (2017).

Resume in English
Zhao Bo
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Address: Engineering College, Ocean University of China,238 Songling Road, Qingdao, China, 266100
E-mail: zhaobo@ouc.edu.cn
1.2017.04-2018.04 Nanyang Technological University,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Postdoctor
2.2016.03-2017.03 Nanyang Technological University,School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Postdoctor
3.2015.01-2018.05 Shanghai Jiao Tong University,School of Mechanical Engineering,Postdoctor
4.2009.09-2015.01 Shanghai Jiao Tong University,School of Mechanical Engineering,Doctor Degree
Work Experience
2018.5 - Now Engineering College, Ocean University of China, Associate Professor
Research Interests / responsibilities.
Tribology and Dynamics of Marine equipment systems;
Development & Utilization of Marine Renewable Energy;
Friction reduction and corrosion resistance of Marine equipment
1. Undergraduate:Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Materials and Forming Technology, Calculation Method and Its Application
2. Graduate Student:Matrixtheory, Academic writing
Research Projects
1.The basic research of Triboelectric- Electromagnetic based point absorpting WEC, National Natural Science Foundation of Youth Fund, 2020.1-2012.12, principal;
2.Study on ** mechanism analysis and control technology**, National Defense Scientific Research, 2019/06-2021/05, principal;
3.Fatigue life prediction of pitch bearing in offshore floating wind turbine, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2018.11-2020.05, principal;
4.Design and optimization of wave energy generating device with oscillating float, Talent project of Ocean university of China, principal;
5.Research on key technology of wave energy generator with oscillating float, Shandong key research and development plan, ,2018/01-2019/12, Participation;
6.Crack propagation and reliability optimization of large structural parts, ,2016/05-2020/12 Participation;
7.life performance prediction of mechanical system based on wear prediction model, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2015.5-2018.04, principal;
8.development of a digital prototype of the excavator with full life performance, SanyHeavyIndustry, principleInvestigator;
9.Research on fretting fatigue of main bearing joint surface of cast iron body, Weichai Power Company Limited, 2017/10-2020/12, Participation.

Major Publication:
1.Zhao B, Zhang B, Zhang K. Modelling three-dimensional soft elastohydrodynamic lubrication contact of heterogeneous materials. Tribology International. 2018.
2.Bo Zhao*, Kun Zhou, and YouBai Xie, A new numerical method for planar multibody system with mixed lubricated revolute joint,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.113: 105-119(2016).
3.Bo Zhao, Xudong Dai, Zhinan Zhang, Youbai Xie, A new numerical method for piston dynamics and lubrication analysis, Tribology International, 94: 395-408 (2016).
4.Bo Zhao*, Zhinan Zhang, Congcong Fang, Xudong Dai, Youbei Xie, Modeling and analysis of planar multibody system with mixed lubricated revolute joint, Tribology International.98: 229-241(2016).
5.Bo Zhao, Fei Shen, Yi Cui, Youbai Xie, Kun Zhou*, Damage analysis for an elastic-plastic body in cylindrical contact with a rigid plane,Tribology International.115: 18-27(2017).
6.Shen Fei, Bo Zhao, Lin Li, Chee Kai Chua, Kun Zhou*, Fatigue damage evolution and lifetime prediction of welded joints with the consideration of residual stresses and porosity,International Journal of Fatigue, 103: 272–279(2017) .
7.Bo Zhao*, Xudong Dai, Zhinan Zhang, Youbai Xie, Numerical study of the effects on clearance joint wear in flexible multibody mechanical systems,Tribology Transactions.58.3: 385-396(2015).
8.Bo Zhao*, Yi Cui, Youbai Xie, Kun Zhou, Dynamics and lubrication analyses of a planar multibody system with multiple lubricated joints.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2018,232(3),326-346.
9.Bo Zhao, Xudong Dai*, Zhinan Zhang, Shihao Wu, Youbai Xie, “Numerical study of parametric effects on joint wear in the flexible multibody systems with different flexibilities and clearance sizes”,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology.228(8):819-835(2014).
10.Bo Zhao, Zhinan Zhang, Xudong Dai*, Modeling and prediction of wear at revolute clearance joints in flexible multibody systems,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 228.2: 317-329(2014).
11.Liang Wang, Bo Zhao, Jiayi Wu, Chuanyong Chen, Kun Zhou*, “Experimental and numerical investigations on failure behaviors of woven fabric composites under off-axial loading”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.2018,141,157-167
12.Bo Zhao, ZhiNan Zhang, XuDong Dai, “Prediction of Wear at Revolute Clearance Joints in Flexible Mechanical Systems”, International Tribology Conference MALAYSIA 2013. Procedia Engineering,. 68: 661-667(2013).( Best Paper)
13.Bo Zhao, Xudong Dai, Shihao Wu, “ Effects of Mechanical Flexibility and Clearance Size on the Wear at Revolute Joint in the Flexible Multibody Systems”, 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
14.Bo Zhao, Fei Shen, “A numerical coupling model for a multibody system with multiple lubricated clearance joints”, 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL, AERONAUTICAL AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (ICMAA 2017).Malacca, MALAYSIA,108:15006 (2017).

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