

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

同济大学软件学院为同济大学的二级学院,是教育部和国家发展计划委员会批准成立的全国35所示范性软件学院之一, 成立于2001年9月。

根据教育部、国家计委有关文件精神,建设示范性软件学院是我国软件产业人才培养方面实现跨越式发展的一次重大改革尝试,旨在为我国软件产业的发展带来新的推动力, 支持国家"以信息化带动工业化"的战略部署。示范性软件学院要以培养大批具有国际竞争能力的多层次实用型软件人才为目标,为用信息技术改造传统产业准备坚实的人才基础。
 Software College of Tongji University (SCTJ) is one of the 35 software colleges authorized by the China National Education Department in Sep, 2001. The goal of these colleges is to rapidly cultivate a large number of practical, compound and engineering software professionals for the country. We are launching the following three specialties: Bachelor Degree of Software Engineering, Engineering Master Degree of Software Engineering and Master Degree of Computer Application.
Prof. Qidi Wu, President of Tongji University, is the chairman of the board of the School. Prof. Guoqiang Li, Vice President of Tongji University, is the vice chairman. Prof. Xingming Zhou, Member of China Neering Academy, is the dean of the School. Dr. Yaqin Zhang, the managing director of Microsoft Research Asia, is the advisory dean of the School.