

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-13







Email: l_li@ouc.edu.cn


2008/08–2012/08,美国奥本大学(Auburn University),渔业系,硕士、博士











1. Li, L, Dong, S. L., Tian, X. L., and Boyd, C. E.2013. Equilibrium Concentrations of Major Cations and Total Alkalinity in Laboratory Soil-Water Systems, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 25(1): 50-65.

2. Li, L., Boyd, C. E., Odom, J. W., and Dong. S. L.2013. Identification of Ictalurid Catfish Fillets to Rearing Location Using Elemental Profiling. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.44(3):406-414.

3. Li, L., and Boyd, C. E.and Odom, J. W., 2014. Identification of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) to Rearing Location Using Elemental Profiling. Food Control. 45: 70-75.

4. Li, L., Boyd, C. E.and Dong, S. L., 2015. Chemical profiling with modeling differentiates Ictalurid catfish produced in fertilized and feeding ponds. Food Control. 50:18-22.

5. Li, L., Queiroz, J. F. and Boyd, C. E., 2014. Pond Bottom Dryout, Liming Part I. Disinfection in Semi-Intensive Shrimp Ponds, Global Aquaculture Advocate. July /August: 34-35.

6. Li, L., Queiroz, J. F. and Boyd, C. E., 2015. Pond Bottom Dryout, Liming Part II. Limit Liming after Soil Testing,Global Aquaculture Advocate. January/February:14-15.

7. Guozhi Luo, Li Li, Qian Liu, Guimei Xu, Hongxin Tan, 2014.Effect of dissolved oxygen heterotrophic denitrification using poly(butylene succinate) as the carbon source and biofilm carrier. Bioresource Technology. 171:152–158.

8. Boyd, C. E. and Li, L. 2011. Reactions Between Pond Bottom Soil, Water, Global Aquaculture Advocate. May /June: 20-22,.

9.Boyd, C. E., Li, L., and Brummett, R. 2012. Relationship of Freshwater Aquaculture Production to Renewable Freshwater Resources, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 24: 99-106.

10. Chen Yao, Hong-Xin Tan, Guo-Zhi Luoand Li Li.2013. Effects of Temperature on Inorganic Nitrogen Dynamics in Sequencing Batch Reactors using Biofloc Technology to Treat Aquaculture Sludge. North American Journal of Aquaculture.75(4):463-467.

11. Wenyan Liang, Guozhi Luo, Hongxin Tan, NianNian Ma, Nan Zhang, Li Li. 2014. Efficiency of biofloc technology in suspended growth reactors treating aquacultural solid under intermittent aeration. Aquacultural Engineering. 59, 41-47.

12. Guozhi Luo, Qi Gao, Chaohui Wang.Wenchang Liu, Dachuan Sun, Li Li and Hongxin Tan. 2014.Growth, digestive activity, welfare, and partial cost-effectiveness of genetically improved farmed tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system and an indoor biofloc system. Aquaculture.422-423:1-7.


Boyd, C.E. and Li L. 2012. Environmental Issues in Pond Fertilization. Chapter 5 In Mischke, C.C.( Editor),Aquaculture Pond Fertilization:Impacts of Nutrient Input on Production. Wiley – Blackwell, New York.


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    中国海洋大学 免费考研网 2016-03-13
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    中国海洋大学 免费考研网 2016-03-13
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    中国海洋大学 免费考研网 2016-03-13
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    中国海洋大学 免费考研网 2016-03-13
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    中国海洋大学 免费考研网 2016-03-13
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    中国海洋大学 免费考研网 2016-03-13