

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12


研究方向: 整体微分几何。主要从事Finsler几何、包括调和映射与Laplace算子、 子流形几何等相关问题的研究。
教育背景: 1978.09-1982.06 西北师范大学数学系 本科生
1998.09-2001.06 浙江大学数学系 博士生

工作经历: 1982.07-1996.11 西北师范大学数学系 教师
1996.12-1998.08 西北师范大学数学系 副教授
2001.06-现在 同济大学数学系 教师,教授
论文与出版物: He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, The factorization and symplectic uniton numbers for harmonic maps into symplectic groups, Science in China Ser.A, 2001, 44(10): 1225-1235.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, On harmonic maps into symplectic groups Sp(N), Chinese Ann. of Math., 2001, 22B(4): 519-528.
Shen Yi-Bing, He Qun, On stable currents and positively curved hypersurfaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2001, 129(1): 237-246.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, Darboux transformations and isometric immersions of Riemannian products of space forms, Kodai Math.J., 2002, 25(3): 321-340.
贺群, 到四元Grassmann流形的调和映射, 高校应用数学学报, 2002, 17A(1): 67-73.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, Darboux Transformations and Isometric Immersions of Space Forms, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Mathematics and the International Symposium on Differential Geometry in Honour of Professor Su Buchin, 2002, 10.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, Explicit construction for local isometric immersions of space forms, Chinese Ann. of Math., 2003, 24B(1): 97-110.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, Explicit construction for harmonic surfaces in U(N) via adding unitons, Chinese Ann. of Math., 2004, 25B(1): 119-128.
Shen Yi-Bing, He Qun, On minimal immersions of into the nearly K?hler , Acta Math.Scientia, 2004, 24B: 349-360.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, On Bernstein type theorems in Finsler spaces with the volume form induced from the projective sphere bundle, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2006, 134(3): 871-880.
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, Some Results on Harmonic Maps for Finsler manifolds,International Journal of Math., 2005, 16(9): 1017-1031.
贺群, 沈一兵,关于Finsler子流形的平均曲率, 数学年刊, 2006, 27A(5): 663-674.(He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, On the mean curvature of Finsler submanifolds,Chinese Journal of contemporary Math.,2006, 27C(4): 431~442)
He Qun, Shen Yi-Bing, Some Properties of Harmonic Maps for Finsler manifolds, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 2007, Volume 33, No.3: 683~700.
He Qun, Yang Wei , Volume Forms and Minimal Surfaces of Rotation in Finsler Spaces with $(/alpha, /beta )$-Metrics, International Journal of Math., 2010, 21 (11 ): 1401-1411.
He Qun, Yang Wei , Zhao Wei, On totally umbilical submanifolds of Finsler spaces, Annales Polonici Math., 2011, 100(2):147-157.
He Qun, Zhao Wei, On the stability of minimal immersions into Finsler manifolds,Diff. Geom. and its Applications, 30 (2012) 438–449.
He Qun, Zhao Wei, Variation problems and E-valued horizontal harmonic forms on Finsler manifolds,Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2013, 82 (2): 325-339.
Songting Yin, Qun He, Ding He Xie, Minimal submanifolds in general (/alpha,/beta)-spaces, Annales Polonici Math., 108.1 ( 2013) 43-59.
Xiao Jinxiu, Qiu, Chunhui; He Qun, Chen Zhihua, LAPLACIAN COMPARISON ON COMPLEX FINSLER MANIFOLDS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , International Journal of Math., 2013, 24(5) DOI: 10.1142/S**X**.
Zheng Daxiao, He Qun, Projective change between arbitrary (α,β)-metric and Randers metric, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2013, 83 (2), 179-196.
Songting Yin, Qun He and Yibing Shen,On Lower Bounds of the First Eigenvalue of Finsler-Laplacia,Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2013, 83 (3), 385-405.
Songting Yin, Qun He and Yibing Shen, On the first eigenvalue of Finsler-Laplacian in a Finsler manifold with nonnegative weighted Ricci curvature, Science in China Ser.A, 2013, doi: 10.1007/s11425-013-4707-9.
Songting Yin, Qun He and Yibing Shen, On the first eigenvalue of Finsler-Laplacian in a Finsler manifold with nonnegative weighted Ricci curvature, Science in China Ser. A, 2014,57(5): 1057–1070.
Songting Yin, Qun He and Daxiao Zheng, Some comparison theorems and their applications in Finsler geometry, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014:107.
Guangzu Chen, Qun He, Shengliang Pan,On weak Berwald (α,β)-metrics of scalar flag curvature,Journal of Geometry and Physics, 86 (2014) , 112-121.
Songting Yin, Qun He, The first eigenvalue of Finsler p-Laplacian, Differential Geometry and its Applications , 35 (2014) 30–49.
Qun He and Daxiao Zheng,Some rigidity theorems of harmonic maps between Finsler manifolds , Int. J. Math. 25, ** (2014) [13 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S**X**.
Songting Yin, Qun He, Eigenvalue Comparison Theorems on Finsler Manifolds, Chin. Ann. Math.,36B(1), 2015, 31–44.
Songting Yin, Qun He, Eigenvalue Comparison Theorems on Finsler Manifolds, Chin. Ann. Math., 36B(1), 2015, 31–44.
Guangzu Chen, Qun He, Zhongmin Shen,On Conformally flat (α,β)-metrics with Constant Flag Curvature,Publ. Math. Debrecen,. 86/3-4 (2015), 387-400.
Songting Yin, Qun He, A generalized Omori-Yau maximum principle in Finsler geometry, Nonlinear Analysis 128 (2015), 227-247.
Zheng Daxiao, He Qun, (α,β)-metrics with almost isotropic flag curvature, Adav. in Math.(China), 2015, 44 (4), 599-606.
S.-T. Yin, Q. He*, D.-X. Zheng, Some new lower bounds of the first eigenvalue on Finsler manifolds, Kodai Mathematical Journal(0386-5991), 39(2016):318–339.
Songting Yin, Qun He*, THE FIRST EIGENFUNCTIONS AND EIGENVALUE OF THE p-LAPLACIAN ON FINSLER MANIFOLDS, Science in China Ser. A(1674-7283), 2016,59(9):1769–1794.
Q. He S. T. Yin, and Y. B. Shen, Isoparametric hypersurfaces in Minkowski spaces, Diff. Geom. and its Applications(0926-2245), 47(2016):133–158.
Q. He S. T. Yin, and Y. B. Shen, Isoparametric hypersurfaces in Funk spaces,Science in China Ser. A, 2017,60(12),2447–2464.
Qun He, FanqiZeng andDaxiao Zheng,On the first eigenvalue of the mean Finsler-Laplacian ,Acta Mathematica Scientia Ser. B,2017(4),37:1162-1172.
FanqiZeng, Qun He, Reilly-Type Inequalities for the First Eigenvalue of p-Laplacian of Submanifolds in Minkowski Spaces, Mediterr. J. Math. (2017) 14:218, DOI 10.1007/s00009-017-1005-8.

科研项目: 主持项目:
国家自然科学基金:《关于 Finsler 流形上调和映射与 Laplacian 的若干问题研究》,2015.01—2018.12 ;
上海市自然科学基金项目:《关于Finsler几何若干问题的研究》,2009年 08月至 2012年 07 月;
安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目:《Natural Science Foundation of Higher Education in Anhui Province》。

获奖荣誉: 参加甘肃省自然科学基金项目《关于S-系理论和模理论的研究》,获得1997年度甘肃省科技进步二等奖;
2009年 获上海市育才奖;
2009-2010年度 同济大学三八红旗手;
2010年度 同济大学“倪天增教育奖励金”;
2016年度 “上海三菱电梯奖励金”;

主讲研究生 《现代几何基础》、《微分流形》、《黎曼几何》、《李群与调和映射》、《Finsler几何》等课程.

相关话题/同济大学 数学