金晓波 副研究员
电子邮箱: 386jinxiaobo@tongji.edu.cn
2004.09-2008.06 中国地质大学(武汉)地质学 理学学士
2010.09-2017.01 同济大学 海洋地质学 理学博士
2014.09-2014.12 英国国家海洋研究中心 访问学生
2020.06-至今 同济大学海洋学院高等研究院 副研究员
2018.09-2018.12 美国德州农工大学 访问****
2017.03-2020.02 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院 博士后
2008.06-2010.06 上海金典典当有限公司 高级珠宝首饰评估师
(1) 利用颗石藻生理作用来校正烯酮古CO2气压计中的b值,2019.1至2021.12,22万,国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持人;
(2) 用南海沉积物中长链烯酮重建中新世大气二氧化碳浓度变化,2020.1至2024.12,304万,国家自然科学基金重点基金,参与。
1) Xiaobo Jin, Chuanlian Liu*,Hongrui Zhang,2019. Coccolith morphological and assemblage responses to dissolution in the recent sediments of the East China Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 152(2019)101709.
2) Xiaobo Jin, Chuanlian Liu*, Yulong Zhao, Yanwei Zhang, Ke Wen, Shun Lin, Jianru Li, Zhifei Liu, 2019.Two production stages of coccolithophores in winter as revealed by sediment traps in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.124,2335-2350.
3) Xiaobo Jin, Chuanlian Liu*,Hongrui Zhang,Chao Zhou, Xiaoying Jiang, Zhouyang Wu, Juan Xu, 2018. Evolutionary driven of Gephyrocapsa coccolith isotopic vital effects over the past 400 ka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 503:236-247
4) Xiaobo Jin, Chuanlian Liu*,2017. Ecological and taphonomical influences on coccoliths in surface sediments in the shelf of the Yellow and East China Seas. Continental Shelf Research, 140:27-36.
5) Xiaobo Jin, Chuanlian Liu*, Alex J. Poulton, Minhan Dai, and Xianghui Guo, 2016. Coccolithophore responses to environmental variability in the South China Sea: species composition and calcite content. Biogeosciences, 13, 4843-4861.
6) 金晓波, 刘传联*, 褚智慧, 2012. 末次冰消期以来苏拉威西海颗石藻化石记录与古海洋变化. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,32(4):131-137.
7) Xiao, W.*, Polyak, L., Wang, R., L?wemark, L., Mei, J., You, D., Wang, W., Wu, L., Jin, X., 2020. Middle to Late Pleistocene Arctic paleoceanographic changes based on sedimentary records from Mendeleev Ridge and Makarov Basin. Quaternary Science Reviews, 228, 106105.
8) Ruigang Ma, Chuanlian Liu*, Qianyu Li, Xiaobo Jin, 2019. Calcareous nannofossil changes in response to the spreading of the South China Sea Basin during Eocene-Oligocene, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.
9) Xinquan Zhou, Xuan Lü,Chuanlian Liu*, Zhifei Liu, Qianyu Li, Xiaobo Jin, Hongrui Zhang, Kelsie Dadd, 2019. Depositional mechanisms for upper Miocene sediments in the South China Sea central basin: evidence from calcareous nannofossils. Marine Micropaleontology. 151 (2019)-101768.
10) Hongrui Zhang, Heather Stoll, Clara Bolton, Xiaobo Jin, and Chuanlian Liu*, 2018. Technical note: A refinement of coccolith separation methods: measuring the sinking characteristics of coccoliths. Biogeosciences, 15: 4759-4775.
11) Hongrui Zhang, Chuanlian Liu*, Xiaobo Jin, Jiangnan Shi, Shaohua Zhao, Zhimin Jian, 2016. Dynamics of primary productivity in the northern South China Sea over the past 24,000 years. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17:4878-4891.
12) 马晓旭,刘传联*,金晓波,张洪瑞,马瑞罡,2019. 长链烯酮在古大气二氧化碳分压重建的应用。地球科学进展,34(3):265-274.
13) 刘传联*,金晓波,苏翔,张洪瑞,程众,马瑞罡,马晓旭,2018. 钙质超微化石在第四纪年代地层学中的应用。第四纪研究,38(3):782-791.
14) 刘晓丹,刘传联*,金晓波,2017.2014年春季东海现生颗石藻群落分布及环境影响。海洋与第四纪地质,37(2):1-10.