谢宁 主任医师,副教授
脊柱外科,生物力学,脊髓损伤修复 spinesurgery, biomechanics, spinal cord injury repair
上海市医学会骨科专科分会第十届委员会微创学组 委员兼秘书
上海市医师协会骨科医师分会脊柱外科工作组 委员
第二届上海市中西医结合协会脊柱专业委员会 委员
第二届上海市中西医结合协会脊柱专业委员会微创学组内镜研究组 组长
第一届上海市中西医结合协会微创骨科专业委员会 委员
中国医师协会内镜医师分会第一届脊柱内镜专业委员会 委员
中国医师协会脊柱显微委员会 委员
中国医师协会疼痛科医师分会脊柱疼痛专业委员会 委员
SICOT中国部微创外科学会第一届委员会 委员
全军骨科专委会脊柱微创学组 委员
《脊柱外科杂志》第五届编委会 编委
《中国矫形外科杂志》第五届编委会 编委
骨科在线编委会微创专业 副主编
AO Spine 会员
NASS (North America Spine Society)会员
SMISS(Society of Minimally Invasive SpineSurgery)会员
Studygroup of minimally invasive surgery of the 10th society of orthopedics of theShanghai branch of the Chinese Medical Association Board member & Secretary
Studygroup of spine surgery of the Shanghai branch of the Chinese Medical DoctorAssociation Board member
Thesecond association of the spine surgery of the Shanghai Combination of Chinese Traditionaland Western Medicine Board member
Endoscopicspine surgery study group of the 2nd association of spine surgery of theShanghai Combination of Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine Director
Thefirst association of minimally orthopedic surgery of the Shanghai Combinationof Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine Board member
Thefirst society of endoscopic spine surgery of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Board member
Microscopicspine surgery society of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Boardmember
Spinepain management society of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Boardmember
Thefirst society of minimally invasive surgery of the SICOT Chinese branch Boardmember
Minimallyinvasive surgery association of the PLA society of orthopedics Boardmember
DrXie Ning has worked at the national top spine center-Shanghai ChangzhengHospital for 22 years. And he has the experience of being a visiting fellow atWashington University in St Louis, Duke University, UCLA, Rush MedicalUniversity for 1 year. He is a specialist in spine surgery, especially inminimally spine surgery. He holds 13 NSFC and Shanghai projects, 5 patents, 7National and Shanghai awards. He published 24 papers, 12 books, some issued atthe top journals in his field, such as < Spine>, < Neurosurgery>.
1)YangWang, Jiangming Yu, Ning Xie, YunFei He, WeiHeng Wang, LiZhang Xu,XueMing Wu, Jun MA, XiaoDong Huang, ShengChang Luo, YanHai Xi and Xiao-Jian Ye.Clinical Curative Effect of Application of Cortical Bone Trajectory Screw andPedicle Screw Internal Fixation Technique in the Treatment of SenileOsteoporosis Lumbar Degenerative Disease. Annals of Orthopedics andMusculoskeletal Disorders, 2017,1(1):1003.
2)Xilin Liu1, Jun Ma, Paul Park, Xiaodong Huang, Ning Xie, Xiaojian Ye.Biomechanical comparison of multilevel lateral interbody fusion with andwithout supplementary instrumentation: A three dimensional finite elementstudy. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2017) 18:63. DOI10.1186/s12891-017-1387-6 (IF 1.739)( 共同通讯)
3)Xie N, Li M, Wu T, Liu J, Wang B, Tang F. Does elevated osteopontin levelplay an important role in the development of scoliosis in bipedal mice?. SpineJ,2015,15(7):1660-1664. (IF 2.962)(共同一作)
4)Yu Y, Xie N, Ni B, Liu K, Guo Q, Yang J, Zhu Z, Luo J. CT evaluation ofupper thoracic spine for surgical application of transarticular screwplacement. Eur Spine J, 2012,21(6):1186-1191. (IF 2.563)( 共同一作)
5)Yu Y, Xie N, Song S, Zhang W, Guo Q, Ni B, Luo J. A BiomechanicalComparison of A Novel Thoracic Screw Fixation Method: Transarticular ScrewFixation versus Traditional Pedicle Screw Fixation.Neurosurgery,2011,69(2):141-146. (IF 4.889)( 共同一作)
6)Xie N, Khoo LT, Yuan W, Ye X, Chen D, Xiao J, Ni B. Combined anteriorC2-C3 fusion and C2 pedicle screw fixation for the treatment of unstableHangman