

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26

何治宇,男,汉族, 1988年出生,医学博士,教授
何治宇于2017年在中山大学中山医学院获得医学博士学位,师从美国哥伦比亚大学教授,美国工程院院士,生物材料领域顶刊Biomaterials主编KamW. Leong教授;2016/12-2017/06美国约翰霍普金斯大学访学; 2017/06-2020/01,美国约翰霍普金斯大学(纳米生物技术研究所&材料科学与工程学院)博士后研究员;合作导师:Hai-Quan Mao教授;2020/03-至今,中国海洋大学教授,青年英才第一层次岗位。
近3年已累计在领域内知名杂志ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Nanoscale, Acta Biomaterilia,Advanced Healthcare Materials, Advanced Therapeutics, Biomaterials Science等上发表SCI论文20余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者文章发表14篇,申请专利(国际、美国、中国)共5项,其中授权2项。
Gui, Zaizhi, Jinchang Zhu, Song Ye, Juan Ye, Jiao Chen, Yuanyuan Ling, Xueting Cai, Peng Cao,Zhiyu He*, and Chunping Hu*.Prolonged melittin release from polyelectrolyte-based nanocomplexes decreases acute toxicity and improves blood glycemic control in a mouse model of type II diabetes.International Journal of Pharmaceutics577 (2020): 119071.共同通讯作者,IF: 4.85 JCR 1区&中科院2区TOP期刊
Nie, Tianqi#,Zhiyu He#*, Jinchang Zhu, Lixin Liu, and Yongming Chen*.One‐Pot Synthesis of PEGylated Lipoplexes to Facilitate Mucosal Permeation for Oral Insulin Gene Delivery.Advanced Therapeutics3, no. 3 (2020): **.共同第一作者&通讯作者
He, Zhiyu*, Tianqi Nie, Yizong Hu, Yang Zhou, Jinchang Zhu, Zhijia Liu, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Yongming Chen, and Hai-Quan Mao.A polyphenol-metal nanoparticle platform for tunable release of liraglutide to improve blood glycemic control and reduce cardiovascular complications in a mouse model of type II diabetes.Journal of Controlled Release318 (2020): 86-97.第一作者&通讯作者IF: 7.73 JCR 1区&中科院1区TOP期刊
Lyu, Jingtong, Long Chen, Jiqiang Zhang, Xia Kang, Yunjiao Wang, Wenjie Wu, Hong Tang, Jun Wu*,Zhiyu He*, and Kanglai Tang*.A microfluidics-derived growth factor gradient in a scaffold regulates stem cell activities for tendon-to-bone interface healing.Biomaterials Science(2020).共同通讯作者IF: 6.18 JCR 1区&中科院2区 TOP期刊
Li, Yang, Yimin Niu, Jianhua Zhu, Qunwei Xu,Zhiyu He, Ming Xu, and Yang Liu.Tailor-made legumain/pH dual-responsive doxorubicin prodrug-embedded nanoparticles for efficient anticancer drug delivery and in situ monitoring of drug release.Nanoscale12, no. 4 (2020): 2673-2685. IF: 6.9JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
Shi, Huihui, Ming Xu, Jianhua Zhu, Yang Li,Zhiyu He, Yuxia Zhang, Qunwei Xu, Yimin Niu, and Yang Liu.Programmed co-delivery of platinum nanodrugs and gemcitabine by a clustered nanocarrier for precision chemotherapy for NSCLC tumors.Journal of Materials Chemistry B8, no. 2 (2020): 332-342.IF: 5.34 JCR 1区&中科院2区

Fu, Zailin, Qiaomei Fan, Yang Zhou, Yi Zhao, andZhiyu He*.Elimination of Intracellular Calcium Overload by BAPTA-AM-Loaded Liposomes: A Promising Therapeutic Agent for Acute Liver Failure.ACS applied materials & interfaces11, no. 43 (2019): 39574-39585. 通讯作者IF: 8.76 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
Hu, Yizong,Zhiyu He, Yue Hao, Like Gong, Marion Pang, Gregory P. Howard, Hye-Hyun Ahn et al.Kinetic control in assembly of plasmid DNA/polycation complex nanoparticles.ACS Nano13, no. 9 (2019): 10161-10178. IF: 14.59 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
Nie, Tianqi#,Zhiyu He#*, Yang Zhou, Jinchang Zhu, Kuntao Chen, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Hai-Quan Mao, and Yongming Chen*.Surface Coating Approach to Overcome Mucosal Entrapment of DNA Nanoparticles for Oral Gene Delivery of Glucagon-like Peptide 1.ACS applied materials & interfaces11, no. 33 (2019): 29593-29603.共同第一作者&通讯作者 IF: 8.76 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
He, Zhiyu, Yizong Hu, Zaizhi Gui, Yang Zhou, Tianqi Nie, Jinchang Zhu, Zhijia Liu et al.Sustained release of exendin-4 from tannic acid/Fe (III) nanoparticles prolongs blood glycemic control in a mouse model of type II diabetes.Journal of Controlled Release301 (2019): 119-128.第一作者 IF: 7.73 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
Li, Meng-Fan,Zhi-Yu He, Guo-Yan Li, Qing-Zhu Zeng, Dong-Xiao Su, Jing-Lin Zhang, Qin Wang, Yang Yuan, and Shan He.The formation and characterization of antioxidant pickering emulsions: Effect of the interactions between gliadin and chitosan.Food Hydrocolloids90 (2019): 482-489. IF: 7.05 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
Peng, Jing, Long Chen, Kun Peng, Xuewen Chen, Jun Wu*,Zhiyu He*, and Zhou Xiang*.Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells co-culture enhances large segment bone defect repair.Journal of biomedical nanotechnology15, no. 4 (2019): 742-755.共同通讯作者IF: 4.48 JCR 1区&中科院2区
Chen, Long, Jun Wu, Fei Xing, Lang Li,Zhiyu He*, Kun Peng*, and Zhou Xiang*.Three-dimensional co-culture of peripheral blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells for bone regeneration.Journal of biomedical nanotechnology15, no. 2 (2019): 248-260.共同通讯作者IF: 4.48 JCR 1区&中科院2区
Le, Zhicheng, Yantao Chen, Honghua Han, Houkuan Tian, Pengfei Zhao, Chengbiao Yang,Zhiyu Heet al.Hydrogen-bonded tannic acid-based anticancer nanoparticle for enhancement of oral chemotherapy.ACS applied materials & interfaces10, no. 49 (2018): 42186-42197.IF: 8.76 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
He, Zhiyu, Yizong Hu, Tianqi Nie, Haoyu Tang, Jinchang Zhu, Kuntao Chen, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Yongming Chen, and Hai-Quan Mao.Size-controlled lipid nanoparticle production using turbulent mixing to enhance oral DNA delivery.Acta biomaterialia81 (2018): 195-207.第一作者 IF: 7.24 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
Tian, Houkuan,Zhiyu He, Chengxin Sun, Chengbiao Yang, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Hai‐Quan Mao, Zhijia Liu, and Yongming Chen.Uniform core–shell nanoparticles with thiolated hyaluronic acid coating to enhance oral delivery of insulin.Advanced healthcare materials7, no. 17 (2018): **.IF: 7.37 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
He, Zhiyu, Haoyu Tang, Xinru You, Keqing Huang, Arvind Dhinakar, Yang Kang, Qiaoli Yu, and Jun Wu.BAPTA-AM nanoparticle for the curing of acute kidney injury induced by ischemia/reperfusion.Journal of biomedical nanotechnology14, no. 5 (2018): 868-883. 第一作者IF: 4.48 JCR 1区&中科院2区
Zhao, Yi#,Zhiyu He#, Hai Gao, Haoyu Tang, Jianhua He, Qing Guo, Wenli Zhang, and Jianping Liu.Fine tuning of core–shell structure of hyaluronic acid/cell-penetrating peptides/siRNA nanoparticles for enhanced gene delivery to macrophages in antiatherosclerotic therapy.Biomacromolecules19, no. 7 (2018): 2944-2956.共同第一作者IF: 6.09 JCR 1区&中科院1区TOP期刊
Chen, Xing, Lili Zhao, Yang Kang,Zhiyu He, Fei Xiong, Xiang Ling, and Jun Wu.Significant suppression of non-small-cell lung cancer by hydrophobic poly (ester amide) nanoparticles with high docetaxel loading.Frontiers in Pharmacology9 (2018): 118.IF: 4.23 JCR 2区&中科院2区
He, Zhiyu, Zhijia Liu, Houkuan Tian, Yizong Hu, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Hai-Quan Mao, and Yongming Chen.Scalable production of core–shell nanoparticles by flash nanocomplexation to enhance mucosal transport for oral delivery of insulin.Nanoscale10, no. 7 (2018): 3307-3319.第一作者IF: 6.9 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊
He, Zhiyu, Jose Luis Santos, Houkuan Tian, Huahua Huang, Yizong Hu, Lixin Liu, Kam W. Leong, Yongming Chen, and Hai-Quan Mao.Scalable fabrication of size-controlled chitosan nanoparticles for oral delivery of insulin.Biomaterials130 (2017): 28-41.第一作者IF: 10.32 JCR 1区&中科院1区 TOP期刊

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