

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

基本信息 姓名:马满满

研究方向: 研究内容为与电流体力学(Electrohydrodynamics)和电解液中多体关联(Many-body effects)相关的建模和数值算法。具体方法包括渐近分析、边界元方法(Boundary ELement Method)、镜像电荷方法(Image Charge Method)和蒙特卡罗模拟等。

教育背景: 2013.5 美国新泽西理工学院应用数学博士 Ph.D Applied Math., New Jersey Institute of Technology(NJIT) , USA
2009.6 南京大学数学系学士 B.S. Dept. of Math, Nanjing University, China

工作经历: 助理教授,数学科学学院,同济大学,2017年2月至今
博士后,自然科学研究院,上海交通大学,2013年9月-2017年1月, 合作导师:徐振礼

论文与出版物: Deformation and stability of a viscous electrolyte dropin a uniform electric field, Q. Wang, M. Ma*, and M. Siegel, Physical Review Fluids,4(2019), 053702. Selected as Editors' Suggestion.
Microscopic insights into the efficiency of capacitive mixing process. M. Ma, S. Zhao, H. Liu and Z. Xu, AICHE Journal 63(2017): 1785.
Understanding depletion induced like-charge attraction from self-consistent field model. P. Liu, M. Ma and Z. Xu, Communications in Computational Physics, 22(2017), 95-111.
Ion structure near a core-shell dielectric nanoparticle. M. Ma*, Z. Gan and Z. Xu, Physical Review Letters, 118(2017), 076102.
Hybrid Monte Carlo and continuum modeling of electrolyte with concentration-induced dielectric variations,X. Guan, M. Ma (co-first author), Z. Gan, Z. Xu and B. Li, Physical Review E., 94(2016), 053312.
Investigation of dielectric decrement and correlation effects on electric double-layer capacitance by self-consistent field model, M. Ma*, S. Zhao and Z. Xu, Communications in Computational Physics, 20(2016), 441-458.
Density functional formulation of the random-phase approximation for inhomogeneous fluids: Application to the Gaussian core and Coulomb particles, D. Frydel, M. Ma, Physical Review E.,93(2016), 062112.
Self-consistent field model for strong electrostatic correlations and inhomogeneous dielectric media, M. Ma*, Z, Xu, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(2014), 244903.
Self-energy-modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations: WKB approximation and finite-difference approaches, Z. Xu, M. Ma, P. Liu, Physical Review E., 90(2014), 013307.

相关话题/同济大学 数学