

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-13

姓 名:王林山
职 称:教授、博导
职 务:副院长


1977.8—1980.12 在山东理工大学任教;
1980.12—1999.9 在聊城大学任教,历任助教、讲师、 副教授、教授、系副主任、教务处副处长;
1999.9—2002.6 在四川大学数学学院运筹学与控制论专业攻读博士学位;
2002.3—2009.10 在中国海洋大学任教,教授、博导、副院长。

毕业 硕士 24人,博士 5人。

1.主持国家自然科学基金项目《不确定时滞反应扩散神经网络的鲁棒稳定性》批准号:No.**, 金额,24万,起止时间2008.1-2010.12(已结题);
2.第一主研国家自然科学基金项目《格点动力系统与非线性波动方程的吸引子 》》批准号:**,起止时间 2002.1-2004.12 合作单位四川大学(已结题);
3.第一主研国家自然科学基金项目《迭代泛函微分方程中的小除数问题和解析解》批准号:**,起止时间 2009.1-2011.12合作单位山东大学.(以结题);
5.主持山东省自然科学重点基金项目《随机时滞反应扩散神经网络的非线性动态分析》No:ZR2011AZ001, 金额,10万,起止时间,2012.1-2014.12

1. 王林山著,时滞递归神经网络,科学出版社,2008年。
[1] Linshan Wang(王林山)and Daoyi Xu. Global exponential stability of Hopfeild reaction-diffusion neural networks with time-varying delays. Science in China(Series F), 46(2003)6:466-474(SCI IDS: 742CX ).
[2] Linshan Wang(王林山). Comments on ‘Robust stability for interval neural networks with time delay’ by X.F.Liao. IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks. 13(2002)1:250-252(SCI IDS: 514LE).
[3] Linshan Wang(王林山) and Daoyi Xu. Asymptotic behavior of a class of reaction-diffusion equations with delays. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 281(2003)2:439-453(SCI IDS: 691EF).
[4] 王林山,徐道义,变时滞反应扩散Hopfield神经网络的全局指数稳定性,中国科学(E辑),33(2003)6:488-495。
[5] Linshan Wang(王林山) and Daoyi Xu. Global asymptotic stability of associative memory neural networks with S-type distributed delays. International Journal of Systems Science, 33(2002)11:869-877(SCI IDS: 639KG).
[6] Linshan Wang(王林山) and Daoyi Xu. Stability for Hopfield neural networks with delay. Journal of Vibration and Control, 8(2002)1:13-18(SCI IDS: 530PN).
[7]Linshan Wang(王林山) and Daoyi Xu. Stability analysis of Hopfield neural networks with delay. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 23(2002)1:65-70(SCI IDS: 534QJ).
[8]Shengfan Zhou and Linshan Wang (王林山). Kernel sections for damped non-autonomous wave equations with critical exponent. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 9(2002)2:399-412(SCI IDS: 640BF).
[9]Linshan Wang(王林山) and Yuying Gao. On global robust stability for interval Hopfield neural networks with delay. Ann. of Diff. Eqs., 19(2003)3:421-426.
[10]Linshan Wang (王林山) and Yuying Gao. Global exponential robust stability of reaction-diffusion interval neural networks with time-varying delays. Physics Letters A, 305(2006)5,343-348(SCI IDS: 009FW).
[11]Min Wang and Linshan Wang (王林山). Global asymptotic robust stability of static neural network models with S-type distributed delays. Mathematical and Computer Modelling , 44(2006)2: 218-222 (SCI IDS: 055SX).
[12]Liao Wentong and Linshan Wang (王林山). Existence and global attraction f almost periodic solution for competitive neural networks with time-varying delays and different time Scales. Advances in Neural Networks,2006, (SCI IDS: BEM20).
[13] 王林山,徐道义,Hopfield型时滞神经网络的定性分析, 应用数学和力学,23(2002)1:59-64 (EI).
[14] Linshan Wang (王林山). Stochastic exponential stability of the delayed reaction-diffusion recurrent neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters. Physics Letters A, 356(2008)4,346-352 (SCI IDS 297MW).
[15]Linshan Wang (王林山). Robust stability of Cellular neural networks with delay. IET. Control Theory Appl., 18(2007)1, 56-63 (SCI IDS 156RS ).
[16] 周建平,陈红军,王林山, 一类变时滞神经网络的全局指数稳定性,控制理论和应用, 24(2007)3,431-435(EI).
[17]Linshan Wang (王林山), Ruojun Zhang and Yangfan Wang. Global exponential stability of reaction-diffusion cellular neural networks with S-type distributed time delays. Nonlinear Analysis, RWA ,10(2009): 1101-1113(SCI IDS 390CK).
[18] Linshan Wang (王林山), Yan Zhang, Zhe Zhang, and Yangfan, Wang . LMI-based approach for global exponential robust stability for reaction-dffusion uncertain neural networks with time-varying delay. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41(2009): 900-905(SCI IDS 462TO).
[19] Linshan Wang(王林山) and Yangfan Wang. LMI-based approach of global exponential robust stability for a class of uncertain distributed parameter control systems with time-varying delays, Journal of Vibration and Control, 15(2009)8: 1173-1185(SCI IDS 475VN).
[20] Wenlin Li and Linshan Wang(王林山). Stability and bifurcation of a delayed three-level food chain model with beddington-deangelis functional response. Nonlinear Analysis, RWA, 10(2009): 2471-2477(SCI IDS 429HJ).
[21] Ruojun Zhang and Linshan Wang(王林山). Global exponential robust stability of interval cellular neural networks with S-type distributed delays. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50(2009)3: 380-385(SCI IDS 463YJ ).
[22]Linshan Wang(王林山) and Yangfan Wang. Global exponential stabilization for a class of distributed parameter systems with Markovian jumping parameters and time-varying delay. Journal of Vibration and Control,17(2011)6:873-880.
[23] Yangfan Wang, Chunge Lu, Guangrong Ji, Linshan Wang(王林山). Global exponential stability of high-order Hopfield-type neural networks with S-ditributed time delays. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 16(2011)3319-3325.
[24]Yangfan Wang, Ping Lin, Linshan Wang. Exponential stability of reaction–diffusion high-order Markovian jump Hopfield neural networks with time-varying delays. Nonlinear Analysis, RWA ,13(2012)3:1353-1361.
[25]梁霄,王林山,时滞反应扩散Hopfield神经网络的滑动模控制,控制理论与应用,2012,29(1): 47-53(EI).
[26]Xiao Liang and Linshan Wang. Exponential stability for a class of stochastic reaction-diffusion Hopfield neural networks with delays. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, Article ID 693163(SCI).
[27]Weiwei, Zhang and Linshan Wang.Robust stochastic stability analysis for uncertain neutral-type delays neural networks driven by Wiener process. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, Article ID 829594(SCI).

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