江兆林,男(1963.12- ),山东沂源人。现任理学院院长、教授、硕士研究生导师,曾任外国语学院院长、国际合作处处长、国际交流学院院长,山东省中青年学术骨干,山东省教指委成员、美国数学会评论员、中国线性代数学会副秘书长、中国运筹学会线性规划分会理事。1986年7月本科毕业于曲阜师范大学并获学士学位,1993年6月研究生毕业于曲阜师范大学并获基础数学硕士学位,2003年12月博士毕业于西安电子科技大学并获理学博士学位,2004年1月至2006年12月为西安交通大学理学院在站博士后,2006年12月出站。1996年10月破格晋升为副教授,2001年10月晋升为教授。已在Sci China Math(中国科学)、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Linear Algebra and its Applications、Journal of Computational Mathematics、IET Signal Processing等50余种国内外学术期刊发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI 检索30篇,EI 检索29篇,ISTP检索3篇,在11种数学教育期刊发表论文15篇, 出版专著《循环矩阵》一部,主编、主审高校教材10多部, 主编、主审数学教育类读物8部。先后主持或参与了国家级、省级、省教委等课题17项。先后主讲过《数学分析》、《概率统计》、《高等数学》、《常微分方程》、《经济数学》、《初等数学论文选读》、《大学文科数学》。先后获市级优秀科研成果一、二、三等奖20 项;临沂市青年科技奖;临沂市跨世纪优秀青年人才奖;还多次获校青年教师教学能手、拔尖人才、中青年学术骨干、优秀教师荣誉称号。先后出访过10个国家(地区)的60多所大学(如:牛津大学、剑桥大学、哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学、东京大学、名古屋大学、京都大学、洪堡大学、巴黎高师、马德里完全大学、首尔大学、台湾大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学、莫斯科大学、圣彼得堡国立技术大学、列宾美术学院、水原大学)。
[12]循环矩阵的理论、算法及其应用, 中国博士后科学基金(),1万元,2004.3-2006.3,独立完成。
[15]数学规划在临沂区域经济建设发展中的应用研究,山东省教委基金,6 万元,2001.12-2004.12,第2 位。
[16]基于计算几何的模糊大规模多目标整数规划的算法,陕西省自然科学基金项目(2001SL08),1.5万元,第3 位。
[17]DNA计算在网络最优化中的应用,陕西省自然科学基金项目( 2002A 12),1.5万元,第3位。
[1]Zhao-lin Jiang, Ting-ting Xu, Norm estimates of w-circulant operator matrices and isomorphic operators for w-circulant algebra, Sci China Math. 2016, 59: 351–366.(SCI)
[2]Zhao-lin Jiang, Xia Tang, Analysis of the structured perturbation for the BSCCB linear system,Appl. Math. Comput. 277 (2016) 1–9. (SCI)
[3]Zhao-lin Jiang, Dan-dan Wang, Explicit group inverse of an innovative patterned matrix, Appl. Math. Comput. 274(2016) 220-228. (SCI)
[4]Zhao-lin Jiang, Tin-Yau Tam and Yan-feng Wang, Inversion of conjugate- Toeplitz matrices and conjugate-Hankel matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, DOI: 10.1080/**.2016.**. (SCI)
[5]Zhao-lin Jiang, Yun-cheng Qiao and Shu-dong Wang, Norm Equalities and Inequalities for Three Circulant Operator Matrices, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, DOI 10.1007/s10114-016-5607-z . (SCI)
[6]Zhao-Lin Jiang , Xiao-Ting Chen and Jian-Min Wang, The explicit inverses of CUPL-Toeplitz and CUPL-Hankel matrices, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, accepted. (SCI)
[7]Zhao-lin Jiang, Junxiu Chen, The explicit inverse of nonsingular conjugate-Toeplitz and conjugate-Hankel matrices, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 2015,DOI 10.1007/s12190-015-0954-y (EI)
[8]Xiao-ting Chen , Zhao-lin Jiang and Jian-min Wang, Determinants and Inverses of Fibonacci and Lucas Skew Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Sciences, 19(2): 1-20, 2016, Article no.BJMCS.28848.
[9]Yao Yu, Zhao-lin Jiang, On the Norms and Spreads of Fermat, Mersenne and Gaussian Fibonacci RFMLR Circulant Matrices, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,2016, 15:34-43.
[10]Ting-ting Xu, Zhao-lin Jiang, Exact Determinants of theRFPrLrR Circulant Involving Jacobsthal, Jacobsthal-Lucas, Perrin and Padovan Numbers, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, 2016, 15:215-225.
[1] Zhao-lin Jiang, Hong-xia Xin, Hong-wei Wang, On computing of positive integer powers for r-circulant matrices. Appl. Math. Comput. 265 (2015) 409–413. (SCI)
[2] Zhao-lin Jiang, Jian-wei Zhou, A note on spectral norms of even-order r-circulant matrices,Appl. Math. Comput. 250(2015), 368-371. (SCI)
[3] Hong-yan Pan, Zhao-lin Jiang, VanderLaanCirculantTypeMatrices, Abstract and Applied Analysis,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 329329, 11 pages.
[4] Li Liu, Zhao-lin Jiang, Explicit Form of the Inverse Matrices of Tribonacci Circulant Type Matrices, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 169726, 10 pages.
[5] Zhao-lin Jiang, Yun-lan Wei, Skew Circulant Type Matrices Involving the Sum ofFibonacci and Lucas Numbers, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 951340, 9 pages.
[6] Wen-ai Xu, Zhao-lin Jiang, Norms and Spread of the Fibonacci and Lucas RSFMLRCirculant Matrices, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 428146, 8 pages.
[7] Yan-peng Gong, Zhao-lin Jiang, and Yun Gao, On Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas Circulant Type Matrices, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 418293, 11 pages.
[8] Xia Tang , Zhao-lin Jiang, Analysis of the Structured Perturbation for the BCSCB Linear System, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID 471362, 8 pages.
[1] Jian-wei Zhou, Zhao-lin Jiang, The spectral norms of g-circulant matrices with classical Fibonacci and Lucas numbers entries,Appl. Math. Comput.233 (2014) 582–587. (SCI)
[2] Zhao-lin Jiang, Nuo Shen, and Juan Li, Determinants of the RFMLR Circulant Matrices with Perrin, Padovan, Tribonacci, and the Generalized Lucas Numbers, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 585438, 11 pages. (SCI)
[3] De-qian Fu, Zhao-lin Jiang, Yi-feng Cui, Seong Tae Jhang, New fast algorithm for optimal design of block digital filters by skew-cyclic convolution, IET Signal Process., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 633–638. (SCI)
[4] Zhao-lin Jiang, Ting-ting Xu, and Fu-liang Lu, Isomorphic Operators and Functional Equations for the Skew-Circulant Algebra, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 418194, 8 pages (SCI)
[5] Zhao-lin Jiang, Yan-peng Gong, and Yun Gao, Invertibility and Explicit Inverses of Circulant-Type Matrices with k-Fibonacci and k-Lucas Numbers, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 238953, 9 pages (SCI)
[6] Zhao-lin Jiang, On the Minimal Polynomials and the Inverses of Multilevel Scaled Factor Circulant Matrices, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 521643, 10 pages. (SCI)
[7] Zhao-lin Jiang,Juan Liand Jian-wei Zhou, Optimal Backward Perturbation Analysis for the Block Skew Circulant Linear Systems with Skew Circulant Blocks, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 523102, 8 pages (SCI)
[8] Zhao-lin Jiang, Fast Algorithms for Solving FLS R-Factor Block Circulant Linear Systems and Inverse Problem of Ax = b, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 340803, 9 pages (SCI).
[9] Zhao-lin Jiang, Jin-jiang Yao, and Fu-liang Lu, On Skew Circulant Type Matrices Involving Any Continuous Fibonacci Numbers, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 483021, 10 pages. (SCI)
[10] Zhao-lin Jiang, Yan-peng Gong and Yun Gao, Circulant Type Matrices with the Sum and Product of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 375251, 12 pages. (SCI)
[11] Zhao-lin Jiang,Dan Li, The invertibility, explicit determinants, and inverses of circulant and left circulant and g-circulant matrices involving any continuous Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 931451, 14 pages. (SCI)
[12] Juan Li, Zhao-lin Jiang, and Fu-liang Lu, Determinants, Norms, and the Spread of Circulant Matrices with Tribonacci and Generalized Lucas Numbers, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 381829, 9 pages (SCI)
[13] Zhao-lin Jiang, Hong-xia Xin, and Fu-liang Lu,Gaussian Fibonacci Circulant Type Matrices, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 592782, 10 pages. (SCI)
[14] Jian-wei Zhou, Xiang-yong Chen, and Zhao-lin Jiang, The Explicit Identities for Spectral Norms of Circulant-Type Matrices Involving Binomial Coefficients and Harmonic Numbers, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 518913, 7 pages (SCI)
[15] Ting-ting Xu, Zhao-lin Jiang, and Zi-wu Jiang, Explicit Determinants of the RFPrLrR Circulant and RLPrFrL Circulant Matrices Involving Some Famous Numbers, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 647030, 9 pages (SCI)
[16] Jin-jiang Yao and Zhao-lin Jiang, The Determinants, Inverses, Norm, and Spread of Skew Circulant Type Matrices Involving Any Continuous Lucas Numbers, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 239693, 10 pages. (SCI)
[17] Jian-wei Zhou, Zhao-lin Jiang, Spectral norms of circulant-type matrices with binomialcoefficients and Harmonic numbers,International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 11, No. 5 (2014), ** (14 pages). (SCI)
[18] Zhao-lin Jiang, Nuo Shen and Juan Li, On the Explicit Determinants of RFMLRand RLMFL Circulant Matrices Involving Jacobsthal Numbers in Communication, Proceedings of the 9thInternational Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications, Volume3, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 272, 401-408. (EI)
[19] Jian-wei Zhou, Zhao-lin Jiang, Spectral Norms of Circulant and Skew-Circulant Matrices with Binomial Coefficients Entries, Proceedings of the 9thInternational Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications, Volume2, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 271, 219-224. (EI)
[1] Zhao-lin Jiang, Fu-liang Lu, The sum and product of Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers representation by matrix method, Ars Combinatoria, 110, July 2013,143-151. (SCI)
[2] Tong-song Jiang and Zhao-lin Jiang, A numerical method for 1d time-dependent schrodinger equation using radial basis functions, International Journal of Computational Methods,Vol. 10, No. 2 (2013), ** (12 pages). (SCI)
[3] Juan Li, Zhao-lin Jiang, Nuo Shen and Jian-wei Zhou, On Optimal Backward Perturbation Analysis for the Linear System with Skew Circulant Coefficient Matrix, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 707381, 7 pages (SCI)
[4] Zhao-lin Jiang, Jing Wang, Fast Algorithms for Solving RFPrLR Circulant Linear Systems,WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 11, Volume 12, November 2013,1035-1044. (EI)
[5] Zhao-lin Jiang, Nuo Shen, Juan Li, The Spectral Decomposition of Some Tridiagonal Matrices, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,Issue 12, Volume 12, December 2013, 135-1145.(EI)
[6] Zhao-lin Jiang, Efficient algorithms for finding the minimal polynomials and the inverses of level-k FLS (r1,……, rk)-circulant matrices, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 4, Volume 12, April 2013,374-384. (EI)
[7] Zhao-lin Jiang, Juan Li, Nuo Shen, On the Explicit Determinants and Singularities of r-circulant and Left r-circulant Matrices with Some Famous Numbers, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 3, Volume 12, March 2013, 341-351. (EI)
[8] Zhao-Lin Jiang, Ru Li Chen, Fast Algorithms for Solving RFMrLrR Circulant Linear Systems in Communication, ICICA 2013, Part I, CCIS 391, pp. 59–71, 2013. (EI)
[9] Zhao-lin Jiang, Zi-wu Jiang, Bounds for the Norms of Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices in Information Theory, ICICA 2013, Part II, CCIS 392, pp. 508–517, 2013. (EI)
[10] Yun Gao, Zhao-lin Jiang, Yan-peng Gong, On the Determinants and Inverses of Skew Circulant and Skew Left Circulant Matrices with Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,Issue 4, Volume 12, April 2013,472-481. (EI)
[11] Nuo Shen, Zhao-lin Jiang, Juan Li,On Explicit Determinants of the RFMLR and RLMFL Circulant Matrices Involving Certain Famous Numbers, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,Issue 1, Volume 12, January 2013,42-53. (EI)
[12] Ting-Ting Xuand Zhao-lin Jiang, Determinants of the RSFMLR and RSLMFL Circulant Matrices Involving Four Famous Numbers in Codes, ICICA 2013, Part I, CCIS 391, pp. 614–624, 2013. (EI)
[13] Jian-hua Liu, Deng-jie Wu, and Zhao-lin Jiang, New Algorithms for Solving RFMLrR Circulant Linear Systems in Information, ICICA 2013, Part I, CCIS 391, pp. 169–181, 2013 (EI)
[14] Nuo Shen, Zhao-lin Jiang and Juan Li, The spectral decomposition of near-Toeplitz tridiagonal matrices, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, Issue 4, Volume 7, 2013,115-122.
[15] Juan Li, Zhao-lin Jiang, Nuo Shen, Explicit determinants of the Fibonacci RFPL circulant and Lucas RFPL circulant matrix, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, vol 28, 2, 2013, 167-179.
[16] Fu-liang Lu, Zhao-lin Jiang, The sum and product of Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers,
Pell numbers and Pell-Lucas numbers representation by matrix method, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,Issue 4, Volume 12, December 2013, 449-458. (EI)
[17] Jian-wei Zhou, Zhao-lin Jiang, Spectral norms of circulant-type matrices involving some well-known numbers, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,Issue 12, Volume 12, December 2013, 1184-1194. (EI)
[1] Zhao-lin Jiang, Juan Li, Nuo Shen, On the explicit determinants of the RFPLR and RFPLL circulant matrices involving Pellnumbers in information theory,ICICA 2012, Part II, Communications in Computer and Information Science308, pp. 364–370, 2012. (EI)
[2] Zhao-lin Jiang, Fast Algorithms for Solving FLS r-Circulant Linear Systems,SCET2012 (Xian), 141-144.
[3] Zhao-lin Jiang, Zi-wu Jiang, On the Norms of RFPLR Circulant Matrices with the Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, SCET2012(Xian),385-388.
[4] Shun-bo Hu, Zhao-lin Jiang, Xiang-rong Zhu, Research on Parzen Window Based on Improved Gaussian Matrix in Medical Image Registration, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8:12(2012) ,1–8.(EI)
[1] Zhao-lin Jiang, Zong-ben Xu, A new algorithm for computing the inverse and generalized inverse of the scaled factor circulant matrix, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 26 (2008) 112-122.(SCI )
[2] Zhao-lin Jiang, De-hua Sun,Fast Algorithms for Solving the Inverse Problem of ,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conferenceon Matrix Theory and Its Applications in China2008, pp.121-124.(ISTP)
[3] Jiang Zhaolin, Xu Zongben. Algorithms for Finding the Minimal Polynomials and Inverses of Permutation Factor Circulant Matrices. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics,6 (2006).
[4] Jiang Zhaolin, Xu Zongben, Algorithms for Finding the Inverses of Factor Block Circulant Matrices. Numerical Mathematics, 1 (2006).
[5] Jiang Zhaolin, Xu Zongben, Efficient Algorithm for Finding the Inverse and Group Inverse of FLS Circulant Matrix. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,(1-2) (2005).(EI)
[6] Jiang Zhaolin, Liu Sanyang, An Algorithm for Finding the Minimal Polynomial of a Scaled Circulant Factor Matrix, Applied Mathematics, 1 (2004).
[7] Jiang Zhaolin, Liu Sanyang, Level- k Scaled Circulant Factor Matrices Over the Quaternion Division Algebra, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1 (2004).(EI)
[8] Jiang Zhaolin, Liu Sanyang, Algorithms for Computing Minimal Polynomials and Inverses of Level- k–Circulant, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 3 (2003).
[9] Zhang Shenggui, Jiang Zhaolin, Liu Sanyang, An Application of the Basis in Computation for the Minimal Polynomials and Inverses of Block Circulant Matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Appl. 347 (2002) (SCI、EI).
[10] Jiang Zhaolin, Deng Fangan, Representer and Spectral Decomposition of Block Scaled Circulant Factor Matrices, Numerical Mathematics. 2002(Supp).
[11] Jiang Zhaolin, A discrimination of nonsingularity of level--circulant matrices of type, Applied Mathematics, 4 (2001).
[12] Jiang Zhaolin, Wu Duoyi, N(2,0) Algebra and lattice implication algebra, BUSEFAL, 81 (2000).
[13] Jiang Zhaolin, Deng Fangan, Wd-fuzzy implication algebras, BUSEFAL, 79 (1999).
[14] Yin Chuancun, Jiang Zhaolin, Quivalent conditions for the finiteness of gauge, Systems Science and Mathematical, 4 (1997).
[15] Jiang Zhaolin, Deng Fangan, Fuzzy ideal in N(2,0) algebra, BUSEFAL, 78 (1999).
[16] Jiang Zhaolin, Ye Liuqing, The explicit expressions of level- k-circulant matrices and their some properties, Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2 (1998).
[17] Jiang Zhaolin, GuoYunrui, Nonsingularity on level-k-circulant matrices of type , Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 4 (1997).
[18] Jiang Zhaolin, Guo Yunrui, Nonsingularity on level-2-circulant matrices of type ( m, n ) , Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2 (1996).
[19] Jiang Zhaolin, Guo Yunrui, The explicit expressions of level- kcirculant matrices of type and their some properties, Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 3 (1996).
[20] Deng Fangan, Jiang Zhaolin, Fuzzy N(2,0) algebra, BUSEFAL, 73 (1997).
[21] Qiu Gandi, Jiang Zhaolin, Some properties of meromorphic functions with maximal quasi-deficieny sum,Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition,4 (1997).
[22] 江兆林,周章鑫,《循环矩阵》(专著), 成都科技大学出版社,1999年1月.
[23] 江兆林,刘三阳,求置换因子循环矩阵的逆阵及广义逆阵的欧拉算法, 西安电子科技大学学报(EI 核心源期刊),2004年1期.
[24] 江兆林,刘三阳,r-循环矩阵求逆和广义逆的Euclid 算法, 电子科技大学学报,2004年2期.
[25] 江兆林,刘三阳,求鳞状因子循环矩阵的逆阵及广义逆阵的快速算法,工程数学学报,2003年4期.(EI 已检索).
[26] 江兆林,刘三阳,求置换因子循环矩阵的逆阵及广义逆阵的快速算法,高等学校计算数学学报,2003年3期.
[27] 江兆林,邓方安,刘三阳,鳞状循环因子矩阵逆矩阵的求法,西安电子科技大学学报,2003年3期.
[28] 邓方安,江兆林,多目标规划问题的约束条件重要性分析及有效解的粗糙近似,系统工程与电子技术,2003年8期.
[29] 孙德华,江兆林,关于连续函数与可微函数的共凸逼近,高等学校计算数学学报,2001 年1期.
[30] 江兆林,刘三阳,k重-循环矩阵逆矩阵的简便求法,西安电子科技大学学报(EI 核心源期刊),2002年4期.
[31] 江兆林,叶留青,友循环矩阵求逆和广义逆的Euclid 算法,工程数学学报,2004年2期.
[32] 江兆林,型k重-循环矩阵逆矩阵的插值求法,高等学校计算数学学报,1998年2期.
[33] 江兆林,周章鑫,关于r-循环矩阵的非异性,高校应用数学学报,1995年2期.
[34] 江兆林,高兰长,型k重循环矩阵逆矩阵的特殊求法,应用数学,1997年3期.
[35] 江兆林,李子年,型二重-循环矩阵逆矩阵的插值求法,应用数学,1997 年4期.
[36] 江兆林,关于两类循环矩阵的非异性,数学的实践与认识,2(1995).
[37] 李瑞明,江兆林,USSOR 优于SOR,SSOR 收敛区域,高等学校计算数学学报,1997 年2期.
[38] 江兆林,李瑞明, 鲍连义, 型k重对称循环Hankel 阵逆阵的特殊求法,湖南数学年刊,1997年3期.
[39] 江兆林,王延源,型k重循环矩阵逆矩阵的初等求法,湖南数学年刊,1998 年2期.
[40] Jiang Zhaolin, ZhengQiang, A necessary and sufficient of nonsingularity for level-2 -circulant matrices, 湖南数学年刊, 1998年3期.
[41] 江兆林,高兰长, 关于(m, n) 型二重r-循环矩阵非异性的一个判定,湖南数学年刊1997 年3 期.
[42] 江兆林,(m, n)型二重循环矩阵的插值求法,湖南数学年刊,16 (1996),No.3.
[43] 江兆林,(m, n)型二重循环矩阵逆矩阵的特殊求法,湖南数学年刊,16 (1996),No.2.
[44] 孙清滢, 江兆林等,一类不可微多目标规划的Kuhm、Tucker 充分条件,石油大学学报,1997年3期.
[45] 江兆林,李瑞明,关于阶k重型循环矩阵的非异性,湖南数学年刊,1997年1期.
[46] 邓方安,江兆林,多目标规划问题的约束条件重要性分析及有效解的粗糙近似, 系统工程与电子技术,2003年8期.
[47] 孙德华,江兆林,关于连续函数与可微函数的共凸逼近,高等学校计算数学学报,2001 年1期.
[48] 主编,《高等数学》,南海出版公司,1994.
[49] 主编,《概率论与数理统计》,南海出版公司,1996.
[50] 主编,《高等数学》,中国矿业大学出版社,2002.
[51] 主审,《离散数学》,中国矿业大学出版社,2002.
[52] 主审,《概率论与数理统计教程》,青岛海洋大学出版社,1999.
[53] 王建民,江兆林主编,《概率论与数理统计》,中国矿业大学出版社,2008.
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相关话题/数学 统计学院
金银来,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。山东省“十一五”、“十二五”重点学科带头人,山东省教学团队带头人,国家特色专业建设点负责人,山东省精品课程《数学分析》、《常微分方程》主持人。曾任教务处处长,数学系主任,理学院院长,科技处(研究生处)处长,应用数学研究所所长,山东省数学会理事,中国高等教育学会理科 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姜自武
姜自武临沂大学,理学院,讲师大连理工大学计算数学专业博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位。主要研究方向:数值逼近、计算几何、图形图像处理;近几年来,主持1项国家自然科学基金青年项目,参与3项国家自然科学基金青年项目和国家自然科学基金面上项目、天元基金项目各1项。联系方式:电子邮箱:zwjiang@gmai ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘媛媛
刘媛媛,女,1987年12月生,理学博士,研究方向:微分方程与动力系统。受教育经历:2012.09-2015.06上海师范大学理学博士2009.09-2012.06曲阜师范大学理学硕士2005.09-2009.06曲阜师范大学理学学士工作经历:2015.06-至今临沂大学理学院讲师已发表主要成果:1 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李锋
李锋,临沂大学理学院教授,山东师范大学兼职硕士生导师,2012年于中南大学数学与计算科学学院获理学博士学位,导师刘一戎教授。2014年,受国家留学基金资助,赴加拿大西大略大学访学一年,合作导师:郁培教授。美国《数学评论》评论员,当前的研究兴趣:常微分方程与动力系统的定性、分支与可积理论以及生物数学. ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任庆军
任庆军,男,1962年3月生,山东费县人,1984年曲阜师范大学数学专业毕业分配原数学系任教,1988.09-1989.07在复旦大学学习基础数学研究生课程,1995.09-1996.07在陕西师大做访问****。临沂大学数学系教授,信息与计算科学专业负责人。临沂师范学院“十佳青年园丁”、“中青年教 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邱建龙
邱建龙,博士,教授,临沂大学硕士生导师,新疆大学、韩国水原大学博士研究生导师,美国斯蒂文森理工学院、罗德岛大学访问****,山东省高等学校复杂系统与智能计算重点实验室主任,山东省高等学院青创计划人才引育团队带头人,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会(TCCT)物流系统智能优化与控制学组主任,中国自动化 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙超超
孙超超博士、副教授研究领域:代数数论、代数K理论联系方式:sunchaochao@lyu.edu.cn,sunuso@163.com科研项目:国家自然科学青年基金项目,循环四次域的tame核的Sylow2-子群,主持。主要论文:(1)SunChaochao;XuKejian*;Ontamekerne ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-石少广
石少广简介(数据截至2020年05月)石少广,男,1981年12月生,理学博士,临沂大学教授,教育部优秀博士研究生学术新人,山东省属高校优青,山东省高等学校“青创科技计划”团队主持人,山东省一流课程主持人。临沂大学首届硕士研究生导师,韩国水原大学博士研究生导师(兼职),山东师范大学博士研究生导师(兼 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-武传坤
武传坤,临沂大学第三层次人才,教授。先后获得理学学士学位(1985.7)、理学硕士学位(1988.1)和工学博士学位(1994.3)。1988年1月至1995年9月任教于西安电子科技大学,先后晋升为讲师(1990.12)、副教授(1992.6破格)和教授(1995.5破格);1995年9月在澳大利亚 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26临沂大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙洪春
孙洪春,男,1968年2月生,山东费县人,教授,硕士。现从事专业:运筹学与控制论,研究方向:锥互补问题的理论与算法研究、供应链优化模型与算法研究。现在临沂大学理学院从事教学和科研工作,获临沂大学十佳师德标兵、我心目中的好老师、中青年学术骨干、临沂市优秀科技工作者等称号。主要讲授《高等代数与解析几何》 ...临沂大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-26