本科生课程:主讲《环境生物学》,参讲《环境海洋学》;硕士研究生课程:主讲《海洋生物地球化学导论》,参讲《海洋生态动力学导论》;留学生课程:主讲《AnIntroduction to Marine Biogeochemistry》,参讲《AnIntroduction to Environmental Sciences》;博士研究生课程:主讲《海洋生物地球化学》。
1)邹立,高会旺,2013.研究生国际课程教学的语言问题与方法探讨(onlanguage issues and methods in international courses forpostgraduates).中国海洋大学高教研究(Highereducation research of Ocean University of China),2013,85,37-40.
于文涛,邹立,文梅,张亚昆,2015. 双台子河口水体有机碳分布特征研究.中国海洋大学学报,2015(02), 101-120.
叶曦雯,彭燕,牛增元,高永刚,罗忻,邹立,周明辉,2014.超高效液相色谱-线性离子阱/静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱鉴别纺织品中禁用芳香胺及其异构体.色谱,2014(09), 1005-1012.
彭燕,叶曦雯,牛增元,邹立,2014. 减少禁用偶氮染料复检次数方法的探讨.分析试验室,2014(06), 694-697.
张亚昆,杨丽标,雷坤,邹立,2013. 黄河下游沉积物-水界面氮磷交换与沉积通量研究.泥沙研究,2013(06), 66-74.
易柏林,邹立,文梅,万汉兴,张亚昆,2013. 双台子河口水环境质量综合评价.中国海洋大学学报,43(11),87-93.
刘叶,邹立,刘陆,高冬梅,2013.FDA水解酶分析法表征近海泥滩微生物活性.环境科学,34(10), 3818-3824.
彭溶,邹立,马勇,易柏林,张亚昆,贾永刚,2013.二氧化硫对土壤环境和土壤微生物的效应和机制研究.土壤通报,44(1), 116-121.
万汉兴,邹立,王丽,高亮,高会旺,2011.土壤阴离子表面活性剂总量亚甲基蓝法研究.环境科学与技术,12,147-151. (山东环境科学学会“2011年度环境保护优秀论文奖”一等奖)
Yang,L., Li, Z., Zou, L.,Gao, H., 2011. Removal capacity and pathways of phenolic endocrinedisruptors in an estuarine wetland of natural reed bed. Chemosphere,83(3), 233-239.
张鹏,邹立,姚晓,郭新宇,高会旺,山口一岩,2011.黄河三角洲潮间带营养盐的输送通量研究.海洋环境科学,30(1), 76-80.
Lv,X.X., Zou, L., Sun,B.W., Wang, J.T. and Sun, M.Y., 2010. Variations in lipid yields andcompositions of marine microalgae during cell growth andrespiration, and within intracellular structures. Journal ofExperimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 391(1-2), 73-83.
杨华,邹立,姚晓,张鹏,高会旺,2010. 应用直链烷基苯指征人文活动对黄河三角洲潮间带环境的影响.海洋环境科学,29(5), 728-732.
姚晓,山口一岩,邹立,高会旺,郭新宇,2010. 黄河三角洲南部潮间带沉积环境对底栖叶绿素a的分布特征的影响.生态学杂志,29(9), 1762-1769.
张鹏,邹立,姚晓,郭新宇,高会旺,山口一岩,2009. 黄河三角洲潮间带营养盐的分布特征及其影响因素.中国海洋大学,39(Sup.II), 381-388.
Zou,L., and Guo, L.D., Sun, B.W. and Sun, M.Y.,2008. Origins of High-Molecular-Weight DissolvedOrganic Matter in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Clue from Lipids andMolecular δ13C Ratios. The Open OceanographyJournal, 2, 1-5.
吕欣欣,邹立,刘素美,王芳,2008.胶州湾潮间带沉积物有机碳和叶绿素的埋藏特征.海洋科学,32(5), 40-45.
Zou,L., Sun, M.Y. and Guo, L.D., 2006. Temporalvariations of fatty acids and their stable carbon isotopiccompositions in dissolved, colloidal and particulate organic matterscollected from the Yukon River during an ice open season:implication for relative contributions of organic carbon fromvarious sources. Organic Geochemistry, 37(8), 944-956.
Sun,M.Y., Zou, L., Dai,J.H., Ding, H.B., Culp, R.A. and Scranton, M.I., 2004. Molecularcarbon isotopic fractionation of algal lipids during decompositionin natural oxic and anoxic seawaters. OrganicGeochemistry, 35, 895-908.
Zhang,J., Zou, L.,Wu, Y. and Lin, Y.A., 2004. Atmosphericwet deposition and change in phytoplankton biomass in the surfaceocean. GeophysicalResearch Letters, 31,L11310, doi:10.1029/2004GL019464.
Zou,L., Wang, X.-C., Callahan, J., Culp, R. A.,Chen, R. F., Altabet, M. A. and Sun, M.-Y.2004. Bacterial roles in the formation ofhigh molecular weight dissolved organic matter in estuarine andcoastal waters: Evidence from lipids and the compound-specificisotopic ratios. Limnology and Oceanography, 49, 297-302.
Zhang,J., Yu, Z.G., Raabe, T., Liu, S.M., Starke, A., Zou,L., Gao, H.W. and Brockman, U., 2004.Dynamics of inorganic nutrient species in the Bohai seawaters.Journal of Marine Systems, 44, 189-212.
ZouLi, Zhang Jing, Pan Wen-Xian and ZhanYun-Peng, 2001. In situnutrient enrichment experiment in the Bohai and Yellow Sea. Journalof Plankton Research, 23(10):1111-1119.
邹立,张经,2001.渤海春季营养盐限制的现场实验研究.海洋与湖沼,Vol.32(6), 672-678.
ZouLi, Chen Hong-Tao and Zhang Jing, 2000.Experimental examination of the effects of atmospheric wetdeposition on the primary production of the Yellow Sea. Journal ofExperimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 249, 111-121.
邹立,李永祺,1999.用QSAR法研究有机磷农药对海洋扁藻的构效关系.海洋与湖沼,30(2), 206-211. (本论文获项目优秀论文三等奖)
Zou,L., Yao, X., Yu, W.T. and Gao, H.W,2014.Preservation of organic carbon in the intertidal area of Yellow River Delta, North China.Poster at2014 Ocean ScienceMeeting, Hawaii, USA, Feb.22- Mar. 2, 2014.
Zou,L., Yao, X., Du. T.J., Yamaguchi, H., Guo,X.Y., Zhang, P. and Gao, H.W., 2011. Production and preservation oforganic carbon in the intertidal area of Yellow River Delta. LOICZOpen Science Conference“Coastal Systems, Global ChangeandSustainability”, Yantai, China 12-15 September, 2011.
Zou,L., Zhang, P., Yao, X., Guo, X.Y., Gao, H.W.and Yamaguchi, H., 2011. The distribution andbudget of nutrients in the intertidal area of the Yellow RiverDelta. Poster at the joint internationalworkshop of OCCOS and CHOICE-C, Xiamen, P.R. China, April 3-4, 2011.
Zou,L., Huang, C.L., Jia, Y.G., Mi, T.Z., Gao,Z.H. and Gao, H.W., 2008. The potential biological functions to theorganic carbon in the sediment in the Yellow River Estuary:implication from molecular fatty acids. Oralpresentation at the 2008International Environmental ForensicsConference, Qingdao, P.R. China, May 27-30, 2008.
Zou,L., Huang, C.L., Jia, Y.G., Mi, T.Z., Gao,Z.H. and Gao, H.W., 2008. Sourcesof organic carbon in the sediment from the Yellow River to theBohai: indicated by compound specific fatty acids. Oralpresentation at the 10thInternational Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium,Xiamen, P.R. China, May 18-22, 2008.
Zou,L., Yao, X., Yamaguchi, H., Wang, Q., Guo,X.Y., Gao, H.W., 2007. Biomass ofphytoplankton and microphytobenthos in the intertidal area of theYellow River Delta in summer, 2007. Oralpresentation at theThird Japan-China-KoreaJoint GLOBEC Symposium Hakodate,Hokkaido, Japan, December13-15, 2007.
Zou,L., Huang, C.L., Jia, Y.G., Mi, T.Z., Gao,Z.H., Gao, H.W., 2007. Sources andtransportation of organic carbon in the sediment from the YellowRiver to the Bohai: indicated by compound specific fatty acids.Oral presentation at thethird International workshop on the Yellow River Studies (ProjectLeader: Prof. Y. Fukushima), RIHN and Niijima-Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan, February 13 - 15, 2007.
黄翠玲,邹立,罗先香,2006. 黄河入海过程中常量离子变化规律研究.2006年中国科学院海洋科学学术研讨会,青岛,July 29-31.
Zou,L., Sun, M.Y. and Guo, L.D., 2006. Sourcesand transformation of organic carbon in HMW-DOM in the West-MiddleAtlantic Ocean: implicated by composition of lipid biomarkers andtheir isotopic ratios. Oral presentation atWestern Pacific Geophysics Meeting(WPGM) 2006,Beijing, China, July 24-27.
Sun,M.-Y., Zou, L., Dai,J., Ding, H., Culp, R.A. and Scranton, M.I., 2004. Stablecarbon isotopic alterations of algal lipids during decomposition inCariaco stratified oxic and anoxic seawaters.Oral presentation at the ASLO/TOS Ocean Research 2004 Conference,Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 15-20, 2004.
Zou,L., X.C. Wang, J. Callahan, R.A. Culp, R.F.Chen and M.Y. Sun, 2003. Carbon source andformation mechanism of HMW-DOM in estuarine and coastal waters:evidence from lipid composition and compound-specific isotopicratios. Oral presentation at the AquaticSciences Meeting of ASLO 2003 program, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Feb.9-14.
Zou,L. and Zhang, J., 2001. Simulatedexperiment on the growth of phytoplankton effected by atmosphericwet deposition.The 5thIOC/WESTPAC Science Symposium, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 27-31.
Zou,L. and Zhang, J., 2000. Experimentalestimation on the effect of rainwater on the growth ofphytoplanktons in the Bohai. Workshop on theproject supported by NSFC, The Ecosystem dynamics and bio-sourcesustainability on the Bohai, Qingdao, China, Dec. 9-10.
Zou,L. and Zhang, J., 1999. Effectsof nutrients, sediments and irradiance on phytoplankton on the BohaiSea cruise in 1998 and 1999. Workshop on theSino-Germany joint project, Analysis and modeling on the Bohai Seaecosystem, Hamburg, Germany, Dec. 9 to 12.
Zhang,J., Yu, Z. and Zou, L.,1998. Inter-relation between atmosphericdeposition and coastal environment and production.IOC-WESTPAC-Sida /SAREC workshop on Atmospheric Inputs of Pollutantsto the Marine Environment, Qingdao, China in June 24 to 26.
Zou,L. and Zhang, J., 1998. Effectsof rainwater on the primary production of the coastal Yellow Sea andJiaozhou Bay (in Chinese). Communicationamong the students of Mainland and Taiwan of China and Hong Kong inJuly, Hong Kong, July 18 to 28.
Zou,L. and Zhang, J., 1998. Effectsof coastal inputting materials on the marine primary production (asummary in Chinese). Communication among thestudents of Mainland and Taiwan of China and Hong Kong, Hong Kong,July 18 to 28.