本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-26
张兴林博士,1982年生,系浙江大学2016年“****”海外高层次人才引进,欧盟(荷兰)Rubicon****。2005年和2008年在中国农业大学分别获得学士和硕士学位,毕业后赴荷兰乌特勒之大学(Utrecht University)留学,并于2013年获得博士学位,之后在乌特勒支大学医学中心从事博士后研究;2014-2016年在英国牛津大学(University of Oxford)从事博士后研究并任职Rubicon研究员。
主要从事食源性致病菌的耐药和致病机理研究、微生物技术研发、细菌功能基因组学以及肠道菌群和益生菌研究。近年来以肠球菌、小肠炎耶尔森氏菌和布氏杆菌等为研究对象,结合新一代高通量测序技术和纳米新材料,建立和优化了M-TraM、Tn-seq、Cre-lox和热敏质粒介导的基因重组系统以及纳米颗粒磁性吸附技术等一系列国际领先的细菌微生物学方法,突破了肠球菌等重要细菌的研究瓶颈,搭建了有广泛应用价值的细菌学研究平台。在此基础上,申报人对肠球菌等细菌的耐药性、致病性、糖代谢、胆盐耐受以及遗传进化等方面进行了系统的研究,相关成果已发表在PLoS Genet、J Infect Dis、Environ Microbiol和Nature Nanotechnol等高影响力杂志上。
共发表SCI和国际会议论文30余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者发表论文8篇,平均影响因子9.6,论文引用次数超过1200次(Google scholar 2017年12月)。出版英文学术书籍一本(5万余字)。主持完成欧盟(荷兰)科研项目一项(Rubicon Grant);主持浙江大学“****”科研启动经费一项。参与多项欧盟重大科研项目,包括著名的微生物项目欧盟第七框架计划“细菌耐药性的进化和传播”(EvoTAR)和欧盟第六框架计划“预防和控制多重耐药肠球菌”(ACE)等。先后十余次赴欧美参加国际学术会议并作大会报告。获得由荷兰皇家微生物协会、美国微生物协会、荷兰Eijkman-Winkler研究所和中国国家留学基金委等颁发的多个学术奖项。
2016年6月— 2018年3月浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院
博士后,Rubicon研究员(Rubicon fellow)
2014年9月— 2016年6月英国牛津大学
2013年4月— 2014年8月荷兰乌特勒支大学
2008年9月— 2013年4月
2005年9月— 2008年7月
2000年9月— 2005年7月
B. Peng?,X. Zhang?,D.G.A.L. Aarts and R. Dullens. 2018. Superparamagnetic colloidal nickel nanocrystal clusters with antibacterial activity and bacteria binding ability.Nat Nano13, pages478–482 (2018)(IF:38.9)(?: Co-first author)
X. Zhang,V. de Maat, A.M. Guzmán, T.K. Prajsnar, J.R. Bayjanov, M. de Been, M. R.C. Rogers, M. J.M. Bonten, S. Mesnage, R. J.L. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2017.RNA-seq and Tn-seq reveal fitness determinants of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium during growth in human serum.BMC Genomics18 (1), 893(IF:3.7)
A.M. Guzmán,J. Wijngaarden, J.C. Braat, MRC Rogers, Majoor E, E.C. Brouwer,X. Zhang,J.R. Bayjanov,M.J.M. Bonten, R.J.L. Willems, W. van Schaik.2017. The Two-Component System ChtRS Contributes to Chlorhexidine Tolerance in Enterococcus faecium.Antimicrob Agents Chemother61(5). pii: e02122-16.(IF:4.3)
F.L. Paganelli,J. Huebner, K.V. Singh,X. Zhang, D. Wobser, J.C. Braat, B.E.M. Murray, J.M. Bonten, R.J.L. Willems, H.L. Leavis. 2016.Identification ofPhosphoenolpyruvate-Phosphotransferase system permease BepA involved inEnterococcus faeciumendocarditis and biofilm formation by a genome-wide screening approach.J Infect Dis15;214(2):189-95..(IF:6.0)
A.M. Guzmán, R.T. Urbanus,X. Zhang,D. Bierschenk, A. Koekman, M. van Luit-Asbroek, J.P. Ouwerkerk, M. Pape, M. Roest, M.J.M. Bonten, R.J.L. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2015.The N-terminal domain of the thermo-regulated surface protein PrpA ofEnterococcus faeciumbinds to fibrinogen, fibronectin and platelets. ?Sci. Rep17;5:18255..(IF:5.6)
R. Ladjouzi, A. Bizzini, W. van Schaik,X. Zhang, A. Rincé, A. Benachour, A. Hartke.2015. Loss of antibiotic tolerance in Sod-deficient mutants is dependent on the energy source and arginine catabolism in enterococci.J BacteriolDOI: 10.1128/JB.00389-15.(IF:2.8)
X. Zhang*, M. Rogers, D. Bierschenk, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2013. A LacI-family regulator activates maltodextrin metabolism ofEnterococcus faecium.PLoS One8(8): e72285. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.(IF:4.1;*通讯作者)
X. Zhang*, D. Bierschenk, J. Top, I. Anastasiou, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, and W. van Schaik. 2013. Functional genomic analysis of bile salt resistance inEnterococcus faecium.BMC Genomics14:299 doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-299.(IF:4.1;*通讯作者)
J. Top, F.L.Paganelli,X. Zhang, W. van Schaik, H.L. Leavis, M. van Luit-Asbroek, T. van der Poll, M. Leendertse, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems. 2013.TheEnterococcus faeciumenterococcal biofilm regulator, EbrB, regulates theespoperon and is implicated in biofilm formation and intestinal colonization.PLoS One8 (5), e65224.(IF:4.1)
X. Zhang, J. Top, M. de Been, D. Bierschenk, M. Rogers, M. Leendertse, M. J. Bonten, T. van der Poll,R. J. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2013. Identification of a genetic determinant in clinicalEnterococcus faeciumstrains which contributes to intestinal colonization during antibiotic treatment.J Infect Dis207 (11): 1780-1786. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jit076.(IF:6.4)
F.L.Paganelli, R. J. Willems, P. Jansen, A. Hendrickx,X. Zhang, M. J. Bonten, H.L. Leavis. 2013.Enterococcus faeciumbiofilm formation: identification of major autolysin AtlAEfm, associated Acm surface localization, and AtlAEfm-independent extracellular DNA release.mBiodoi: 10.1128/mBio.00154-13.(IF:5.3)
X. Zhang, F. L. Paganelli, D. Bierschenk, A. Kuipers, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, and W. van Schaik.2012. Genome-wide identification of ampicillin resistance determinants inEnterococcus faecium.PLoS Genet8:e**.(IF:9.5)
F. Lebreton, W. van Schaik, M. Sanguinetti, B. Posteraro, R. Torelli, F. L. Bras, N. Verneuil,X. Zhang, A. Dhalluin, R. J. Willems, R. Leclercq and V. Cattoir. 2012. AsrR is an Oxidative stress sensing regulator modulatingEnterococcus faeciumopportunistic traits, antimicrobial resistance and pathogenicity.PLoS Pathog8(8): e**.(IF:9.1)
X. Zhang, J. E. Vrijenhoek, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, and W. van Schaik. 2011. A genetic element present on megaplasmids allowsEnterococcus faeciumto use raffinose as carbon source.Environ Microbiol13:518-28.(IF:5.5)
X. Zhang, J. Ren, N. Li, W. Liu, and Q. Wu. 2009. Disruption of the BMEI0066 gene attenuates the virulence ofBrucella melitensisand decreases its stress tolerance.Int J Biol Sci5:570-7. (2014IF:4.5)
Y. L. Cong, J. Pu, Q. F. Liu, S. Wang, G. Z. Zhang,X. L. Zhang, W. X. Fan, E. G. Brown, and J. H. Liu. 2007. Antigenic and genetic characterization of H9N2 swine influenza viruses in China.J Gen Virol88:2035- 41.(IF:3.1)
J. Liu, H. Xiao, F. Lei, Q. Zhu, K. Qin, X. W. Zhang,X. L. Zhang, D. Zhao, G. Wang, Y. Feng, J. Ma, W. Liu, J. Wang, and G. F. Gao. 2005. Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds.Science309:1206.(IF:31.9)
Xinglin Zhang. Functional Genomics ofEnterococcus faecium: Antibiotic Resistance and Niche Adaptation. (2013; book;国际标准书号ISBN:978-94-6108-407-1;共52819字)
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
Best Poster Presentation Award in Conference of Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology
American Society for Microbiology Student Travel Award
Eijkman-Winkler Institute Award for excellent scientific achievement and presentation
American Society for Microbiology Student Travel Award
Comprehensive analyses of the essential genome and the virulence determinants ofYersinia enterocolitica
European Union Sixth Framework Programme “Approaches to Control multi-resistant Enterococci (ACE): Studies on molecular ecology, horizontal gene transfer, fitness, and prevention” under contract LSHE-CT-2007-037410.
项目由7个来自不同国家的实验室合作完成,项目总负责人Rob Willems为本人的导师。
该项目由来自8不同国家的15个实验室合作申请和实施,项目总负责人Rob Willems和Willem van Schaik为本人的导师。
Functional genomics ofEnterococcus faecium.
From harmless gut commensal to antibiotic-resistant hospital bug.
英国Wellcome Trust项目
Bacterial immune evasion.
X.Zhang,M. Rogers,et al.Combining enrichment culturing and metagenomic sequencing: characterization of populations of enterococci and Enterobacteriaceae during antibiotic therapy.114thASM General Conference.第114届美国微生物协会大会美国2014
X.Zhang, D. Bierschenk,et al.Functional genomic analysis of bile salt resistance inEnterococcus faecium.7th International Conference on Gram-positive Microorganisms.第七届国际革兰氏阳性菌大会意大利2013
X.Zhang,J. Top,et al.Identification of a genetic determinant in clinicalEnterococcus faeciumstrains which contributes to intestinal colonization during antibiotic treatment.Gut Day.肠道会议比利时2013
X.Zhang,F. L. Paganelli,Det al.Genome-wide identification of ampicillin resistance determinants inEnterococcus faecium.112th ASM General Conference.第112届美国微生物协会大会美国2012
X.Zhang,F. L. Paganelli,Det al.Ampicillin resistance determinants ofEnterococcus faecium.Annual EvoTAR meeting.EvoTAR年会法国2012
X.Zhang,F. L. Paganelli,Det al.Genome-wide identification of ampicillin resistance determinants inEnterococcus faecium.NVMM & NVvMScientific Spring Meeting.荷兰微生物协会春季大会荷兰2012
X.Zhang,I. Anastasiou,et al.Comprehensive identification of genes required forantibiotic resistance and bile tolerance in the nosocomial pathogenEnterococcus faecium.100th Anniversary NVvM & Scientific Spring Meeting.荷兰微生物协会100周年大会荷兰2011
X.Zhang,I. Anastasiou,et al.Development of Microarray-based Transposon Mapping inEnterococcus faeciumand its application in the identification of genes required for bile resistance.ALW Platform Molecular GeneticsAnnual Meeting.ALW分子遗传学大会荷兰2010
X.Zhang,I. Anastasiou,et al.Development of Microarray-based Transposon Mapping (M-TraM) inEnterococcus faeciumand its application in the identification of genes required for bile resistance.3rd International ASM Conference on Enterococci.美国微生物协会第三届肠球菌大会美国2010
X.Zhang,J. E. Vrijenhoek, Met al.A large conjugative plasmid confers the ability to utilizeα-galactoside sugars as carbon source inE. faecium.NVMM & NVvM Scientific Spring Meeting.荷兰微生物协会春季大会荷兰2010
X.Zhang,J. E. Vrijenhoek, Met al.A novel conjugative element fromEnterococcus faeciuminvolved inα-galactoside metabolism.ESCMID Conference on Enterococci.欧洲临床微生物与传染病协会肠球菌大会西班牙2009
X.Zhang,J. E. Vrijenhoeket al.A novel conjugative element fromEnterococcus faeciuminvolved inα-galactoside metabolism.FEMS.欧洲微生物协会大会瑞典2009
X.Zhang,J. E. Vrijenhoek,et al.Metabolism ofα-galactosides inEnterococcus faecium.NVMM & NVvM Scientific Spring Meeting.荷兰微生物协会春季大会荷兰2009
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牛建蕊:女,博士,副教授,高级兽医师。学习与工作经历:2001.09-2005.07:青岛农业大学动物科技学院,动物医学专业毕业并获得学士学位2006.09-2012.07:中国农业大学动物医学院,预防兽医学专业毕业并获得博士学位2012.08-2018.05:北京森康生物技术开发有限公司,兼任质量 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学农林科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王慧
王慧(1984.06-):女,中共党员,博士,教授,山东泗水人。中国畜牧兽医学会家畜环境卫生学分会、动物福利与健康养殖分会、兽医药理与毒理学分会理事。教育背景:2007.07毕业于聊城大学,获动物医学专业学士学位2012.07毕业于湖南农业大学,获临床兽医学专业博士学位工作经历:2012.07-20 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学农林科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-周元军
个人简历:周元军,教授,中共党员,江苏省邳州市人;1983.07毕业于山东农业大学动物医学专业;1983.07—2001.10,临沂农业学校,高级讲师;期间1994.09—1996.06,中共山东党校党政干部研究生班学习;2011.10—现在,临沂大学,教授。讲授过的课程:1、动物解剖学2、现代养猪 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学农林科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-秦四海
秦四海:男,1961年1月出生,山东日照人,中共党员,教授,获全国优秀教师、临沂师范学院中青年教学标兵等荣誉称号。1983年毕业于山东农业大学牧医系兽医专业,获农学学士学位;2006年12月获中国农业大学预防兽医硕士学位;1992-1993年在德国基森大学进修,获进修提高教育证书。主讲《动物传染病学 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学农林科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-韩照清
韩照清,男,中共党员,山东安丘人。2011年6月获得山东农业大学学士学位。2016年6月获得华中农业大学博士学位,研究方向为动物营养代谢病与中毒病,师从李家奎教授。2016年7月至2017年3月在正邦集团工作,从事实验室检测及技术服务工作。2017年4月至今,临沂大学任教。主要论文及著作Han,Z. ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26