

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

李丽 教授
办公地址:海洋楼415 办公电话:

电子邮箱: lilitju@tongji.edu.cn



2014.12- 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,教授
2014.01- 2014.12:美国Brown大学,访问****
2008.11- 2009.03:美国佐治亚大学,访问****
2005.05-2014.12: 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,讲师、副教授
2003.04- 2005.05:同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,海洋科学博士后
2002.05- 2002.12:美国Drexel大学,交流学习


两种温度指标(Uk'37和TEX86) 的现代水体调查和沉积记录整合研究(**),2011.1-2017.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人;
南海北部古菌脂类分子的现代分布特征及地质记录(12ZZ031), 2012.1-2014.12,上海市科研创新项目,负责人;
50万年来南海南部浮游藻类群的地球化学变化研究(2006KJ055), 2006.12-2008.12,同济大学青年优秀人才培养基金,负责人;

Li G.Y., Li L., Tarozo R., Longo WM., Wang K.J., Dong H.L., Huang Y.S., Microbial production of long-chain n-alkanes: Implication for interpreting sedimentary leaf wax signals. Organic Geochemistry, 115, 24-31, 2018.
李丽, 徐沁, 上新世以来巽他陆架海平面变化研究. 地球科学进展, 32, 1126-1136, 2017.
He J., Jia G.D., Li L., Wang P.X., Differential timing of C4 plant decline and grassland retreat during the penultimate deglaciation. Global and Planetary Change, 156, 26-33, 2017.
刘晶晶,张江勇,陈云如,金海燕,李丽,田军,基于叶蜡正构烷烃重建的南海及周边地区植被类型, 第四纪研究, 3, 553-563, 2016.
Li L*, Li Q.Y. He J., Wang H., Ruan Y.M., Li J.R., Biomarker-derived phytoplankton community for summer monsoon reconstruction in western South China Sea off mid-Vietnam over the past 450 ka. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 122, 118-130, 2015.
Li L*, Li Q.Y., Li J.R., Wang H., Dong L., Huang Y.S., Wang P.X., A hydroclimate regime shift around 270 ka in the western tropical Pacific inferred from a late Quaternary n-alkane chain-length record. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 427, 79-88, 2015.
Dong L., Li L.*, Li Q.Y. *, Liu J., Chen Y.X., He J., Wang H., Basin-wide distribution of phytoplankton lipids in the South China Sea during intermonsoon seasons: Influence by nutrient and physical dynamics. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 122, 52-63, 2015.
Dong L., Li L.*, Li Q.*, Wang, H., Zhang, C.L., Hydroclimate implications of thermocline variability in the southern South China Sea over the past 180,000 yr. Quaternary Research, 83, 370-377, 2015.
Dong L., Li Q.Y.*, Li L*., Zhang, C.L., Glacial-interglacial contrast in MBT/CBT proxies in the South China Sea: Implications for marine production of branched GDGTs and continental teleconnection. Organic Geochemistry, 79, 74-82, 2015.
Li L.*, Liu J., He J., Wang H., Factors affecting the abundance and community structure of the phytoplankton in northern South China Sea in the summer of 2008: a biomarker study. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(10):981-991, doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-0106-4. 2014.
Zhang Y.L., Kaiser K., Li L., Zhang D.N., Ran Y., Benner R., Sources, distributions, and early diagenesis of sedimentary organicmatter in the Pearl River region of the South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 158, 39-48, 2014.
李丽*, 刘杰, 贺娟, 王慧. 2008年夏季南海北部浮游藻类生物量和群落组成特征及其影响因素:生物标记物研究. 科学通报, 59, 1016-1025, 2014.
张海峰, 王汝建, 陈荣华, 高爱国, 李丽, 王慧, 白令海北部陆坡全新世以来的生物标志物记录及其古环境意义. 极地研究, 26, 1-16, 2014.
Li L.*, Li Q.Y.*, Tian J., Wang H., Wang P.X., Low latitude hydro-climatic changes during the Plio-Pleistocene: evidence from high resolution alkane records in the southern South China Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 78, 209-224, 2013.
He J.*, Zhao M.X., Wang P., Li L., Qianyu Li QY. Changes in phytoplankton productivity and community structure in the northern South China Sea during the past 260 ka. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 392, 312-323, 2013.
Zhou B.*, Zheng H.B., Yang W.G., Taylor D.; Lu, YH., Wei G.J., Li L., Wang H., Climate and vegetation variations since the LGM recorded by biomarkers from a sediment core in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 948-955, 2012.
李丽*, 陈宇星, 王慧, 贺娟, 更新世以来南海表层水温变化及其古气候意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 32, 1-8, 2012.
董良, 李丽*, 王慧, 贺娟, 魏玉利, 2008年冬季西太平洋表层海水浮游藻类分布特征——分子有机地球化学研究. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 32, 51-594, 2012.
贺娟, 李丽, 赵美训, 南海北部晚第四纪颗石藻生产力变化及其影响因素. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 32, 9-16, 2012.
刘东艳, 申旭红, 王玉珏, 陈颖军, 李丽, 烟台四十里湾表层沉积物有机质来源及环境意义. 海洋学报(中文版), 34, 205-212, 2012.
Li L.*, Li Q.Y.*, Tian J., Wang P.X., Wang H., Liu Z.H., A 4-Ma record of thermal evolution in the tropical western Pacific and its implications on climate change. Earth Planetary Science Letter, 309, 10-20, 2011.
Wei Y.L., Wang J.X., Liu J., Dong L., Li L.*, Wang H., Wang P., ZhaoM.X. and Zhang C.L.*, Spatial Variations in Archaeal Lipids of Surface Water and Core-Top Sediments in the South China Sea and Their Implications for Paleoclimate Studies. Appied Environment Microbiology, 77, 7479-7489, 2011.
Zhang Y.G.*, Zhang C.L.*, Liu X.L., Li L., Hinrichs K-U and Noakes J.E.,Methane Index: a tetraether archaeal lipid biomarker indicator for detecting the instability of marine gas hydrates, Earth Planetary Science Letter, 307, 525-534, 2011
周斌*, 郑洪波, 杨文光, 韦刚健, 李丽, 王慧, 末次冰期以来南海北部沉积有机碳记录及其古植被环境信息. 第四纪研究, 31, 498-505,2011.
刘杰, 李丽*, 贺娟, 南海海域浮游植物分布特征及研究进展. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 30, 133-142, 2010.
Li L.*, Wang H., Li J., Zhao M., Wang P., Changes in sea surface temperature in western South China Sea over the past 450ka, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54, 3335-3343, 2009.
李丽*, 王慧, 李建如, 赵美训, 汪品先, 南海西部45万年来的表层水温变化。科学通报, 54, 1269-1277, 2009.
He J.*, Zhao M.X., Li L., Wang P., Ge H.M., Sea surface temperature and terrestrial biomarker records of the last 260 ka of core MD05-2904 from the northern South China Sea,Chinese Sci. Bulletin, 53,2376-2384, 2008.
He J., Zhao M.X.*, Li L., Wang H., Wang P.X., Biomarker evidence of relatively stable community structure in the northern South China Sea during the last glacial and Holocene.Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 19, 377-387, 2008.
李丽*, 王慧, 罗布次仁, 贺娟, 南海北部4万年以来有机碳和碳酸盐含量变化特征及古海洋学意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 28, 79-85, 2008.
李丽*, 王慧, 李建如, 赵美训, 汪品先, 南海西部晚更新世以来表层海水剩余氧同位素及盐度变化情况的研究. 第四纪研究, 28, 399-406, 2008.
贺娟*, 赵美训, 李丽, 汪品先. 南海北部MD05-2904沉积柱状样过去26万年海水表层温度及陆源生物标记物记录. 科学通报, 53, 1324-1331, 2008.
李丽*, 王慧, 汪品先, 南海北部17937岩芯四万年来古环境变化的分子有机地球化学记录。 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 2008, 33, 793-799, 2008.
Li L., Jia W., Peng P.*, Sheng G., Fu J., Huang W., Compositional and source characterization of base progressively extracted humic acids using pyrolytic gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 1455-1468, 2006.
李丽*, 贾望鲁, 彭平安, 傅家谟, 盛国英, 裂解技术研究Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸的组成和来源特征. 分析化学, 33, 150-154, 2005.
Li L., Zhao Zh., Huang W.*, Peng P., Sheng G., Fu J., Characteristics of Humic Acids Fractionated by Ultrafiltration. Organic. Geochemistry, 35, 1025-1037, 2004.
李丽*, 汪品先. 大洋“生物泵”—海洋浮游植物生物标志物研究. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 24, 73-79, 2004.
李丽*, 冉勇, 傅家谟, 盛国英, 彭平安. 超滤分级研究腐殖酸的结构组成. 地球化学, 33, 387- 394, 2004,
李丽*, 于志强, 盛国英, 傅家谟, 彭平安, 黄伟林. 分子结构在腐殖酸对菲的吸附行为中的影响. 环境化学, 23, 381-386, 2004.
李丽*, 于志强, 冉勇, 盛国英, 傅家谟, 彭平安, 黄伟林. Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸的分子量分布特征及其对菲的吸附影响. 环境科学学报, 24, 587-594, 2004.
崔明超, 李丽, 陈繁忠, 傅家谟, 盛国英, 孙国萍, 蔡小伟. 睾丸酮丛毛单胞菌对喹啉的微生物降解途径的研究, 环境科学学报, 24, 171-173, 2004.
Li L., Huang W.*, Peng P., Sheng G., Fu J., Chemical and Molecular Heterogeneity of Humic Acids Repetitively Extracted from a Peat. Soil Science Society American Journal, 67, 740-746, 2003.
崔明超, 李丽, 陈繁忠. 喹啉及其衍生物微生物降解研究进展. 上海环境科学, 2003, 22, 52-56, 2003.
李丽, 冉勇, 盛国英, 傅家谟, 彭平安, 黄伟林. 泥炭土连续碱抽提腐殖酸的分子结构特征. 分析化学, 30, 1303-1307, 2002.
赵振业, 肖贤明, 李丽, 张文兵, 冉勇, 傅家谟, 盛国英. 水体中不同相对分子质量有机质对饮用水消毒的影响. 环境科学, 23, 45-50, 2002.
李丽, 武丽萍, 成绍鑫. 风化煤腐植酸与Ca(H2PO4)2相互作用机理的研究.燃料化学学报, 28, 314-319, 2000.

参编教材:《现代分析测试技术》,祁景玉 主编,同济大学出版社,2006年

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