

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-13

姓 名:李效敏
职 称:教授
职 务:


1987.9-1989.7 在泰安师范专科学校数学系读专科;
1989.7-1991.7 在曲阜师范大学数学系读本科;
1991.7-1994.9 在山东莱芜市第十七中学任教;
1994.9-1997.7 在华东师范大学数学系攻读硕士;
1997.7-1999.9 在山东莱芜市第十七中学任教;
1999.9-2002.7 在山东大学数学与系统科学学院攻读博士;
2002.7-今 在中国海洋大学数学科学学院任教.
自2002年七月以来, 本人先后讲授过高等数学、近世代数、高等数学与线性代数、
近几年来, 本人主要从事函数唯一性理论、亚纯函数正规族理论、
项目编号:**)总经费10万 ,本人2万,已圆满完成.
.高校博士点科研基金 (项目名称:亚纯函数的代数体函数唯一性问题的研究
项目编号: **)总经费5万,本人 1万,已圆满完成.
项目编号 A**). 总经费:3万, 已圆满完成.
项目编号: ZR2009AM008). 总经费:4万, 为在研项目.
(项目名称:函数唯一性与复域微分方程, 项目编号:**;
起 止年月:2008年1月至2010年12月),总经费26万,本人承担经费3万,
. 参与了仪洪勋教授主持的国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目:中俄合作项目。
(项目名称: 复分析及其应用, 项目编号: **;起 止年月:
2009年1月至2010年12月),总经费 9 万元,本人承担经费2万,
. 参与了仪洪勋教授主持的国家自然科学基金项目。
(项目名称: 函数方程,复微分方程与差分方程; 项目编号: **;
起 止年月:2012年1月至2015年12月),总经费 46 万元,本人承担经费10万,
[1]李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, Meromorphic functions that share three
values CM, J. Math.Soc. Japan., (56)2004, no.1, 147-167.
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[2]李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, On the uniqueness of an entire function
and its derivatives, Arch.Math.(Basel),89(2007),216-225.
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[3] 李效敏,Gao Cunchen, Entire functions sharing one polynomial with their derivatives, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 118(2008),13-26.
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[4]李效敏, Yi Hong-Xun, The uniqueness theorems of meromorphic
functions sharing three values and a set with two elements, J. Math.
Anal. Appl.,336(2007), 348-362.
(SCI, JCR分区3区期刊).
[5] 李效敏, Xu Hui-cai, On the uniqueness theorems of meromorphic
functions with weighted sharing of three values, J. Math. Anal.
Appl., 335 ( 2007), 642-656.(SCI, JCR分区3区期刊).
[6] 李效敏, Wang Limei, On the characteristics of meromorhic functions
with three weighted sharing values, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 332( 2007), 1087-1096.
(SCI, JCR分区3区期刊).
[7] 李效敏, Yi Hong-Xun, An entire function and its derivatives
sharing a polynomial,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,330(2007),66-79.
(SCI, JCR分区3区期刊).
[8]李效敏, Yi Hong-Xun,The uniqueness theorems of meromorphic functions sharing three
values and one pair of values, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,339(2008), 609-621.
(SCI, JCR分区2区期刊).
[9]李效敏, Yi Hong-Xun, weighted sharing of meromorphic functions relative
to small functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,343( 2008), 919-931.
(SCI, JCR分区2区期刊).
[10] Yi Hong-Xun,李效敏, Meromorphic functions sharing four values, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser A .83 (2007), 123-128.(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[11] Yi Hong-Xun,李效敏, On the result of Terglane concerning uniqueness of
meromorphic, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 33( 2002), 1785-1798.
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊). 
[12] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, Uniquess of meromorphic functions whose
derivatives share four small functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,
352( 2009), 573-582. (SCI, JCR分区2区期刊).
[13] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, Further results on weighted sharing of values
for meromorphic functions, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,  
49 (2009), 635-646.
(SCI, JCR分区,小类分区4区期刊,大类分区3区期刊).
[14] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun,Some results on the regular solutions of a
linear differential Equation,Comput. Math. Appl., 56(2008),
2210-2221. (SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[15] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, Results on weighted sharing of values for meromorphic functions, Ann. Polonici Math., 92 (2007), 55-67. (SCI).
[16]Jun Wang, 李效敏, The uniqueness of an entire function sharing
a small entire function with its derivatives,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,354 (2009), 478–489.
(SCI, JCR分区2区期刊).
[17] 李效敏,Gao Cunchen, On a kth-order differential equation,
Ann. Polonici Math., (89)2006, no.1, 53-63.
[18] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, A note on a unicity theorem of K.Tohge,
Kodai Math. J.,(25) 2002, no.3,227-239.
[19]李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, On a result of Terglane concerning three
Weighted sharing values,South Asian Bull.Math.,32(2008),1101-1114.
[20] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, Some further results on entire functions
sharing a polynomial with their linear differential polynomials,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 12(2008), 2405-2425. (SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[21] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, On the uniqueness of an entire function sharing  a small  entire function with some linear differential polynomial,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 59 (134) (2009), 1039–1058 .
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[22] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, On uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing three values and a set consisting of two small meromorphic functions, Annales Polonici Mathematici,
96 (2009), 1-23. (SCI, JCR分区4区期刊).
[23] 李效敏,高灵,Meromorphic functions sharing a nonzero polynomial CM,Bull. Korean. Math. Soc. 47(2010), 319-339 . (SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[24] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, On a uniqueness theorem of meromorphic functions concerning weighted sharing of three values, Bull. Malaysian Math. Sci. Soc. 33(2010), 1-16 .
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[25] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, The uniqueness theorems of meromorphic functions sharing three values and one pair of polynomials, Bull.Korean Math Soc. 47(2010), 751-765
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[26] 李效敏,Yi Hong-Xun, uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing a meromorphic function of
a smaller order with their derivatives, Annales Polonici Mathematici 98 (2010), 208-219.
(SCI, JCR分区3区期刊) .
[27] 李效敏, Zhi-Tao Wen, Uniqueness theorems of meromorphic functions sharing three values, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 56(2011), 215–232. (SCI).
[28] 李效敏, Hong-Xun Yi, Uniqueness of meromorphic functions whose nonlinear differential polynomials share a polynomial, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62(2011)539–550.(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[29]Xiao-Min Li, Cong-Yun Kang and Hong-Xun Yi, Uniqueness theorems of entire functions sharing a nonzero complex number with their difference operator, Arch.Math.96(2011), 577–587. (SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[30] Xiao-Min Li, Wen-Li Li, Hong-Xun Yi and Zhi-Tao Wen,Uniqueness theorems for entire functions whose difference polynomials share a meromorphic function of a smaller order,Xiao-Min Li, Wen-Li Li, Hong-Xun Yi, Zhi-Tao Wen4
Annales Polonici Mathematici 102 (2011), 111-127
(SCI, 2010年JCR分区3区期刊) .
[31] Xiao-Min Li and Hong-Xun Yi, Uniqueness of entire functions sharing an entire function of
smaller order with their derivatives, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 175, Number 1, 17-32.
[32] 李效敏,Ling Gao, Uniqueness results for a nonlinear differential polynomial,
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Science Society,
www.emis.de/journals/BMMSS/pdf/acceptedpapers/2009-06-041_R2.pdf, in press, accepted
(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[33] Xiao-Min Li, Hai-Yan Hu and Hong-Xun Yi, Uniqueness of Meromorphic functions whose derivatives share four small functions or values, Acta Matematica Scientia, reference number: E10-178, inpress, accepted.(SCI, JCR分区4区期刊) .
[1]Xiao-Min Li, Hong-Xun Yi and Cong-Yun Kang, A uniqueness result of meromorphic functions sharing three values with their difference operators, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, submitted.
[2]Xiao-Min Li and Hong-Xun Yi, Results on certain meromorphic functions sharing a nonzero polynomial with their derivatives, Houston Journal of Mathematics, submitted.
[3]Xiao-Min Li, Hong-Xun Yi and Wen-Li Li, Value distribution of certain difference polynomials of meromorphic functions, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, submitted.
[4]Xiao-Min Li, Entire functions sharing a finite set with their difference operators, Computational Methods and Function Theory, in press, revised.
[5]Xiao-Min Li and Hong-Xun Yi, Meromorphic functions sharing four values with their difference operators or shifts, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), submitted.
[6]Xiao-Min Li, Hong-Xun Yi and Cong-Yun Kang, Entire functions sharing an entire function of a smaller order with their shifts or difference operators, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society,
[7] Xiao-Min Li and Hong-Xun Yi, Certain meromorphic functions sharing a nonzero polynomial with their linear polynomials, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society — Simon Stevin, submitted.
[8] Xiao-Min Li and Hong-Xun Yi, Uniqueness of meromorphic functions whose nonlinear differential polynomials share one value or have the same fixed points in an angular domain, Acta Matematica Scientia, in press revised.
[9] ] Xiao-Min Li and Hong-Xun Yi, Results on total deficiency of meromorphic functions concerning Drasin

上一位:陈文轶 下一个:李长军
