

中国海洋大学 免费考研网/2016-03-12

职称:教授、博导, 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”获得者










2003- 今,中国海洋大学化学化工学院副教授、教授、博士生导师

2012- 今,海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室教授、博士生导师





1) Yongrui Pi, Nana Xu, Mutai Bao*, Yiming Li, Dong Lv, PeiyanSun. Oil-spill bioremediation on marine shoal and toxicity effect assessment onmicroalgae [J]. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, DOI:10.1039/C5EM00005J

2) Yongrui Pi,Zhonghuan Zheng, Mutai Bao*, YimingLi, Yingying Zhou, Guoliang Sang. Treatment of Partially HydrolyzedPolyacrylamide Wastewater by Combined Fenton Oxidation and Anaerobic BiologicalProcesses [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2015.01.034

3) Xinping Wang, Yuhui Zhao, Peiyan Sun, Min Ji, Mutai Bao*. Automatic Integration Method for Single and Multi-peaks of GC and GC-MSChromatogram of Oil Characteristic Compounds [J]. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 2670-2679.DOI: 10.1039/C4AY03088E

4) L.J. Tong, M.T.Bao, Y.M. Li*, H.Y. Gong, L.S. Wang. Interfacial dynamic anddilational rheology of catanionic two–component nanoparticle systems atair-water interface [J]. Applied surface Science, 2014, 316: 147-154.

5) Yiming Li*, Haixia Zhang, ZhiningWang, Mutai Bao. Micelle-vesicletransitions in catanionic mixtures of SDS/DTAB induced by salt, temperature,and selective solvents: a dissipative particle dynamics simulation study [J]. Colloidand Polymer Science, 2014, 292:2349-2360.

6) Mutai Bao*, Peiyan Sun*, Xiaofei Yang, Xinping Wang, Lina Wang, Lixin Cao, Fujuan Li.Biodegradation of marine surface floating crude oil in a large-scale fieldsimulated experiment [J]. EnvironmentalScience: Processes & Impacts, Environ. Sci.: ProcessesImpacts, 2014, 16(8): 1948-1956.

7) Mutai Bao*, Yongrui Pi, Lina Wang, Peiyan Sun,Yiming Li, Lixin Cao. Lipopeptidebiosurfactant production bacteria Acinetobacter sp. D3-2 and its biodegradationof crude oil [J]. EnvironmentalScience: Processes & Impacts, 2014,16(4):897-903.

8) M. Bao, T.Liu, Z. Chen*, L. Guo, G. Jiang, Y. Li, and X. Li. A Laboratory Study for Assessing MicrobialEnhanced Oil Recovery [J]. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery,Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2013,35:22, 2141-2148.

9) Nana Xu, MutaiBao*, Peiyan Sun, YimingLi. Study on bioadsorption andbiodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by a microbial consortium [J].Bioresource Technology, 2013, 149,22-30.

10) Qingguo Chen, Mutai Bao*, Xiaoning Fan,Shengkang Liang, Peiyan Sun. Rhamnolipids enhance marine oil spillbioremediation in laboratory system [J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 71, 269-275.

11) Mutai Bao*, Qingguo Chen, Yuanjiao Gong, Yiming Li,Haifeng Wang, Guancheng Jiang. Removal efficiency of heavy oil by free andimmobilized microorganisms on laboratory-scale [J]. Canadian Journal ofChemical Engineering, 2013, 91(1),1-8.

12) Yiming Li*,Yingyan Guo, Guiying Xu, Zhining Wang, MutaiBao, Nuannuan Sun. Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation on the Propertiesof the Oil/Water/Surfactant System in the Absence and Presence of Polymer [J].Molecular Simulation, 2013, 39(4), 299-308.

13) 孙暖暖, 李一鸣*, 王东翔, 包木太, 童林娟. Pluronic 三嵌段共聚物在油水界面上自组装行为的介观模拟研究[J]. 化学学报, 2013, 71, 186-192, SCI四区

14) Mu-tai Bao*, Li-na Wang, Pei-yan Sun, Li-xin Cao, Jie Zou, Yi-ming Li. Biodegradationof crude oil using an efficient microbial consortium in a simulated marineenvironment [J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2012, 64(6), 1177-1185.

15) Yiming Li*, Haixia Zhang, Mutai Bao, Qingguo Chen. Aggregationbehavior of Surfactants with Different Molecular Structures in AqueousSolution: DPD Simulation Study [J]. Journal ofDispersion Science and Technology, 2012,33, 1437-1443.

16) Yiming Li*, Haixia Zhang, Mutai Bao, Zhining Wang. Dissipative particle dynamics simulation on the association betweenpolymer and surfactant: Effects of surfactant and polymer feature [J]. ComputationalMaterials Science, 2012, 63,154-162.

17) Yiming Li*, Mutai Bao, Zhining Wang, Haixia Zhang, GuiyingXu. Aggregation behavior and complex structure between triblock copolymer andanionic surfactants [J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2011, 985, 391-396.

18) Yiming Li*, Yingyan Guo, Mutai Bao,Xueli Gao. Investigation of Interfacial and Structural Properties of CTAB atthe Oil/Water Interface Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations[J]. Journalof Colloid and Interface Science, 2011,361, 573-580.

19) MutaiBao*, Qingguo Chen, Yiming Li, Guancheng Jiang. Biodegradation of partially hydrolyzedpolyacrylamide by bacteria isolated from production water after polymer floodingin an oil field [J]. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2010, 184:105-110.

20) Guancheng Jiang*, Mutai Bao, Chaofeng Ji, Xianping Ma,Yihua Yao. Study and Application on the Oil-film Method Used for ReservoirProtection Drilling and Completion Fluid Systems [J]. Journal of DispersionScience and Technology, 2010,31(9):1273-1277.

21) MutaiBao*, Xiangping Kong, Guancheng Jiang, Xiulin Wang, Ximing Li.Laboratory Study on Activating Indigenous Microorganisms to Enhance OilRecovery in Shengli Oil Field [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering,2009, 66: 42-46.

22) Peiyan Sun*, Mutai Bao, Guangmei Li, Xinping Wang,Yuhui Zhao, QingZhou, Lixin Cao. Fingerprinting and source identification of anoil spill in ChinaBohaiSeaby gas chromatography-flame ionization detection and gas chromatography–massspectrometry coupled with multi-statistical analyses [J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216 (5): 830-836.

23) BaoMu-Tai*, Sun Pei-Yan, Cui Wen-Lin, Gao Zheng-Hui. Crude OilIdentification Using Multistatistical Analysis Based on Characteristic Ratios. ChineseJournal of Analytical Chemistry, 2008,36(4):483-488.

24) 包木太*,孙培艳,崔文林,高振会. 基于石油烃特征比值的多元统计方法进行原油鉴别. 分析化学, 2008, 36(4), 483-488.

25) 于良民,闫雪峰, 包木太,李昌诚, 姜晓辉,闫 菊,董 磊.含辣素和磺酸基的疏水缔合聚合物及其制备方法, 国家发明专利, 专利号:ZL**5.3.

26) 包木太,沈田田,李一鸣,陆金仁,皮永蕊, 王腾. 一种海底溢油行为归宿的实验模拟装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号: **1.7

27) 陆金仁, 梁生康, 包木太, 单宝田, 田婷. 一种处理油田废水的方法及其专用设备, 国家发明专利, 申请号: **4.8.

28) 包木太, 孙培艳, 李一鸣, 郑秀谨, 王腾. 一种测定海洋悬浮溢油中石油烃浓度垂直分布的装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号:**3.1.

29) 包木太, 王腾, 李一鸣, 陆金仁, 郑秀谨. 一种模拟海洋滩涂溢油的实验装置, 国家发明专利, 申请号: **9.9

30) 包木太, 李一鸣, 孙培艳, 周青, 王丽娜. 海洋溢油微生物修复生物物理化学过程研究. 2013年山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学类)一等奖.

31) 包木太. 2011年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-11-0464)

32) 包木太, 陈庆国, 李一鸣. Biodegradation of partiallyhydrolyzed polyacrylamide by bacteria isolated from production water afterpolymer flooding in an oil field, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 青岛市第十届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖.

33) 崔文林, 孙培艳,包木太, 马挺, 王维华,杨晓飞, 李继业,李国强, 曲应洲,王丽娜. 海洋溢油污染的微生物修复技术应用研究. 2011年海洋创新成果奖(海洋科学技术研究)二等奖.
