

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26



2007-2008,韦恩州立大学药理学专业, 联合培养博士


1. Guimei Huang,Xia Zhang*, Yuhua Fan, Caifeng Bi, Xingchen Yan, Zhongyu Zhang, andNan Zhang Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Theoretical Calculation of a NovelNickel(II) omplex with Dibromotyrosine and 1,10-Phenanthroline, Bull KoreanChemistry Society, 34(10): 2889-2894, 2013.(SCI)
2. Nan Zhang,Yu-Hua Fan,Cai-Feng Bi,Xia Zhang,Peng-Fei Zhang,Zhong-Yu Zhang,Xin LiSynthesis, Crystal Structure, Fluorescence and Thermostability of Ni(II),Zn(II), Cd(II) omplexes with Schiff Base 2-Acetylpyridine-d-tryptophan. Journal of Inorganic andOrganometallic Polymers and Materials,23(6): 1492-1500,2013.(SCI)
3. Zhang Zhen, Bi Caifeng,Buac Daniela, Fan Yuhua,Zhang Xia, Zuo Jian, Zhang Pengfei,Zhang Nan, Dong Lili, Dou Q. Ping*,Organic cadmium complexesas proteasome inhibitors and apoptosis inducersinhuman breast cancer cells.Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry , 123:1-10,2013(SCIIF 3.2
4.Zhang Xia, Frezza Michael, MilacicVesna, Ronconi Luca, Fan Yuhua, Bi Caifeng and Dou Q.Ping*. Inhibition oftumor proteasome activity by gold dithiocarbormate complexes via bothredox-dependent and independent processes. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.109: 162-172, 2010.(SCIIF 3.0
5. Xiao Yan, Chen Di, Zhang Xia,Cui Qiuzhi, FanYuhua, Bi Caifeng, Dou Q. Ping*.Molecular study on copper-mediated tumor proteasome inhibition and celldeath. International Journal of Oncology, 37(1): 81-87, 2010. (SCI)
6. Fan Yuhua*, WangYufang, BiCaifeng, Wang Qiang, Zhang Xia.Synthesis, crystal structure, and fluorescence properties of a Two-DimensionalCopper (Ⅱ) complex with Schiff base. Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry.36(7): 509-513, 2010. (SCI)
7. Xia Zhang, Caifeng Bi, Yuhua Fan, CindyCui, Di Chen and Q. Pingdou. Induction of tumor cell apoptosis by taurineschiff base copper complex is associated with inhibition of the proteasomalactivity.International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 22: 677-682 , 2008.(SCI)
8.Yan Xiao, Caifeng Bi, Yuhua Fan,Cindy Cui, Xia Zhang and Q. PingDou. L-glutamine Schiff base coppercomplex as a proteasome inhibitor and an apoptosis inducer in human cancercells. International Journal of Oncology, 33: 1073-1079,2008.(SCI)
相关话题/中国海洋大学 化学化工学院