

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26


中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院

1978/02-1982/02 山东海洋学院 气象学 理学学士
1997/09-2002/06 青岛海洋大学 气象学 理学硕士
2004/09-2007/06 中国海洋大学 气象学 理学博士

1975/11-19781/01 山东省气象局报务员
1982/02-2002/12 山东省气象科学研究所 工程师、高级工程师、研究员
2003/01-今 中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 教授


2016/01-2019/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄海近海至岸滨大气边界层垂直结构季节变化与海雾入侵 (**),总经费80.6万,主持
2015/08-2017/12山东省重点研发计划:黄渤海海雾卫星三维实时监测技术研究(2015GSF120005), 总经费18万,主持

Jingchao LONG, Suping ZHANG, Yang CHEN, Jingwu LIU, and Geng HAN, 2016,Impact of the Pacific–Japan Teleconnection Pattern on July Sea Fog over the Northwestern Pacific: Interannual Variations and Global Warming Effect, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, VOL. 33, APRIL ,2016,511–521
Yi Li, Zhang Suping, 2015, Spatio-temporaldetectionof fog/low stratus top height over the Yellow Sea with geostationary satellite data as a precondition for ground fog detection-a feasibility study, Atmos. Res., 151,212–223
Zhang Suping, Yang Chen, Jingchao Long, Geng Han, 2015, Interannual variability of sea fog frequency in the Northwestern Pacific in July, Atmos. Res., 151, 189–199
Liu Jing-Wu,Su-Ping Zhang, Shang-Ping Xie, 2013,Two types of surface wind response to the East China Sea Kuroshio front.J. Climate,26: 8616–8627, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00092.1
Zhang Supingand Yi Li, 2013,A Comprehensive Dynamic Threshold Algorithm for Daytime Sea Fog Retrievalover the Chinese Adjacent Seas.Pure Appl. Geophys. DOI 10.1007/s00024-013-0641-6,170(11),1931-1944
Zhang Suping, MAN LI,XIANGUI MENG, GANG FU, ZHAOPENG REN, and SHANHONG GAO, 2011, A Comparison Study Between Spring and Summer Fogs in the Yellow Sea-ObservationsMechanisms,Pure Appl. Geophys DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0358-3, 2012, 169(5-6), 1001-1017
Zhang Suping, Xie Shangping, Liu Qinyu, Yang Yuqiang, Wang Xingong, Ren Zhaoping, 2009, Seasonal Variations of Yellow Sea Fog: Observations and Mechanisms J.Climate, 22(24), 6758-6772
Zhang, Suping., and J. M. Lewis,2017, Chapter 6: Synoptic Processes Relevant to Marine Fog, Kora?in, D., and C. E. Dorman, eds, 2017: Marine Fog: Challenges and Advancements in Observations and Forecasting. ISSN 2194-5217, Springer Atmospheric Sciences ,DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45229-6.

2010年:国家发明专利授权,卫星遥感海雾特征量的实时提取方法,ZL 5.5,张苏平,吴晓京,刘应辰,张莫生,张纪伟,刘诗军 第1完成人
2010年:国家发明专利授权,海雾厚度和低云云低高度的实时获取方法,ZL 4.0,张苏平,刘诗军,刘应辰,刘敬武,任兆鹏,杨育强,王新功 第1完成人
2011年:国家发明专利授权,极轨气象卫星遥感白天和夜间海雾的检测方法,ZL 2008 1 **.X,吴晓京,张苏平,李三妹,张莫生,任素玲,曹治强,刘应辰,第2完成人
2011年:国家发明专利授权,静止气象卫星遥感白天和夜间海雾的检测方法,ZL 2008 1 **.7,吴晓京,张苏平,杨昌军,张莫生,李三妹,刘应辰,刘敬武 第2完成人

任国际雾和露学会科学委员会委员(member of Board of Scientific Committee, International Fog and Dew Association (IFDA);《海洋湖沼通报》副主编;山东海洋湖沼学会副秘书长。



Suping Zhang

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
Tel: +86-
Email: zsping@ouc.edu.cn

02/1978-02/1982, B.S. Meteorology, Oceanic College of Qingdao
09/1997-06/2002, M.S. Meteorology, Ocean University of Shandong
09/2004-06/2008, Ph.D. Meteorology, Ocean University of China

1975/11-1978/01, Telegraph Operator, Shandong Meteorological Bureau
02/1982-12/2002, Engineer, Senior Engineer, Researcher, Meteorological Institute of Shandong
01/2003-present, Professor, Ocean University of China

01/2016-12/2019, NSFC projectThe Seasonal Variations in Vertical Stratification of the Marine Atmosphere Boundary Layer and Sea Fog Invasion from Open Waters to Seashore over the Yellow Sea (**, 806k, PI
01/2012-12/2015, NSFC project“The Mechanisms of the Variation in Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Yellow and East China Sea and the Relations with Stratus and Fog” (**), 750k, PI
01/2012-08/2016, National Basic Research Program of China"973"project“The Response of the Indo-Pacific Oceans to Global Warming and the Their Role in Climate Change” (2012CB955600), 30m, Participant
08/2015-12/2017, Research and Development plan in Shandong Province“Sea Fog Detection from Satellites in the Yellow-Bao Hai Seas” (2015GSF120005), 180k, PI
01/2010-12/2010, NSFC project“Mechanism of Variations in the Stratification of Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Yellow Sea” (**), 180k, PI

Jingchao LONG, Suping ZHANG, Yang CHEN, Jingwu LIU, and Geng HAN, 2016,Impact of the Pacific–Japan Teleconnection Pattern on July Sea Fog over the Northwestern Pacific: Interannual Variations and Global Warming Effect, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, VOL. 33, APRIL ,2016,511–521
Yi Li, Zhang Suping, 2015, Spatio-temporaldetectionof fog/low stratus top height over the Yellow Sea with geostationary satellite data as a precondition for ground fog detection-a feasibility study, Atmos. Res., 151,212–223
Zhang Suping, Yang Chen, Jingchao Long, Geng Han, 2015, Interannual variability of sea fog frequency in the Northwestern Pacific in July, Atmos. Res., 151, 189–199
Liu Jing-Wu,Su-Ping Zhang, Shang-Ping Xie, 2013,Two types of surface wind response to the East China Sea Kuroshio front.J. Climate,26: 8616–8627, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00092.1
Zhang Supingand Yi Li, 2013,A Comprehensive Dynamic Threshold Algorithm for Daytime Sea Fog Retrievalover the Chinese Adjacent Seas.Pure Appl. Geophys. DOI 10.1007/s00024-013-0641-6,170(11),1931-1944
Zhang Suping, MAN LI,XIANGUI MENG, GANG FU, ZHAOPENG REN, and SHANHONG GAO, 2011, A Comparison Study Between Spring and Summer Fogs in the Yellow Sea-ObservationsMechanisms,Pure Appl. Geophys DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0358-3, 2012, 169(5-6), 1001-1017
Zhang Suping, Xie Shangping, Liu Qinyu, Yang Yuqiang, Wang Xingong, Ren Zhaoping, 2009, Seasonal Variations of Yellow Sea Fog: Observations and Mechanisms J.Climate, 22(24), 6758-6772
Zhang, Suping., and J. M. Lewis,2017, Chapter 6: Synoptic Processes Relevant to Marine Fog, Kora?in, D., and C. E. Dorman, eds, 2017: Marine Fog: Challenges and Advancements in Observations and Forecasting. ISSN 2194-5217, Springer Atmospheric Sciences ,DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45229-6..

[1] 2010:National Invention Patent,Method of Obtain Sea Fog Characteristics from Satellites (ZL 5.5),Suping Zhang, Xiaojing Wu, Yingchen Liu, et al.
[2]2011:National Invention Patent,Method of Detection Sea Fog during Daytime and Nighttime from Polar Orbit Satellites (ZL 8.X), Xiaojing Wu, Suping Zhang, Sanmei Li, et al.

Academic part-time
[1] Member of Board of Scientific Committee, International Fog and Dew Association (IFDA);
[2] Associate Editor-in-Chief of Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology
[3] Associate Secretary-General of Shandong Society for Oceanology and Limnology

Undergraduate: Introduction of Atmospheric Physics; Sea Fog
Graduate: Advanced Atmospheric Physics; Climate Change

Research Interests
Sea fog, marine low stratiform clouds and marine atmospheric boundary layer. Research interest covers synoptic, seasonal, interannual and climate scales for the mechanism of the variations in marine fog/stratus, local sea-air interaction, physical processes in marine atmospheric boundary layer, as well as the detection of marine fogs from satellites.

相关话题/中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院