

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27

教授 博士生导师
2019.01-2019.12, 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校动物科学专业,访问****
全基因组选择核心技术方面。 全基因组选择育种是通过整个基因组SNP连锁分析找到与表型性状有关的标记或数量性状基因座,并估计个体全基因组估计育种值,成倍提高遗传进展的育种研究。本人与国际遗传育种知名****美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Professor Guilherme J. M. Rosa,构建深层稀疏结构神经网络对基因位点上位互作非线性效应进行了设计,扩展了全基因组选择育种值估计的计算模型,以第一作者身份共同发表于美国动物科学学会(American Society of Animal Science)会刊《Journal of Animal Science》 上。深度学习算法是基于神经网络全基因选择核心技术的关键问题,本人针对全基因组选择中可以存在大量位点效应值非常小或无互作的情况,构建稀疏结构神经网络进行描述标记稀疏互作,并利用研究在非凸约束神经网络深度学习算法及其收敛性方面做了大量的工作,以通讯作者身份分别发表TOP期刊——美国电子电器学会(IEEE)会刊《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》与《Neural Networks》
全基因组选择中表型性状分析方面,精确、快速、高通量的数量性状提取是全基因选择研究的重要前提,本人利用计算机成像处理技术对扇贝外形、纹路等数量性状,进行了精细提取和描述;提出了基于高斯核匹配滤波结合多尺度PDE的全变分模型对贝壳图像中管状纹路进行迭代分割提取处理新方法,在不同尺度下得到了的精细纹路,得到了大量扇贝生长点的信息,并拟合扇贝生长过程Logistic函数;同时,成功实现了不同种类外形相似的扇贝类别区分,为扇贝趋同进化中形态学分类提供了有效方法,相关内容以通讯作者身份,发表在著名期刊——英国生态学会(British Ecological Society)会刊《Ecology and Evolution》及美国数学科学研究所(American institute of mathematical sciences AIMS)会刊《Inverse Problem and Imaging》
全基因选择在扇贝育种应用方面。本人利用上的2b-rad技术和全基因组选择中对扇贝进行遗传参数,育种值估计,抗逆性状遗传解析方面做了大量原创工作,相关内容以第一或通讯作者身份发表于水产领域TOP期刊 《Aquaculture》,《Marine Biotechnology》,《Frontiers in Genetics》。
1 虾夷扇贝温度相关动态性状的全基因组选择分析/**,国家自然科学基金面上项目。
1. “An R package for Fitting Sparse Neural Networks with Application in Animal Breeding”.Journal of Animal Science. 2018.96:2016–2026. (中科院,SCI一区TOP IF 1.813
2. “DynamicalBehavior of Nonautonomous Stochastic Reaction– Diffusion Neural-Network Models”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.2019/4/30(5). (中科院,SCI一区TOP IF 11.683)
3. “Dynamical Behavior of Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Hopfield Neural Networks Driven by Infinite Dimensional Wiener Processes”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2016. 27(9):1816-1826. (中科院,SCI一区TOP IF 6.1
4.“Stability of stochastic impulsive reaction diffusion neural networks with S-type Distributed delays and its application to Image encryption”. Neural Networks . 2019/8/116. (中科院,SCI一区TOP 5.78
5. “Expression of cathepsin f in response to bacterial challenges in yesso scallop patinopecten yessoensis”. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2018. 80, 141-147. (中科院,SCI一区TOP
6. “Estimating realized heritability for growth in Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) using genome-wide complex trait analysis”.Aquaculture, 2018. 497:103–108. (中科院,SCI二区TOP
7.Predicting growth traits with genomic selection methods in Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri).” Marine Biotechnology. 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10126-018-9847-z . 中科院,SCI二区
8. “Existence-uniqueness and stability of reaction-diffusion stochastic Hopfield neural networks with S-type distributed time delays”. Neurocomputing.2017. 275 :470–477 (中科院,SCI二区
9. “Existence, uniqueness and stability of mild solutions to stochastic reaction–diffusion Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with delays and Wiener processes”. Neurocomputing,2017. 275 :470–477 (中科院,SCI二区
10. “Retinal vessel segmentation using a finite element based binary level set method”.Inverse Problems & Imaging, 2014, 8 (2) : 459-473. (中科院,SCI二区
11. “Using a multiscale image processing method to characterize the periodic growth patterns on scallop shells.”Ecology and Evolution. 2017. 7(5): 1616–1626. SCI
12. “Robust Exponential Synchronization for Stochastic Delayed Neural Networks with Reaction–Diffusion Terms and Markovian Jumping”. Neural Processing Letters 2017 .doi.org/10.1007/s11063-017-9756-6 SCI

13. “Learning non-negativity constrained variation for image denoising and deblurring”. Numerical Mathematics Theory Methods & Applications,10(4), 852-871.SCI

14. “Performance comparison of two efficient genomic selection methods (gsbay & MixP) applied in aquacultural organisms”. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2017 , 16 (1) :137-144 SCI


16.基于深度学习神经网络赤潮灾害预测软件,中国海洋大学, 2016SR175844

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