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2018.01--2020.02,高级研究****, 加拿大卡尔顿大学

2014.01-2016.12, 项目负责人,媒介影响下的突发事件不实信息扩散机理与动态控制策略研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目.


1.Liang-anHuo, Y Dong. Analyzing the dynamics of a stochastic rumor propagation modelincorporating media coverage. Mathematical Methods in the AppliedSciences.2020.3. ** [SCI].
2.Liang-anHuo, X Xie. Dynamical analysis of dual product information diffusionconsidering preference in complex network. Complexity. .2020.2. ID **[SCI].
3.Liang-anHuo, Li X. An interplay model for official information and rumor spreading withimpulsive effects. Advances in Difference Equations. 2019 Dec 1;2019(1):164. [SCI].
4.Liang-anHuo, Guo H, Cheng Y, Xie X. A new model for supply chain risk propagationconsidering herd mentality and risk preference under warning information onmultiplex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019Nov 11. [SCI].
5.Liang-anHuo, Ding F, Lin T, Yao S. Dynamical Analysis of Rumor Spreading Model WithIncubation Mechanism and Activity of Nodes. IEEE Access. 2019 Oct18;7:152493-500. [SCI].
6.Liang-anHuo, Guo H, Cheng Y. Supply chain risk propagation model considering the herdmentality mechanism and risk preference. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics andits Applications. 2019 Sep 1;529:121400. [SCI].
7.Liang-anHuo, Ding F, Cheng Y. Dynamic analysis of a SIbInIu, rumor spreading model incomplex social network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.2019 Jun 1;523:924-32. [SCI].
8.Liang-anHuo, Cheng Y. Dynamical analysis of a IWSR rumor spreading model withconsidering the self-growth mechanism and indiscernible degree. Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019 May 5:120940. [SCI].
9.Liang-an Huo, Wang L, Zhao X. Stabilityanalysis and optimal control of a rumor spreading model with media report.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019 Mar 1;517:551-62. [SCI].
10.Liang-an Huo, Lin T, Liu C, Fang X. How thenode’s vital and tie strength effect rumor spreading on social network.International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC). 2019;30(06):1-3. [SCI].
11.ChengY, Liang-an Huo, Ma L, Guo H. DynamicalBehaviors and Spatial Diffusion in a psychologically realistic rumor spreadingmodel. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2020.3.23-33. [SCI].
12.Liang-anHuo, Cheng, Yingying, Chen Liu, and Fan Ding. Dynamic analysis of rumorspreading model for considering active network nodes and nonlinear spreadingrate.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.2018,506: 24-35. [SCI].
13.Liang-anHuo, Fan Ding et al. Dynamical Analysisof Rumor Spreading Model considering Node Activity in ComplexNetworks.Complexity.2018, 2018. [SCI].
14.Liang-anHuo, Chenyang Ma. Optimal Control ofRumor Spreading Model with Consideration of Psychological Factors and TimeDelay.Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2018, 2018. [SCI].
15.Liang-an Huo, Cheng, Yingying The Impact ofMedia Coverage and Emergency Strategies on the Rumor Spreading, DiscreteDynamics in Nature and Society. 2018,2018, ID **. [SCI].
16.Liang-anHuo, Ma C. Dynamical analysis of rumor spreadingmodel with impulse vaccination and time delay[J]. Physica A StatisticalMechanics & Its Applications, 2017, 471,1,653-665 [SCI].
17.Liang-anHuo, Ma C. The interaction evolution model of massincidents with delay in a social network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics andits Applications. 2017 Oct 15;484:440-52. [SCI].
18.Liang-anHuo, Wang L, Song G. Global stability of atwo-mediums rumor spreading model with media coverage. Physica A: StatisticalMechanics and its Applications. 2017 Sep 15;482:757-71. [SCI].
19.Liang-an Huo, Wang L, Song N, He B. Rumor spreading model considering theactivity of spreaders in the homogeneous network[J]. Physica A StatisticalMechanics & Its Applications, 2017.2.1,468(1):855-865. [SCI].
20.Fan C, Jin Y, Liang-an Huo, et al. Epidemic spreading of interacting diseases withactivity of nodes reshapes the critical threshold[J]. International Journal ofModern Physics C, 2016, 28(01):1577-.[SCI].
21.Liang-an Huo, Jiehui Jiang,Dynamicalbehavior of a rumor transmission model with Holling-type II functional responsein emergency event,Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and ItsApplications,2016,450:228-240[SCI].
22.Liang-an Huo, Song Naixiang,DynamicalInterplay between the popularization of scientific knowledge and rumorspreadingin emergency,Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and ItsApplications, 2016,461:73-84[SCI].
23.Liang-an Huo, TingtingLin,Optimal control of arumor propagation model with latent period in emergency event,Advances in Difference Equations,2015,1:1-19[SCI].
24.Chen Liu,LixingZhou, Liang-anHuo, Activity of nodes reshapes the criticalthreshold of spreading dynamics incomplex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,2015,432:269-278[SCI].
25.Liang-an Huo, Tingting, Lin,Peiqing,Huang,Dynamical Behavior of a RumorTransmission Model with PsychologicalEffect in Emergency Event,Abstract and AppliedAnalysis,2013, ID 282394(ID 282394):1-9[SCI].
26.Liang-an Huo, Pei qing Huang,Analyzingthe dynamics of a rumor transmission model with incubation,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2012,21:1-21[SCI].
27.Liang-anHuo, Peiqing Huang, Xing Fang, An interplay model forauthoritiesactions and rumor spreading inemergencyevent, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2011, 390, 20,3267-3274,[SCI].
28.Liang-an Huo, Jibin Lan, Zhongxing Wang, New parametricprioritization methods for an analyticalhierarchy process based on a pairwise comparison matrix,Mathematical andComputer Modelling, 2011,534, 2736-2749,[SCI].
29.Liang-an Huo, Peiqing Huang, Chunxiang Guo. Analyzing the dynamicsof a rumor transmission model with incubation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature andSociety., Article ID 328151, 21 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/328151, 2012 [SCI].
30.Liang-an Huo, PeiqingHuang, Analysis for Information Spreading Based on Gilpin Competition Model inEmergency Management, 2010,ICM2010, 517-521.
霍良安. 突发事件发生后不实信息的传播问题研究,北京.企业管理出版社,2015.
樊重俊,刘臣,霍良安. 2016.大数据分析与应用,立信会计出版社,上海.
何冰,霍良安. 2015.数据可视化应用与实践,企业管理出版社,北京.

2016.09,志远****, 上海理工大学

2016.12,2016 年度大学生创新创业优秀指导教师

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