

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

职 务:研究员
校内外学术及行政兼职:为多部国内外期刊的审稿人,如Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、 Bioresource Technology、Waste Management、Energy & Fuels、Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,等;获评2011年度和2012年度Bioresource Technology期刊“Outstanding Reviewer”。曾任环境科学与工程学院06级环境工程硕士班班主任和06级环境工程硕士党支部支部书记;现任环境科学与工程学院中法班班主任。


2003.03~2006.03,同济大学环境工程专业,博士毕业 (上海市高等院校优秀毕业研究生,上海市研究生优秀成果(博士学位论文), 同济大学优秀博士学位论文)


1. 同济大学教学改革研究与建设项目.《固体废物处理与处置》. 2006.05~2011.05.获2006年度同济大学校级精品课程、获2009年上海市精品课程.
2. 同济大学教学改革研究与建设项目. 《固体废物处理与资源化技术》教学团队与教学模式综合改革.2010.12~2012.12.
3. 同济大学实验教学改革基金项目. 固体废物处理与处置. 2008.05~2009.12. 获2009年同济大学第四期“实验教学改革基金”项目优秀奖.
4. 同济大学教学改革研究与建设项目-教材建设. 固体废物管理(第二版). 2008.05~2009.12.获2007年度上海市优秀教材三等奖.
5. 同济大学教学改革研究与建设项目-教材建设. 固体废物处理与资源化技术. 2006.10~2008.12.
6. 环境科技创新人才培养基地. 易腐生活废弃物生物代谢稳定工艺. 2003年~至今
7. 国家大学生创新训练计划. 抗生素药渣的厌氧消化处理
8. 指导在读硕士研究生2名,本科毕业论文2名;协助指导博士研究生3名,硕士研究生9名

国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(编号**).基于宏蛋白质组学及显微操作多相分析产甲烷菌微生态耐受性强化机制. 2014.01~2017.12.项目负责人.
国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(编号**).基于稳定同位素示踪的高浓度乙酸降解微生态功能识别. 2012.01~2015.12.项目负责人.
霍英东教育基金会第十三届高等院校青年教师基金应用研究课题(编号132012). 生物质腐殖化固碳技术. 2012.01~2014.12.项目负责人.
上海市浦江人才计划A类(编号11PJ**). 基于多纤维素酶体环境功能调控的木质纤维素废物高效厌氧水解. 2011.10~2013.9.项目负责人.
中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号). 2011.07~2013.06.项目负责人.
污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室自主研究课题(编号 PCRRY11008). 2011.12~2014.12.项目负责人.
国家973重点基础研究发展计划项目“城市固体废弃物填埋孕育环境灾害与可持续防控的基础研究”课题(编号: 2012CB719801). 城市固废物-化-生相变及污染物产生. 2012.01~2016.12. 学术骨干.
上海市2012年度“科技创新行动计划”社会发展领域项目“高浓度高含渣率废液厌氧生物处理工艺技术研究及工程示范”课题之子课题(编号).单相/两相厌氧消化处理工艺及恶臭污染控制.2012.10.1~2014.09.30. 主要研究人员.
城市水污染控制与水环境综合整治技术体系研究与示范主题"巢湖流域城市水污染控制及水环境治理技术集成与综合示范项目"课题“城市污泥及有机质的联合生物质能源回收与综合利用技术”(编号2011ZX07303-004-03)子课题. 消化污泥梯度干化与稳定化产物土地利用技术研究. 2011.12~2015.12. 主要研究人员
国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(编号**).废弃生物质能源资源利用. 2017.01~2019.12. 项目负责人.

国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号**).固相厌氧消化高浓度有机酸环境下甲烷化中心扩展机理研究. 2008.01~2010.12.
国家科技支撑计划项目“村镇小康住宅关键技术研究与示范”课题“村镇小康住宅生活垃圾集约化处理技术研究与开发”之子课题(编号2006BAJ04A06-02).有机生活垃圾两步复合厌氧气化资源化技术. 2008.01~2011.12.

1. 2008年度教育部科学技术进步二等奖. 生活垃圾厌氧型生物反应器填埋成套技术及示范. 排名第2
2. 2008年度上海市优秀工程咨询成果二等奖. 松江区固体废弃物综合处理工程可行性研究报告. 排名第5
3. 2011年度教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖技术发明二等奖.生活垃圾焚烧飞灰稳定化组合处理技术及其应用. 排名第5
4. 第二十四届上海市优秀发明选拔赛优秀发明金奖. 生活垃圾焚烧飞灰稳定化组合处理技术.2012年5月. 排名第4
5. 2007年度国家建设部华夏建设科学技术二等奖. 生活垃圾焚烧厂灰渣特性和资源化利用技术开发与应用. 排名第10

1. 2010年入选同济大学优秀青年教师计划(英才计划,教学科研型)
2. 2009年度上海市级精品课程《固体废物处理与处置》. 排名第4.
3. 2007年度同济大学青年骨干教师资助计划人选.
4. 2006年12月获同济大学威曼固体废物研究奖教金

1. 吕凡.第五章: 固体废物生物处理. In: 何品晶(主编). 固体废物处理与资源化技术. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2011.06. ISBN 978-7-04-033234-6, 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材.

1. 参编中华人民共和国国家标准《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB16889-2008)修订.
2. 参编中华人民共和国行业标准《生活垃圾堆肥处理工程技术规程》(CJJ/T52-XX)修订.

利用通风填埋层进行渗滤液处理的方法. 专利号: ZL 2005 1 **.9
复合厌氧消化处理城市生活垃圾与污水厂污泥的方法. 专利号: ZL 2004 1 **.4
一种生活垃圾的生物干燥方法. 专利号: ZL 2007 1 **.6
一种污水处理厂污泥加工成农肥的方法. 专利号: ZL 2007 1 **.3
污水处理厂污泥分相消化方法. 专利号: ZL 2007 1 **.8
一种双向通风和气压翻堆堆肥方法. 专利号: ZL 2007 1 **.6
一种生活垃圾快速生物干化的方法. 申请号: 6.5
一种生活垃圾水解—好氧两段生物干化方法. 申请号: 4.2
一种生活垃圾分相好氧与厌氧的处理方法. 申请号: 6.8
一种利用污水厂污泥和焚烧高温烟气的铬渣还原脱毒方法. 申请号: 5.0
一种快速表征污泥脱水性能的方法. 申请号: 2.2
快速鉴别污水处理厂进水中垃圾填埋场渗滤液的方法. 申请号: 7.1
一种加速疏浚底泥脱水固化稳定排泥场的构建方法. 申请号: 2.6
一种能量回收式太阳能辅助污泥生物干化系统. 申请号: 2.5
一种分区接种快速启动易酸败垃圾沼气利用的方法. 申请号: 9.5
一种原位测定木质纤维生物质酶可及性的方法. 申请号: 9.5
生物质垃圾预水解-机械破碎一体化均质工艺. 申请号: 0.6
一种菌解生物预处理提高藻类原料厌氧产能效率的方法. 申请号: 2.3
一种利用功能菌改善污泥厌氧消化性能并同步扩培的方法. 申请号: 7.7
一种污泥梯度脱水干化的系统和方法. 申请号: 4.3
利用间歇微曝气调控易降解有机废物厌氧消化的方法. 申请号: 0.0
一种木炭作为外源调理剂在污泥堆肥中的应用. 申请号: 8.4

Lü F, Bize A, Guillot A, Monnet V, Madigou C, Chapleur O, Mazéas L, He PJ, Bouchez T. Metaproteomics of cellulose methanization under thermophilic conditions reveals a surprisingly high proteolytic activity. ISME Journal, 2013, (DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2013.120).(SCI收录源刊)
Zheng W, Phoungthong K, Lü F, Shao LM, He PJ. Evaluation of a classification method for biodegradable solid wastes using landfill degradation parameters. Waste Management, 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2013.08.015)(SCI收录源刊) (通讯作者)
Yang N, Zhang H, Shao LM, Lü F, He PJ. Greenhouse gas emissions during MSW landfilling in China: Influence of waste characteristics and LFG treatment measures. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.08.039)(SCI收录源刊)
He PJ, Mao B,Lü F, Shao LM, Lee DJ, Chang JS. The combined effect of microorganisms and Chlorella vulgaris on the treatment of municipal wastewaters. Bioresource Technology, 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.07.111)(SCI收录源刊)
Zhang JN, Lü F, Luo CH, Shao LM, He PJ. Humification characterization of biochar and its potential as a composting amendment. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/S1001-0742(13)60421-0)(SCI收录源刊) (通讯作者)
Lü F, Li TS, Wang TF, Shao LM, He PJ. Improvement of sludge digestate biodegradability by thermophilic bioaugmentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-4977-8).(SCI收录源刊)
Lü F, Ji JQ, Shao LM, He PJ. Bacterial bioaugmentation for improving methane and hydrogen production from microalgae. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6, 92.(SCI收录)
Hao LP, Lü F, Li L, Wu Q, Shao LM, He PJ. Self-adaption of methane-producing communities to pH disturbance at different acetate concentrations by shifting pathways and population interaction.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 140, 319-327.(SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Shao LM, Wang TF, Li TS, Lü F, He PJ. Comparison of sludge digestion under aerobic and anaerobic conditions with a focus on the degradation of proteins at mesophilic temperature. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 140,131-137.(SCI收录)
He PJ, Chai LN, Li L, Hao LP, Shao LM, Lü F. In situ visualization of the change in lignocellulose biodegradability during extended anaerobic bacterial degradation.RSC Advances, 2013, 3 (29), 11759 - 11773.(SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Lin YC, Lü F, Shao LM, He PJ. Influence of bicarbonate buffer on the methanogenetic pathway during thermophilic anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 137, 245-253. (SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Hao LP, Lü F, Shao LM, He PJ. Improving the performance of thermophilic anaerobic digester through recirculation of low hydrogen biogas. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2013, 48(11), 1431-1436. (SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Hao LP, Lü F, Li L, Shao LM, He PJ. Response of anaerobes to methyl fluoride, 2-bromoethanesulfonate and hydrogen during acetate degradation. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2013, 25(5), 857-863. (SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Lü F, Hao LP, Guan DX, Qi YJ, Shao LM, He PJ. Synergetic stress of acids and ammonium on the shift in the methanogenic pathways during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of organics. Water Research, 2013, 47(7), 2297-2306. (SCI收录)
Hao LP, Lü F, Li L, Shao LM, He PJ. Shift of thermophilic methanogenic pathways during initiation from acid crisis at different initial pH. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 126, 418-424. (SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Shao LM, He X, Yang N, Fang JJ, Lü F, He PJ. Biodrying of municipal solid waste under different ventilation modes: Drying efficiency and aqueous pollution. Waste Management & Research, 2012, 30(12), 1272-1280. (SCI收录)
Shao LM, Zhang CY, He PJ, Lü F. Comparison of different fluorescence spectrum analysis techniques to characterize humification levels of waste-derived dissolved organic matter. Environmental Technology, 2012, 33(22), 2569-2573. (SCI收录) (通讯作者)
Wu D, Gao H, Lü F, Shao LM, Luo SM, Xia PQ, He PJ. Evaluation of inhibition relief operations for mesophilic anaerobic bio-liquefaction of lincomycin manufacturing biowaste. Water Science & Technology, 2012, 65(12), 2200-2205. (SCI收录)
Lü F, Hao LP, Zhu M, Shao LM, He PJ. Initiation of methanogenesis of vegetable waste at low inoculum-substrate ratio: Importance of spatial separation. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 105: 169–173. (SCI收录)
Lü F, He PJ, Guo M, Yang N, Shao LM. Ammonium-dependent regulation of aerobic methane-consuming bacteria in landfill cover soil by leachate irrigation. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2012, 24(4), 1-9. (SCI收录)
Hao LP, Lü F, He PJ, Li L, Shao LM. Quantify the inhibitory effect of methyl fluoride on methanogenesis in anaerobic granular systems. Chemosphere, 2011, 84(9): 1194–1199. (SCI收录)
Yang N, Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. Response of methanotrophs and methane oxidation on ammonium application in landfill soils. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 92(5): 1073–1082. (SCI收录)
He PJ, Yang N, Fang WJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Interaction and independence among three impact factors on methane oxidation of landfill cover soil: water, oxygen and ammonium. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 2011, 23(6) 1011–1019. (SCI收录)
Wu D, Lü F, Gao H, Shao LM, He PJ. Mesophilic bio-liquefaction of lincomycin manufacturing biowaste: the influence of total solid content and inoculum to substrate ratio. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(10), 5855-5862. (SCI收录)
Hao LP, Lü F, He PJ, Li L, Shao LM. Predominant contribution of syntrophic acetate oxidation to thermophilic methane formation at high acetate concentrations. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(2), 508–513. (SCI收录)
Xu SY, He PJ, Lü F, Li M, Shao LM. Transformation of organic matters in fresh leachate during anaerobic degradation under long hydraulic retention time. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2009, 21(9), 1302–1308. (SCI收录)
Zhang H, Chang CH, Lü F, Lee DJ, Su A, He PJ, Shao LM. Fluorescent characteristics of estrogenic compounds in landfill leachate.Environmental Technology, 2009, 30(9): 953–961. (SCI收录)
Zhu M, Lü F, Hao LP, He PJ, Shao LM. Regulating the hydrolysis of organic wastes by micro-aeration and effluent recirculation. Waste Management, 2009, 29(7): 2042–2050. (SCI收录)
Yu T, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Mediating N2O emissions from municipal solid waste landfills: Impacts of landfill operating conditions on community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in cover soils. Ecological Engineering, 2009, 35(5): 882–889. (SCI收录)
Lü F, Shao LM, Bru V, Godon J J, He PJ. Synergetic effect of pH and biochemical components on bacterial diversity during mesophilic anaerobic fermentation of biomass-origin waste. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2009, 106(2): 580–591. (SCI收录)
Lü F, Chang CH, Lee DJ, He PJ, Shao LM, Su A. Dissolved organic matter with multi-peak fluorophores in landfill leachate. Chemosphere, 2009, 74(4): 575-582. (SCI收录)
Zhang H, Chang CH, Lü F, Lee DJ, He PJ, Shao LM, Su A. Estrogenic activity of fractionate landfill leachate. Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407(2): 879-886. (SCI收录)
Lü F, Zhang H, Chang CH, Lee DJ, He PJ, Shao LM, Su A. Dissolved organic matter and estrogenic potential of landfill leachate[J].Chemosphere, 2008, 72(9): 1381-1386. (SCI收录)
Lü F, He PJ, Hao LP, Shao LM. Impact of recycled effluent on the hydrolysis during anaerobic digestion of vegetable and flower waste.Water Science and Technology, 2008, 58(8): 1637-1643. (SCI收录)
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM, Lee DJ. Stress of pH and acetate on product formation of fermenting polysaccharide-rich organic waste [J].Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008, 39(1): 97-104. (SCI收录)
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM, Lee DJ. Lactate inhibits hydrolysis of polysaccharide-rich particulate organic waste. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(7), 2476-2482. (SCI收录)
Zhang B, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Enhancement of anaerobic biodegradability of flower stems wastes by co-hydrolysis with vegetable wastes. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2008, 20(3),297-303. (SCI收录)
Lü F, Chen M, He PJ, Shao LM. Effects of ammonia on acidogenesis of protein-rich organic wastes. Environmental Engineering Science, 2008, 25(1), 123-131. (SCI收录)
He PJ, Lü F, Zhang H, Shao LM, Lee DJ. Sewage sludge in China: challenges toward a sustainable future [J]. Water Practice and Technology, 2007, 2(4). DOI: 10.2166/wpt.2007.083
Zhang B, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM, Wang P. Extracellular enzyme activities during regulated hydrolysis of high-solid organic wastes. Water Research, 2007, 41(19), 4468-4478. (SCI收录)
Ye NF, Lü F, Shao LM, Godon JJ, He PJ. Bacterial community dynamics and product distribution during pH-adjusted fermentation of vegetable wastes [J]. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2007, 103(4): 1055-1065. (SCI收录)
He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM, Pan XJ, Lee DJ. Kinetics of enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharide-rich particulates. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2007, 38(1): 21-27. (SCI收录)
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM, Lee DJ. Effects of ammonia on hydrolysis of proteins and lipids in fish samples. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2007, 75(5):1201-1208. (SCI收录)
Ye NF, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Effect of pH on microbial diversity and product distribution during anaerobic fermentation of vegetable waste.Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology, 2007, 13(2): 238-242.
He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM, Pan XJ, Lee DJ. Enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharide-rich particulate organic waste [J]. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2006, 93(6): 1145-1151. (SCI收录)
He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM, Lee DJ. Oxygen limitation in static respiration activity index test [J]. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2006, 81(7):1177-1184. (SCI收录)
He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM, Pan XJ, Lee DJ. Effect of alkali metal cation on the anaerobic hydrolysis and acidogenesis of vegetable waste [J].Environmental Technology, 2006, 27(3): 317-327. (SCI收录)
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. Partial least square modeling of hydrolysis: analyzing the impacts of pH and acetate [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2006, 18(4):810-814. (SCI收录)
何品晶, 周琪, 吴铎, 蔡涛, 彭伟, 吕凡, 邵立明. 生物质废物不同厌氧消化阶段的沼渣脱水性能分析. 化工学报, 2013, accepted.
何品晶, 张宗兴, 吴铎, 吕凡. 城市生活垃圾可生物降解组分动态水解研究. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(2), 83-88.(EI收录)
何品晶, 管冬兴, 吴铎, 吕凡, 邵立明. 氨氮和林可霉素对有机物厌氧消化的联合抑制. 化工学报, 2011, 62(5), 1389-1394.(EI收录)
章骅, 何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明. 重金属在环境中的化学形态分析研究进展. 环境化学, 2011, 30(1), 130-137.
何品晶, 李磊, 郝丽萍, 吕凡, 邵立明. 气体分离循环对高温厌氧消化过程的影响. 中国环境科学, 2011, 31(2), 245-252.
何品晶, 张春燕, 杨娜, 章骅, 吕凡, 邵立明. 我国村镇生活垃圾处理现状与技术路线探讨. 农业环境科学学报, 2010, 29(11), 2049–2054.
徐颂, 吴铎, 吕凡, 邵立明, 何品晶. 含固率和接种比对林可霉素菌渣厌氧消化的影响. 中国环境科学, 2010, 30(3), 362–368.
何品晶, 赵有亮, 郝丽萍, 吕凡, 邵立明. 模拟废水高温厌氧消化出水中SMP的特性研究. 中国环境科学, 2010, 30(3), 315–321.
何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明, 章骅. 稳定同位素表征有机物甲烷化代谢动力学. 化学进展, 2009, 21(2-3) :540–549. (SCI收录)
何品晶, 方文娟, 吕凡, 朱敏, 邵立明. 乙酸常温预处理对木质纤维素厌氧消化的影响. 中国环境科学, 2008, 28(12),1116-1121. (EI收录)
余婷, 何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明. 生活垃圾填埋操作方式对覆土中I型甲烷氧化菌的影响. 环境科学, 2008, 29(10), 283-288. (EI收录)
郝丽萍, 吕凡, 何品晶, 邵立明. 甲烷化出水循环量对固体废物厌氧水解的影响. 环境科学, 2008, 29(9), 269-274. (EI收录)
何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明, 章骅. 震灾后过渡居住期易腐废物管理与技术方案. 农业环境与发展, 2008, 25(4), 10-12.
郭敏, 何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明. 生活垃圾填埋场覆土层Ⅱ型甲烷氧化菌群落结构. 中国环境科学. 2008, 28(6),380-384. (EI收录)
何品晶, 王沛, 郝丽萍, 吕凡, 邵立明. 循环消化液组成对固体废物厌氧水解的影响. 中国环境科学. 2008, 28(5): 412-416. (EI收录)
陈军, 何品晶, 邵立明, 吕凡, 张鹏飞. 拆毁建筑垃圾产生量的估算方法探讨. 环境卫生工程, 2007, 15(6): 1-4.
叶凝芳, 吕凡, 何品晶, 邵立明. DGGE和SSCP解析蔬菜类废物好氧降解过程细菌群落结构及演替的比较. 农业环境科学学报, 2007, 26(3): 1132-1137.
吕凡, 何品晶, 邵立明, 陈活虎. pH值对易腐性有机垃圾厌氧发酵产物分布的影响.环境科学, 2006, 27(5): 173-179. (EI收录)
吕凡, 何品晶, 邵立明. 废食用油脂作生物柴油原料的可行性分析.环境污染治理技术与设备, 2006, 7(2): 104-110.
何品晶, 潘修疆, 吕凡, 邵立明. pH值对易腐性有机垃圾厌氧水解和酸化速率的影响.中国环境科学, 2006, 26(1): 57-61. 《中国环境科学》2006年度优秀论文. (EI收录)
潘修疆, 何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明. pH值与乙酸对易腐有机垃圾水解过程的抑制.环境化学,2006, 25(4): 449-453.
陈活虎, 何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明. 腐熟堆肥接种对蔬菜废物中高温好氧降解过程的影响.环境化学,2006, 25(4): 444-448.
陈军, 何品晶, 吕凡, 邵立明. 建筑垃圾的产生与循环利用管理. 环境卫生工程, 2006, 14(4):27-30.
刘永德, 吕凡, 崔莹, 吉洁, 何品晶. 易腐垃圾与农业秸秆混合堆肥过程研究. 粮食流通技术, 2006, (2): 43-44.
吕凡, 何品晶, 邵立明, 李国建. 易腐性有机垃圾的产生与处理技术途径比较. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2003, 4(8): 46-50.
吕凡, 何品晶, 邵立明, 李国建. 餐厨垃圾高温好氧生物消化工艺控制条件优化. 同济大学学报, 2003, 31(2): 233-238.
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM, Li GJ, Chen SH. The co-digestion of pre- and post-consumer food scraps – feasibility of co-digestion and optimal feeding index[J]. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (化工学报英文版). 2002, 53(Sup.): 89-91.

Lü F, Wu D, Zhang CY, Shao LM, He PJ. Cost-effective on-site bio-treatment of mixed MSW in county towns and rural areas. 1st Symposium of IWWG Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB), Sapporo, Japan, March 8th-11th, 2013.
Lü F, Hao LP, He PJ, Cao JL, Shao LM. Self-adaption of methane-producing communities to acetate-pH-inducing acid crisis by shifting pathways and population interaction. ISME14 – 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-24, 2012.
He PJ, Yang N, Lü F, Zheng W, Shao LM. The Diversity of Fungi and Bacteria in Bioaerosols Emitted during Composting of Municipal Solid Waste. ISME14 – 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-24, 2012.
Lü F, Ji JQ, Lin YC, Hao LP, Cao JL, Shao LM, He PJ. Synergetic stress of acids and ammonia on the thermophilic methanogenesis of organics. ISME14 – 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-24, 2012.
Bouchez T, Grossin-Debattista J, Lü F, Wu TD, Chapleur O, Bize A, Cardona L, Mazéas L. Syntrophic acetate oxidation in methanogenic reactors: an unexpected metabolic behaviour analyzed by a polyphasic approach. ISME14 – 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-24, 2012.
Hao LP, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Acetate oxidizing syntrophs functioning as methanogenic initiation center from acid crisis in anaerobic degradation. In: Lagerkvist A (ed.). Abstract Proceedings of 7th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium (ICLRS). ISSN: 1402-1536, ISBN: 978-91-7439-462-7. pp.75-76. Sunderbyn, Lule?, Sweden, June 25-27, 2012. (Second Best Poster)
Lü F, Shao LM, Wang RY, He PJ. Landfill leachate treatment by plant-cover soil irrigation system: Field monitoring on ecophysiological response of Nerium indicum. Mill. In: Lagerkvist A (ed.). Abstract Proceedings of 7th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium (ICLRS). ISSN: 1402-1536, ISBN: 978-91-7439-462-7. pp.93-94. Sunderbyn, Lule?, Sweden, June 25-27, 2012.
Lü F, Shao LM, Zhu M, He PJ. Accelerate the start-up of waste anaerobic digestion at low inoculation rate. XIII International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Proceedings (Sardinia 2011 Symposium). 3-7 October 2011, S. Margherita di Pula – Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. CISA Publisher, Italy. ISBN 978-88-6265-000-7
Yang N, He X, Lü F, Chen M, Shao LM, He PJ. Green house gases emission from waste-to-energy incineration in CHINA. XIII International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Proceedings (Sardinia 2011 Symposium).3-7 October 2011, S. Margherita di Pula – Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. CISA Publisher, Italy. ISBN 978-88-6265-000-7.
Chen M, Lü F, Shao LM, He PJ. Application and cost analysis of sludge drying technology: case study in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2011), Tianjin, China, 18-20 September 2011.
Hao LP, He PJ, Lü F, Li L, Shao LM. Response of anaerobes to methyl fluoride, 2-bromoethanesulfonate and hydrogen during acetate degradation. ADSW&EC: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops. Vienna, Austria. August 28-September 01, 2011.
Lü F, Yang N, Shao L, He P. Biological mechanical treatment of municipal solid waste in China: Lab and field application. In: Matthias Kuehle – Weidemeier (ed.). Waste-to-Resources 2011 IV International Symposium MBT and MRF. pp.51-56. Hanover, Germany, May 24th-26th, 2011.
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. Characterizing waste biostability by scanning the humification of waste-derived chromophoric dissolved organic matter. ICSWHK2011-International Conference on Solid Waste 2011 Moving Towards Sustainable Resource Management. pp.500-503. Hongkong, China; 3-7 May, 2011.
Hao LP, Li L, Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. Changes of methanogenesis pathways during the initiation of thermophilic anaerobic digestion from acid crisis. ICSWHK2011-International Conference on Solid Waste 2011 Moving Towards Sustainable Resource Management. pp.433-436. Hongkong, China; 3-7 May, 2011.
Lü F, Bize A, Guillot A, Monnet V, He PJ, Bouchez T. Methanogenic metaproteome of thermophilic anaerobic digestion. MWT2011 – Microbes in Wastewater and Waste Treatment, Bioremediation and Energy Production. Goa, India; 24-27 January, 2011.
Wu D, Gao H, Lü F, Shao LM, Luo SM, Xia PQ, He PJ. Optimum evaluation on mesophilic bioliquefaction of lincomycin manufacturing biowaste. MWT2011 – Microbes in Wastewater and Waste Treatment, Bioremediation and Energy Production. Goa, India; 24-27 January, 2011.
Lü F, Hao LP, He PJ, Shao LM. Accelerate acid degradation through the recirculation of low hydrogen biogas. MWT2011 – Microbes in Wastewater and Waste Treatment, Bioremediation and Energy Production. Goa, India; 24-27 January, 2011.
Lü F, Hao LP, Shao LM, Mazéas L, Bouchez T, He PJ. Release from acid crisis by shifting methanogenesis pathway under thermophilic anaerobic digestion. Proceedings of Venice 2010, Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Venice, Italy; 8-11 November 2010.
Hao LP, Li L, Lü F, He PJ. Study on the inhibition of methanogenesis in anaerobic granules by methyl fluoride. Proceedings of the 18 Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment. pp. 489-497. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. October 21st-22nd, 2010.
Zhao L, Gu WM, Li L, Lü F, He PJ. Study of key factors affecting sludge bio-drying. Proceedings of the 18 Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment. pp. 557-568. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. October 21st-22nd, 2010.
Lü F, Zhang H, Shao LM, He PJ. Biostabilization of municipal solid waste with high water content and putrescible waste prior to landfill. 1st International Conference on Final Sinks: From Sanitary to Sustainable Landfilling - why, how, and when? 23rd – 25th September 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Lü F, Bize A, Guillot A, Monnet V, He PJ, Bouchez T. Exploring anaerobic digestion metaproteome by direct de novo peptide sequencing. The 13th International Society for Microbial Ecology Conference (ISME13): Microbes-Stewards of a Changing Planet. Seattle, WA, USA. 22-27 August 2010.
Hao LP, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Characterization of soluble microbial products in the effluent of thermophilic anaerobic digestion. In: Teng Tjoon Tow, Yusri Yusup, Fera Fizani Ahmad Fizri. Proceedings International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2010). pp. 639-645. Penang, Universiti Sains Malaysia, June 2-4, ISBN 978-967-5417-79-5.
Yang N, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Effects of ammonia fertilization on methanotrophs in landfill cover soils. 3rdInternational Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng), Beijing, China. May 17th-19th, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-**-8-1.
Hao LP, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Effects of gaseous H2and CO2removal on thermophilic anaerobic digestion. 3rdInternational Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng), Beijing, Chinak May 17th-19th, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-**-8-1.
Wu D, He PJ, Lü F, Shao LM. Ammonia inhibition on mesohpilic anaerobic digestion of lincomycin biowaste. 3rdInternational Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng), Beijing, Chinak May 17th-19th, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-**-8-1.
Wu D, Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. Waste plastic bags/films in landfill: A key contributor to leachate fluoroscency and a suspectable contamination indicator. 239thAmetican Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. San Francisco, CA, the United States, March 21st-25th, 2010.
Lü F, He PJ, Hao LP, Shao LM. Impact of recycled effluent on the hydrolysis during anaerobic digestion of vegetable and flower waste [A]. VthInternational Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes and Energy Crops (VthISAD-SW & EC 2008) [C]. Hammamet, Tunisia, May 25th-28th, 2008.
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. Analysis of microbial Community involved in pH-adjusted anaerobic fermentation of biomass-origin waste [A]. Proceedings of the 13t Joint Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment [C]. Beijing, China, Sep. 3rd– 4th, 2007. pp. 225-240.
He P J, Lü F, Zhang H, Shao L M, Lee D J. Sewage sludge in China: challenges toward a sustainable future[C]. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conferences on Moving Forward ? Wastewater Biosolids Sustainability: Technical, Managerial, and Public Synergy. Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, June 24-27, 2007.
Lü F, He PJ, Shao LM. The pH-dependent VFA inhibition on the hydrolysis of particulate solid waste. Proceedings of the 9thSeminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment[C], pp513-526. Kunming, China, Oct 20th-21st, 2005. (oral presentation)
吕凡,邵立明,郑苇,何品晶. 填埋场环境调控对填埋气体和渗滤液产生的影响. 第一届全国岩土多场相互作用及环境土工学术研讨会. 2012年11月24~26日, 杭州.
吕凡, 何品晶, 杨娜, 邵立明. 城市废弃生物质的多元化梯度利用: 关键步骤及效益分析. 海峡两岸城市固体废物可持续利用与管理学术研讨会. 中国厦门, 2011年10月22-24日, p24-28.
吴铎, 管冬兴, 吕凡, 邵立明, 何品晶. 林可霉素菌渣厌氧消化工况优化及抑制因素分析. 第六届全国环境化学会议. 中国上海 2011.9.21-24.
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