

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-22

博士, 信息管理与信息系统,同济大学
学士, 信息管理与信息系统,同济大学

2012.08--2013.08, 访问****, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校

[1] 2017.01- 2019.12, 项目负责人, 基于在线评论情感分析的社交媒体用户推荐,国家自然科学基金青年项目(**).
[2] 2016.08- 2019.07, 项目负责人, 在线评论中面向产品特征的消费者意见挖掘:细粒度的情感分析视角,教育部人文社会科学一般项目(16YJCZH138).
[3] 2017.01- 2019.12, 项目负责人, 社会网络环境下基于情感分析的用户推荐研究,上海市教育发展基金会和上海市教育委员会“晨光计划”(16CG53).
[4] 2017.05- 2018.04,项目负责人, 基于细粒度情感分析的在线评论意见挖掘,上海高校优秀青年教师培养资助计划(ZZslg16019).
[5]2012.09 – 2013.08, 项目负责人, 基于用户评论的产品设计决策:以情感分析为手段, 上海市科技发展基金软科学研究资助项目().
[1] Pei Yin, Kuo-Min Ko. E-commerce PersonalizedRecommendation Model Based on Semantic Sentiment Analysis. Information Systemsand e-Business Management. 2020, forthcoming(已录用). (SSCI检索)
[2] Pei Yin, M.M.Kamruzzaman. Animal ImageRetrieval Algorithms Based on Deep Neural Network. REV CIENT-FAC CIEN V. 2019,29(2): 188-199. (SCI检索)
[3] Pei Yin, Xiaofei Guan, Zhongtao Feng.Semantic Modeling and Retrieval of Medical Image. INVEST CLIN. 2019, 60(4):880-889. (SCI检索)
[4] Xicheng Yin, Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin, HengminZhu. Agent-based opinion formation modeling in social network: A perspective ofsocial psychology. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019,532: 121786. (SCI检索)
[5] Pei Yin, Yunhua Ye, Xiaofei Guan. AnimalRecommendation Based on Neural Network. REV CIENT-FAC CIEN V. 2019, 29(2):438-446. (SCI检索)
[6] Xiaoling Wang, Xiaofei Guan and Pei Yin*. ANew Explicit Magnus Expansion for Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations.Mathematics. 2020, 8,183. (SCI检索)
[7] Hongbo Guan, Chaoyang Hao, Yapeng Hong, andPei Yin*. A Prior Error Estimate for Linear Finite Element Approximation toInterface Optimal Control Problems. IAENG International Journal of AppliedMathematics, 2020, 50 (1): 96-101. (EI检索)
[8] Song Gao, Ou Tang, Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin.Identifying competitors through comparative relation mining of online reviewsin the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management,2018, 71: 19~32. (SSCI检索)
[9] Hongwei Wang, Song Gao, Pei Yin, James Nga-KwokLiu. Competitiveness analysis through comparative relation mining: evidencefrom restaurants’ online reviews. Industrial Management & Data Systems.2017, 117(4): 672-687. (SCI检索)
[10] 尹裴,王洪伟,面向产品特征的中文在线评论情感分类:以本体建模为方法,系统管理学报,2016,25(1):103-114.
[11] Miaochan Zhao, HongboGuan, and Pei Yin*, A Stable Mixed Finite Element Scheme for the Second OrderElliptic Problems, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2016, 46(4):545-549. (EI检索)
[12] Pei Yin, Hongwei Wang, Wei Wang. Identifying AppraisalExpressions of Online Reviews in Chinese. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2015, 9191: 207-218.(EI检索)
[13] Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin, Lijuan Zheng. SentimentClassification of Online Reviews: Using Sentence-based Language Model. Journalof Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 26(1): 13-31. (SCI检索)
[14] Pei Yin, Hongwei Wang, Kaiqiang Guo.Feature-Opinion Pair Identification of Product Reviews in Chinese: A DomainOntology Modelling Method. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 2013,19(1): 3-24. (SCI检索)
[15] HongweiWang, Pei Yin, Jiani Yao, James N.K. Liu Text Feature Selection for SentimentClassification of Chinese Online Reviews. Journal of Experimental &Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 25(4): 425-439. (SCI检索)
[16] 尹裴,王洪伟,郭恺强. 中文产品评论的“特征观点对”识别:基于领域本体的建模方法. 系统工程, 2013, 31(1): 68-77. (国家自然科学基金委认定的管理学A类期刊,CSSCI)
[17] 王洪伟, 郑丽娟, 尹裴, 何绍义. 基于句子情感分析的中文网络评论的情感极性分类. 管理科学学报,2013,16(9): 64-74. (国内最顶级的管理学类期刊,CSSCI)
[18] 王洪伟, 李渊凯, 尹裴. 基于链接分析的网络搜索排名的反作弊研究.系统管理学报.2013,22(1): 107-113. (国家自然科学基金委认定的管理学A类期刊,CSSCI)
[19] Hongwei Wang, Man Zhou, Pei Yin, Shaoyi He.Empirical Research of Individuals’ Intention to Provide Private InformationOnline. INFORMATION, 2012, 15(4): 1477-1492. (SCI检索)
[20] Pei Yin, Hongwei Wang, Lijuan Zheng. SentimentClassification of Chinese Online Reviews: Analysing and Improving SupervisedMachine Learning. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology,2012, 7(4): 381-398. (EI检索)
[21] Pei Yin, Hongwei Wang, Wei Wang. ExtractingFeatures for Sentiment Classification: in the Perspective of StatisticalNatural Language Processing. Advances in Information Sciences and ServiceSciences, 2012, 4(15): 33-41. (EI检索)
[22] HongweiWang, Yu Liu, Pei Yin. Study on User Preferences Modeling Based on Web Mining.International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 2012, 11(4):307-322. (EI检索)
[23] 王洪伟,郑丽娟,尹裴,史伟. 在线评论的情感极性分类研究综述. 情报科学,2012,30(8): 1263-1271,1276 (中文核心期刊,CSSCI)
[24] Wei Shi, Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin, James N.K. LiuOntology-driven Information Sharing Mechanism in Supply Chain Environment.Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2011, 6(3): 217-225. (EI检索)
[25]Lijuan Zheng, Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin. IdentityAuthentication Based on Fingerprint Recognition and PKI in E-commerce. AppliedMechanics and Materials, 2011, 63-64: 214-217. (EI检索)
[26] 王洪伟, 刘勰, 尹裴, 廖雅国. Web文本情感分类研究综述. 情报学报,2010, 29(5): 931-938. (国家自然科学基金委认定的管理学A类期刊,CSSCI)
[27] 尹裴, 王洪伟, 周曼. SOA架构下面向业务敏捷性的信息系统柔性设计. 情报杂志,2010,29(7): 133-140. (中文核心期刊,CSSCI)
[1] Yuan Meng, Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin, Jin Hua. AModel-Driven Method for Quality Reviews Detection: An Ensemble Model of FeatureSelection. In proceedings of The Sixteenth Wuhan International Conference onE-business, Wuhan, China, 2016.
[2] Hongwei Wang, Wei Wang, Pei, Yin.PRODWeakFinder: An Information Extraction System for Mining Product Weakness inOnline Reviews Based on Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of The Pacific AsiaConference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chengdu, China, 2014.(EI检索)
[3] Jiani Yao, Hongwei Wang, Pei Yin. SentimentFeature Identification from Chinese Online Reviews. In proceedings of 2011International Conference on Computer Science and Education: Communications inComputer and Information Science, Qingdao, China, 2011.
[4] Pei Yin, Hongwei Wang, Yi Wei, Yiru Lou. Game-theoreticApproach for Information Sharing between Government Departments with theIntervention of Superior Agencies. In proceedings of 2010 InternationalConference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, ande-Government, Las Vegas, 2010.
尹裴,王洪伟. 基于LDA主题模型和领域本体的中文产品评论细粒度情感分析. 同济大学出版社.2018.

[1] 编写的案例《同瑞集团ERP实施的缘起缘落:一波三折,终成泡影》已经被中国管理案例共享中心案例库收录入库(编号:MIS-0107)。
[2] 编写的案例《供应链改革:历经波折终难成——S苏州工厂的成败得失》已经被中国工商管理国际案例库收录入库(编号:OMS-19-589)。
[3] 编写的案例《破茧重生,任重道远:A汽车零部件公司信息化再造之路》已经被中国工商管理国际案例库收录入库(编号:IT-19-590)。


[1] 基于情感相似度的社会化推荐系统研究:以微博为例,市级项目,2017-2018
[2] 基于情感分析的社交网络意见领袖的识别:以汽车论坛为例,市级项目,2016-2018
[3] 基于回报的众筹项目融资绩效影响因素研究,市级项目,2016-2018
[4] 大数据环境下面向在线评论的消费者意见挖掘,校级项目,2017-2018

2017.09– 2018.06, 受邀担任ThePacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018) Track Chair, 主持的Track主题为“ServiceScience, Service Design, and User Experience”.

2017.05, 上海市晨光****,上海市教委

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