涂辉招 教授,博士生导师(道路与铁道工程/交通运输规划与管理)
交通运输工程学院 教授,城市风险管理研究院 副院长
上海智能网联汽车与智慧交通工程技术研究中心 副主任
电话:021 6958 0417
教育 & 工作经历
主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目1项、国家重点研发计划专题1项、教育部博士点基金1项、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金1项,同济大学英才计划2项、上海市科委重点课题3项等;参与:国家自然科学基金中荷国际合作课题(NSFC-NWO joint project)1项、国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)1项、教育部创新团队1项等;获山东省科技进步一等奖1项、上海市科学技术进步奖二等奖1项、三等奖1项,中国智能交通协会科技进步奖三等奖2项。
本科:同济大学土木工程学院 交通土建 (1996-2000)
硕士:同济大学交通运输工程学院 道路与铁道工程 (2000-2003)
博士:荷兰代尔伏特理工大学 交通规划与管理 (2003-2008)
同济大学城市风险管理研究院, 副院长 (2017.12 – 至今)
同济大学交通运输工程学院 教授, 博士生导师 (2016.12 – 至今)
同济大学交通运输工程学院 副教授, 博士生导师 (2012.12 – 2016.12)
上海市杨浦区建交委 副主任 (挂职 2012.11 – 2013.11)
同济大学交通运输工程学院 副教授, 硕士生导师 (2010.12 – 2012.12)
同济大学交通运输工程学院 讲 师 (2010.10 –2010.12)
荷兰代尔伏特理工大学交通规划与管理系 博士后(2008.04 - 2010.10)
荷兰代尔伏特理工大学交通规划与管理系 研究员(2003.11 - 2010.10)
荷兰荷隆美国际咨询公司 高级顾问(兼职) (2008.03 - 2010.10)
同济大学交通运输工程学院 助理研究员 (2000.09 –2003.11)
交通运输部“交通青年科技英才”,同济大学青年五四奖章获得者;中国公路学会交通投融资分会理事;第1和2届iFRAE与第1届TRC国际会议组委; 第16和17届IEEEITSC 副主编(Associate Editor);2014年中荷应急交通管理研讨会主席。
目前已经出版了个人英文专著1本、参编翻译了两本外文著作、发表SCI检索文章20篇和EI检索文章55篇、以及发表在国际国内重要期刊、会议文章93篇。曾组织国际学术会议特邀会场、担任国际会议分会场主席等,2012年组织国际学术会议(ICNSC2012)特邀会场(Control for Intelligent Transport Technology),共参加了30次国际会议,并在分会场上宣读了研究成果:TRB年度会议、IEEE ITSC、国际紧急疏散模型与管理大会、国际动态交通分配模型会议、智能交通世界大会(ITS World Congress)、IFAC交通控制大会等国际会议;2010年7月受邀在上海市世博会荷兰馆举办的《中荷可持续城市发展高峰论坛》中做了题为《可持续交通系统》的发言。
主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目1项、国家重点研发计划专题1项、教育部博士点基金1项、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金1项、上海市科委课题1项,同济大学英才计划2项、上海市科委重点课题3项等;参与:国家自然科学基金中荷国际合作课题(NSFC-NWO joint project)1项、国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)1项。在荷兰期间主持项完成了科研课题5项、参与完成了2项;获山东省科技进步奖一等奖1项、上海市科学技术进步奖二等奖1项、三等奖1项,中国智能交通协会科技进步奖三等奖2项。目前是《Transportation Research Part A/B/C》,《Transportation Research Record》,《IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System》、《Euro Journal on Transportation and Logistics》、《IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System》,《World Conference on Transport Research》,《International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability》等国际会议期刊的评委审稿人。
Publications --- Selected peer reviewed papers
SCI indexed
1. Tu, H., H. Li, Y. Wang, and L. Sun, When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-MFD-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014. Vol.15(6): p. 2572-2582.
2. Tu, H., H. Li, J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen, Modeling Travel Time Reliability of Freeways Using Risk Assessment Techniques. Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2012. 46(10): p. 1528-1540.
3. Li, H., H. Tu, and X. Zhang, Travel time variations over time and routes: endogenous congestion with degradable capacities. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2017. 5(1): p. 60-81.
4. Li, H., H. Tu, and D. Hensher, Integrating the mean–variance and scheduling approaches to allow for schedule delay and trip time variability under uncertainty. Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016. 89: p. 151-163.
5. van Lint, J.W.C., H.J. van Zuylen, and H. Tu, Travel time unreliability on freeways:Why measures based on variance tell only half the story Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2008. 42: p. 258-277.
6. Tu, H., Z. Li, H. Li, H., K. Zhang, and L. Sun, Driving Simulator Fidelity and Emergency Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015. 2518: p. 113-121.
7. Tu, H., A.J. Pel, H. Li, and L.Sun, Travel Time Reliability during Evacuation: the Impact of Heterogeneous Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2012
8. Tu, H., H. Li, H. Van Lint, V.L. Knoop, and L. Sun, Macroscopic Travel Time Reliability Diagrams for Freeway Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013. 2396: p. 19-27.
9. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen, The Impact of Traffic Flow on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2007. 1993: p. 59-66.
10. Ruan, X., J. Zhou, H. Tu, Z. Jin, and X. Shi, An improved cellular automaton with axis information for microscopic traffic simulation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2017. 78: p. 63-77.
11. Li, H., K. Gao, H. Tu, Y. Ding, and L. Sun, Perceptions of Mode-specific Travel Time Reliability and Crowding in Multimodal Trip. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2016. 2566: p. 22-30.
12. Guus Tamminga, H. Tu, W. Daamen, S.P. Hoogendoorn, Influence of departure time spans and corresponding network performance on evacuation time, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2011. 2234: p. 89-96.
13. Li, H., K. Gao, and H. Tu, Variations in mode-specific valuations of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding: Implications for demand estimation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017. 103: p. 250-263.
14. Gao, K., L.J. Sun, H.Z. Tu, and H. Li, Heterogeneity in Valuation of Travel Time Reliability and In-Vehicle Crowding for Mode Choices in Multimodal Networks. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part a-Systems, 2018. 144(10): p. 10.
15. Sun, L., H. Zhao, H. Tu, and Y. Tian, The Smart Road: Practice and Concept. Engineering, 2018. 4: p. 436-437.
16. Gao, K., H. Tu, and H. Shi, Stage-specific impacts of hazy weather on car following. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, 2018.
17.Gao, K., H. Tu, L. Sun, N.N. Sze, Z. Song, and H. Shi, Impacts of Reduced Visibility under Hazy Weather Condition on Collision Risk and Car-Following Behavior: Implications for Traffic Control and Management. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2019: p. 1-8.
EI Indexed
1. Tu, H., J.W.C. van lint and H.J. van Zuylen, The Impacts of Traffic Accidents on Travel Time Reliability. in The 11th International IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Beijing, P. R. China, 2008.
2. Tu, H., H. Li, and L. Sun. Influence of Heterogeneity of Driving Behavior under Exceptional Event on Network Performance by Simulations. in The 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2011. Washington D.C. USA. p. 2039-2044.
3. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Travel time variability versus freeway characteristics. in The 9th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2006. Toronto, Canada.
4. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Measuring and Defining Freeway Travel Time Reliability. in The Fifth International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, ICTTS 2006. 2006. Xi'an China.
5. Tu, H., H.J. van Zuylen, and J.W.C. van Lint. Real Time Modelling Travel Time Reliability Using Cell Transmission Model. in The Fifth International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies, ICTTS 2006. 2006. Xi'an China.
6. Tu, H. M. van Rij, N. Henkens and H. Heikoop, Empirical Investigation on Stochastic Dutch Freeway Capacity. in The 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2010. Madeira, Portugal.
7. Tu, H. G. Tamminga, A.J. Pel and H. Drolenga, Sensitivity Analysis on Heterogeneity of Driving Behavior for Evacuation Studies and its Impacts on Traffic Safety. in The 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2010. Madeira, Portugal
8. Tu, H., Guus Tamminga, Hans Drolenga, Jeroen de Wit and Wouter van der Berg. Evacuation Plan of the City of Almere: Simulating the Impact of Driving Behavior on Evacuation Clearance Time, Procedia Engineering 3 (2010) p. 67-75
9. Tu, H., T. Dijker, H.J.vanZuylen, Travel time variability of freeway weaving sections, 11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, CTS2006
10. Liu, Y., F. Xu, H. Tu, and L. Sun. Video-based Efficient Measurement of Average Control Delay at Signalized Intersections. in The 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety. 2013. Wuhan, China. (Corresponding Author)
11. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Effects of Dynamic Speed Limit on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors. in 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. 2007. Beijing, China.
12. Tu, H., Z. Li, Y. Sun, and X. Dai. Driving Behavior in Case of Haze: a High Fidelity Driving Simulator Study. in The 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2014). 2014. Changsha, P.R.China. p. 2408-2421.
13. Li, H., H. Tu, T. Zhou, and L. Sun. Empirical Investigations on Passenger Car Unit for Urban Freeways in Shanghai. in The 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2014). 2014. Changsha, P.R.China. p. 438-451.
14. Gao, Z., H. Tu, Y. Ding, Z. Li, and L. Sun. An Indicator for Determining the Control Timing of Ramp Metering on Urban Freeway Corridors. in The 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2014). 2014. Changsha, P.R.China. p. 1849-1862.
15. Dai, X., H. Tu, H. Yu, and J. Liu. Design of Information Signs of Multi-modal Travel at the Decision Points in Comprehensive Transport Hub. in The 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2014). 2014. Changsha, P.R.China. p. 1216-1227.
16. Tu, H., J. Sun, and Z. Gao. Study on control timing of coordinated multi-ramp for urban freeway corridors based on risk assessment technique. Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2015. 28(7): p. 86-92 and 101.
17. Tu, H., Z. Li, and L. Sun, Effects of Motion System of Driving Simulator on Free Driving Behaviors. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2015. 43(11): p. 1696-1702.
18. Tu, H., K. Zhang, H. Liu, and L. Sun. Effects of Driving Simulator Fidelity on Driving Behavior of Emergency Braking. in 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering. 2015. Shanghai, P.R.China: ASCE. p. 296-307.
19. Tu, H., Y. Wang, and X. Xie, Control Priorities of Cooordinated On-Ramps Metering Based on Quantitative Hierarchical Model. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2017. 45(1): p. 39-45.
20. Li, H., H. Tu, H. Liu and H. Shi, Perceived differences in travel speeds and traffic states. Functional Pavement Design - Proceedings of the 4th Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design, CEW 2016,p 1627-163
21. Gao, K., H. Tu, H. Li, and L. Sun, Traverlers’ Perception Differences in Travel Time Reliability and Crowding of Mode-choice in Multimodal Networks. Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2017. 30(7): p. 126-133.
22. Ruan, X., Z. Jin, J. Zhou, and H. Tu, Traffic Flow Generation and Load Simulation of Bridges Based on Multi-cell Cellular Automaton. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2017. 45(7): p. 941-947.
23. Zhao, H., X. Zhu, H. Tu, and Z. Yang, Concept and Framework of Smart Pavement. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2017. 45(8): p. 1131-1135.
24. Shi, H., H. Tu, and K. Gao, The Effects of Motion System of Driving Simulation on Stability of Car-following Behavior. Journal of Transportation System Engineering and Information Technology, 2017. 17(4): p. 90-96.
25. Xie, X., H. Tu, H. Chen, and Y. Lin. Modeling the Range Information Inaccuracy Risk of Battery Electric Vehicle. in 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2017. Shanghai, P.R.China: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 4994-5003.
26. He, Q., Y. Wang, H. Tu, and X. Ruan. Incorporating the WIM Data into the Analysis of Road Traffic Risk. in 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2017. Shanghai, P.R.China: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 4730-4739.
27. Shi, H., Z. Ye, H. Tu, and H. Li. Causal Analysis on Travelers’ Perceptions in Traffic States in 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2017. Shanghai, P.R.China: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 2570-2577.
28. Shi, H., H. Tu, and K. Gao, Analysis of Car Following Behaviors Under Hazy Weather Condition Based on High Fidelity Driving Simulator. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2018. 46(3): p. 326-333.
29. Wang, Y., Q. He, H. Tu, X. Ruan, and N.N. Sze. Relationship between traffic load and traffic flow characteristics: Application of weigh-in-motion (WIM) approach. in Transport and Society — Proceeding of the 22nd International COnference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, HKSTS 2017. 2017. Hong Kong, P.R.China: Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies Limited. p. 267-273.
30. Zhou, J., X. Shi, X. Ruan, and H. Tu, Lane Load Disparities and Their Loading Effect Characteristics of Freeway. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2018. 46(4): p. 458-464.
31.Li, H., X.Q. Ning, C. Lu, and H. Tu, Mechanism and Effect of Time Segmenting Commuting on Congestion Alleviation. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 2019. Vol.47(3): p. 39-45 and 52.
1. Tu, H., Monitoring Travel Time Reliability on Freeways. PhD dissertation (Promotor: Prof. dr. H.J.van Zuylen). 2008, Delft, The Netherlands. Transport & Planning, Falculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, TRAIL thesis series 2008/7. p. 1-172.
2. Tu, H., Model Verrijkt Reistijdvoorspelling (Travel Time Prediction Modelling). Verkeerskunde, 2010. Vol.Nr.02/2010.
3. Tu, H. and W. Huang, Assessment of Superpave Binder. Petroleum Asphalt, 2003. Vol.1.
4. Tu, H., H. Li, A.J. Pel, and L. Sun. On Traffic Safety Hazards in Evacuations Due to Changes in Driving Behavior. in www.trb.org Compendium of papers TRB 92nd Annual Meeting. 2013. Washington D.C.
5. Tu, H. and L. Sun. Reserch on Traffic Assessment of Urban Roads and Its Implementation. in 8th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering. 2004. Beijing, P. R. China.
6. Tu, H., L. Sun, Z. Chen, and J. Ma, Assessment Model of Bridge Decision Support Systems. China Municipal Engineering, 2002. Vol.zl.
7. Tu, H., L. Sun, and H. Li. Feasibility Study on Implementing Electronic Road Pricing System in Shanghai. in 8th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. 2003. Hongkong, P. R. China.
8. Tu, H., L. Sun, J. Ma, Z. Chen, J. Feng, W. Yuan, and G. Wang, Elevated Freeway Information Management System in Shanghai. Shanghai Highway, 2003. Vol.1.
9. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Real Time Modelling Travel Time Reliability on Freeway. in 10th EWGT meeting and 16th Mini-Euro Conference. 2005. Poznan, Polland.
10. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. The Impacts of Freeway Characteristics on Travel Time Variability. in Seminar Infrastructure Reliability TU Delft, June 22, 2006. 2006. Delft, The Netherlands.
11. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Empirical Investigation to the Effects of Adverse Weather on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors. in 9th TRAIL Congress and Knowledge Market. 2006. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
12. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. The Impact of Adverse Weather on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors. in www.trb.org Compendium of papers TRB 86th Annual Meeting. 2007. Washtington D.C. USA.
13. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. The Influence of Road Geometry on Travel Time Variability. in 3rd International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability. 2007. The Hague, The Netherlands.
14. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Effects of Dynamic Speed Limit on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors. in 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. 2007. Beijing, China. p. 5170-5182.
15. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. The Impacts of Rainy Weather on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors under Different Traffic Flow Levels. in 11th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR). 2007. Berkeley, USA.
16. Tu, H., J.W.C. Van Lint, and H.J. Van Zuylen. Travel Time Reliability Model on Freeways. in www.trb.org Compendium of papers TRB 87th Annual Meeting. 2008. Washington DC, USA: Mira Digital. p. 1-17.
17. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen. Would Tight Speed Limits Improve Travel Time Reliability? A Case Study of Dutch Freeways. in www.trb.org Compendium of papers TRB 88th Annual Meeting. 2009. Washington D.C., USA.
18. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, H.J. van Zuylen, and Y.S. Chen. Empirical Investigation to the Causes of Travel Time Unreliability on Motorway Corridors. in Seminar Infrastructure Reliability TU Delft, June 22, 2006. 2006. Delft, The Netherlands.
19. Tu, H., H.J. van Zuylen, and H. Li. Application of Travel Time Reliability Model in Dynamic Traffic Assignment. in 2nd Dynamic Traffic Assignment Symposium. 2008. Leuven Belgium.
20. Tu, H., F. Viti, and H.J. van Zuylen. Impacts of Traffic Accidents on Travel Time Reliability of Freeways Corridors. in www.trb.org Compendium of papers TRB 87th Annual Meeting. 2008. Washington, D. C. USA: Mira Digital.
21. Li, Z. and H. Tu. Simulating Study on Driving Behavior in Case of Haze Weather Condition. in Proceedings of Emergency Transport Management: Joint Chinese-Dutch Seminar on Transportation Management and Travel Behaviour for Urban Emergencies: Past, Present, and Future Research. 2014. Shanghai, P. R. China: Trail Research School (ISBN978-90-78271-08-6). p. 71-77.
22. Li, H. and H. Tu. A Generalized Approach on Departure Time Choice Behavior under Uncertainty: A Comparison to the Scheduleing Approach. in Proceedings of Emergency Transport Management: Joint Chinese-Dutch Seminar on Transportation Management and Travel Behaviour for Urban Emergencies: Past, Present, and Future Research. 2014. Shanghai, P. R. China: Trail Research School (ISBN978-90-78271-08-6). p. 63-70.
23. 涂辉招, 城市道路评价模型及其在erp中应用. 硕士 (孙立军). 2003, 上海. 交通运输学院, 同济大学.
24. 高旺生,涂辉招,杜豫川,孙立军, 一种新的城市道路通行能力计算方法--等效通行能力法. 上海公路, 2005. Vol.01.
25. 邵敏华,汪洋,涂辉招,孙立军, 城市快速路交通评价方法研究. 山东交通学院学报, 2005. Vol.04.
26. 董茂强,邵敏华,涂辉招,孙立军, 城市快速路的gis评价系统研究. 交通与计算机, 2005. Vol.2.
27. 李雅斐,涂辉招,潘磊, 高铁影响下的高速公路事故风险与改善. 交通科技与工程, 2013. Vol.29(1): p. 97-102.
28. 涂辉招,刘声发, 一道竞赛试题的推广. 福建中学数学, 1993. Vol.2: p. 11-12.
29. 涂辉招,刘声发, 一道数学题的推广及其证明. 中学生数学, 1994. Vol.1: p. 28-33 1003-1901.
30. 涂辉招,孙立军,高子翔, 基于mfd确定快速路多匝道协调控制时机. 中国科技论文在线, 2014. Vol.201405(172): p. 1-9.
31. 涂辉招, 行程时间可靠度综述. 中国科技论文在线, 2014. Vol.201407(53): p. 1-7.
32. 王嘉宇,李泽洲,张家伟,涂辉招, 高速公路平直路段雾霾天气下的idm跟驰模型分析. 交通运输研究, 2015. Vol.1(1): p. 86-92.
33. 丁月明,涂辉招,高坤, 组合出行行程时间可靠性感知差异性分析. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2015. Vol.39(3): p. 585-590.
34. 涂辉招,牟涛,毕玉峰,孙立军, 基于安全车速分析的高速公路安全评价方法. 内蒙古公路与运输, 2015. Vol.150: p. 1-7.
35. 涂辉招, 中荷应急交通管理国际学术研讨会. 国际学术动态, 2015. Vol.1: p. 1.
36. 刘健锋,涂辉招,毕玉峰,孙立军, 基于事故数据模糊信息分配与风险评估的高速公路路段安全性评价方法. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2016. Vol.40(1): p. 158-162.
37. 刘健锋,朱文军,涂辉招,孙立军, 面向旅客无歧义的综合交通枢纽多式交通标识系统. 内蒙古科技, 2016. Vol.6: p. 1-12.
38. 王颖,何青俊,涂辉招,阮欣, 考虑荷载特性的交通流规律分析. 华东交通大学学报, 2016. Vol.33(6): p. 77-82.
39. 涂辉招,李浩,陈丰, 研讨式教学法在研究生交通大数据分析课程的探索与实践. 教育教学论坛, 2017. Vol.6: p. 148-150.
40. 刘芳丽,涂辉招,王晓峰,吴兵, 降雨对城市快速路车速离散性影响分析. 交通科技, 2019. Vol.295(4): p. 90-94.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12
相关话题/同济大学 工程学院
郭忠印教授,博士生导师(道路与铁道工程)道路与机场工程系,交通学院A665电话:021-69585723电子邮件:zhongyin@tongji.edu.cn网址:http://www.tjroad.com/个人简介教育&工作经历研究成果郭忠印教授,学科方向为道路与机场工程;曾入选交通部“新世纪十百 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学交通运输工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-潘晓东
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袁捷职称:教授职务:博导教授电话:**邮箱:yuanjie@tongji.edu.cn ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学交通运输工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈崇驹
陈崇驹职称:工程师邮箱:tjccj@tongji.edu.cn个人简介教育&工作经历研究成果20多年来,本人主要从事教学、工程技术咨询服务、路面结构与材料方面的科研工作。教学上曾获同济大学成人教育教学二、三等奖,同济大学校外实习优秀指导教师奖;工程技术咨询上主要参与安徽、山东、江西、广东、贵州等省近 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学交通运输工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-
noinformation ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学交通运输工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-
noinformation ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-江建慧
江建慧博士、教授地址:上海市嘉定区曹安公路4800号邮政编码:201804Email:jhjiang@tongji.edu.cn办公室:同济大学嘉定校区济事楼418室[周一、周二、周四]研究方向:可信赖系统与网络软件可靠性工程VLSI/SoC测试与容错性能评测与设计优化主讲课程:容错与安全计算/本[ ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵生捷
赵生捷教授,同济大学电子与信息工程学院和软件学院双聘教授、博士生导师、同济大学软件学院院长、国际欧亚科学院院士、科学中国人2014年度人物奖获得者、世界知名的贝尔实验室技术学院院士和国务院发展研究中心国际技术经济研究所顾问委员会委员。持有美国一流工科大学得克萨斯A&M大学 ...同济大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-12同济大学软件学院导师教师师资介绍简介-穆斌
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