

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12

姓名: 高乃平
性别: 男
导师类型: 博导





5.Hong Kong Research Grants Council Reviewer
20.任Aerosol and Air Quality Research、Aerosol Science and Technology、Applied Energy、Applied Thermal Engineering、ASHRAE Transactions、Building and Environment、Building Simulation: An International Journal、Energy、Energy and Buildings、Energy Conversion and Management、Engineering Applications for Computational Fluid Mechanics、Ergonomics、Indoor Air、Indoor and Built Environment、International Journal of HVAC&R、Journal of AIChE、Journal of Thermodynamics
Journal of Refrigeration、计算力学学报、建筑科学、安全与环境学报、东南大学学报(中文版/英文版)、环境工程学报、流体机械等期刊审稿人



在研项目 :
1.国家自然科学基金项目: 下送风空调温度分层流动稳定性与人员移动等动态扰动的影响机理研究 (2019-2022), 负责人, No.**
2.中央高校基本科研业务费学科交叉项目: 工业化建筑运维管理信息化系统关键技术研究(2018-2019)
3.十三五重点研发计划: 高耗能特种设备能效检测与评价关键技术研究(2017-2020), 子课题负责人
4.十三五重点研发计划:地域气候适应型绿色公共建筑设计新方法与示范(2017-2020), 子课题负责人
5.中央高校基本科研业务费: 高密度小区中尺度和小尺度风热环境研究(2015-2016), 负责人
6.科技部973项目: 可再生能源与天然气融合的分布式能源网络系统基础研究(2014-2018),. 子课题一“天然气与可再生能源的融合以及复杂能源网络系统的稳定性研究”, 科研骨干, 2014CB249201
7.中国建筑科学研究院重点实验室开放基金项目: 高层居民住宅污染物传播机理研究(2014-2015), 负责人
8.国家自然科学基金项目: 高层居民住宅污染物垂直跨户传播机理研究 (2013-2016), 负责人, No.**
9.上海市协作(产学研项目): 低品位余热发电系统的若干关键技术研究(2011-2013), 主要完成人
10.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目: 个性化气流条件下人体热舒适性和吸入空气品质研究(2012-2013), 负责人
11.国家自然科学基金项目: 生物气溶胶在三种典型空调气流下的扩散与分布研究 (2009-2012), 负责人, No.**
12.同济大学优秀青年教师基金: 地板送风条件下室内流场特性研究(2009-2010), 负责人
13.香港RGC项目: Experimental and simulation study of spatial distribution of human respiratory droplets under typical indoor air distribution patterns (2009-2012), Co-investigator, No. PolyU 5265/08E
14.香港RGC项目: Effects of inter-flat air flow on the spread of airborne transmission diseases in high-rise residential buildings (2004-2007), 主要完成人, No. PolyU 5125/04E
15.香港RGC项目: Numerical and experimental investigations of PER and thermal comfort under micro-climate control conditions (2003-2006), 主要完成人, No. PolyU 5031/01E

1.上海市科学技术奖二等奖(2018) 大型污水治理设施恶臭气体处理集成技术与示范, 排名第6
2.浙江省科学技术进步奖三等奖(2017) 燃气热水器节能环保创新技术研发与产业化, 排名第4
3.Elsevier 2014\2015\2016\2017年度中国大陆地区Built Environment领域高被引****
4.同济大学优秀青年教师骨干计划, 2014.12
5.同济大学机械学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖(英语组), 2014.5
6.同济大学机械学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖, 2013.4
7.同济大学优秀青年教师计划, 2012.9
8.同济大学青年岗位能手, 2012.5
9.同济大学优秀共产党员, 2011.6
10.同济大学优秀青年教师培育计划, 2010
11.同济大学青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖, 2009.10
12.同济大学机械学院青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖, 2009.5
13.同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划, 2008KJ025
14.个性化送风装置,瑞士日内瓦国际发明铜奖, 2007.4
15.International Award for Personalized Ventilation Device Integrated With Seats, Outstanding Professional Services And Innovation Awards, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2007

1.Wang TT, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) Investigation on the optimal condensation temperature of supercritical organic Rankine cycle systems considering meteorological parameters. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 174, pp. 54-64.
2.穆迪, 高乃平 (2018) 太阳辐射对建筑污染物跨户传播特性的影响, 建筑科学, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 55-58.
3.吴竺, 朱彤, 高乃平, 崔颂, 潘煜, 潘登 (2018) 已空气为工质的含油涡旋膨胀机性能的试验研究, 流体机械, Vol.46, no.6, pp.5-9.
4.高乃平, 吴继盛, 朱彤 (2017) 采用二元非共沸工质的有机朗肯循环热力学分析. 同济大学学报, Vol.46, no. 8, pp. 1122-1130.
5.周海舰, 高乃平, 李忠, 李爱松, 赵恒谊, 高屹峰 (2018) 北京农村地区空气源热泵供暖系统实测分析, 煤气与热力, Vol.38, No.1, pp. 32-39.
6.Liu LC, Zhu T, Gao NP, Gan ZX (2018) A review of modeling approaches and tools for the off-design simulation of organic Rankine cycle, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.27, no.4, pp. 305-320.
7.Wang H, Wang HY, Zhu T, Gao NP (2018) Evaluation on energy performance in a low temperature district heating system integrated with organic Rankine cycle. Journal of ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A, Vol.19, no.6, pp. 461-478.
8.Mu D, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) CFD investigation on the effects of wind and thermal wall-flow on pollutant transmission in a high-rise building, Vol. 137, pp. 185-197.
9.Jin YL, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) Controlled variable analysis of counter flow heat exchangers based on thermodynamics derivation. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.129, pp. 684-692.
10.章建锋, 蔡国汉, 崔颂, 高乃平, 魏敦崧 (2018)家用燃气灶具标准对灶具热效率测试值的影响, 煤气与热力, Vol. 38, no.2, pp. 33-38.
11.Liu WD, Liu D, Gao NP (2017) CFD study on gaseous pollutant transmission characteristics under different ventilation strategies in a typical chemical laboratory. Building and Environment, Vol.126, pp. 238-251.
12.徐峻, 曹先伟, 吴美娴, 臧建彬, 高乃平 (2017) 动车组空调机组流场模拟与优化分析, 铁道机车与动车, Vol.526, pp. 23-27.
13.吴竺, 朱彤, 高乃平, 谢飞博, 潘登 (2017) 有机朗肯循环涡旋膨胀机性能测试与仿真分析. 制冷技术, Vol.37, no.1, pp. 8-12.
14.贾琼, 林忠平, 高乃平 (2017) 典型风机过滤单元(FFU)性能分析与评价. 洁净与空调技术, Vol.2, pp. 1-8.
15.Mu D, Shu C, Gao NP, Zhu T (2017) Wind tunnel tests of inter-flat pollutant transmission characteristics in a rectangular multi-story residential building, part B: effect of source location. Building and Environment, Vol.114, pp. 281-292.
16.Jia Q, Xia CJ, Zang JB, Pan D, Xu J, Gao NP (2016) Numerical simulation on the temperature field in an equipment cabin of a high-speed railway train. Building Simulation: An International Journal, Vol.9, pp. 689-700.
17.Mu D, Gao NP, Zhu T (2016) Wind tunnel tests of inter-flat pollutant transmission characteristics in a rectangular multi-story residential building, part A: effect of wind direction. Building and Environment, Vol.108, pp. 15-170.
18.钟芬, 高乃平, 朱彤 (2016) 低温余热驱动的热电复合系统优化设计. 中国电机工程学报, Vol.36, no.12, pp. 3176-3183.
19.谢飞博, 朱彤, 高乃平 (2016) 冷源温度对小型ORC低温余热发电系统的影响. 化工学报, Vol.67, no. 10, pp. 4111-4117.
20.穆迪, 高乃平(2016) 高层建筑垂直方向污染物跨户传播的模拟研究. 制冷与空调, Vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 291-294.
21.吴竺, 颜静, 谢飞博, 朱彤, 高乃平 (2016) 进气孔形状对涡旋膨胀机进气过程压力损失的影响研究. 压缩机技术, Vol. 255, pp. 1-6, 12.
22.Xu H, Zhu T, Gao NP (2016) Investigation on the fluid selection and evaporation parametric optimization for sub- and supercritical organic Rankine cycle, Energy, Vol.96, pp. 59-68.
23.An W, Zhang J, Zhu T, Gao N (2016) Investigation on a spectral splitting photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system based on polypyrrole nanofluid: preliminary test. Renewable Energy, Vol.86, pp. 633-642.
24.Mao JC, Gao NP (2015) The airborne transmission of infection between flats in high-rise residential buildings: A review. Building and Environment, Vol.94, pp. 516-531.
25.Mao JC, Yang WW, Gao NP (2015) The transport of gaseous pollutants due to stack and wind effect in high-rise residential buildings. Building and Environment, Vol.94, pp. 543-557.
26.Yang WW, Gao NP (2015) The airborne transmission of infection due to the stack effect in high-rise residential buildings. International Journal of Ventilation, Vol.14, no.2, pp. 191-208.
27.Luo ZW, Gao NP (2015) Ventilation for Healthy Indoor Environment in Various Types of Buildings. International Journal of Ventilation, Vol.15, no.2, pp. 109-110.
28.张涛, 朱彤, 高乃平, 吴竺 (2015) 分布式冷热电能源系统优化设计及多指标综合评价方法的研究. 中国电机工程学报, Vol. 35, no.0, pp. 1-8.
29.姜纬驰, 高乃平, 贺启滨, 李雨桐 (2015) 植被传热机理及其改善城市热环境效果研究. 建筑科学, Vol.31, no.2, pp. 46-53.
30.钟芬, 高乃平, 魏敦崧, 刘哓刚, 徐德明 (2015) 大气式浓淡燃烧低压引射器的设计与研究. 上海煤气, Vol. 4, pp. 28-33.
31.肖桂菀, 穆迪, 赵恒谊, 沈延飞, 高乃平 (2015) 相变太阳能集热管放热特性的数值研究. 井冈山大学学报, Vol.36, no.1, pp. 25-29.
32.张洁, 安巍, 朱彤, 高乃平, 姜熙成 (2015) 石英管参数对基于液体过滤分频光热光电系统光学性能的影响. 井冈山大学学报, Vol. 36, no.3, pp. 1-5.
33.Wu Z, Pan D, Gao NP, Zhu T, Xie FB (2015) Experimental testing and numerical simulation of scroll expander in a small scale Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.89, pp. 529-537.
34.An W, Zhu T, Gao NP (2015) Accelerative iteration for coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer computation in semitransparent media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 82, pp. 503-509.
35.潘登, 高乃平, 谢飞博, 安巍, 王海鹰, 王海, 朱彤 (2014) 有机朗肯循环涡旋膨胀机性能试验研究. 流体机械, Vol.42, no. 5, pp. 10-14.
36.穆迪, 高乃平, 朱彤, 王春生, 姚博 (2014) 温度分层型水蓄冷斜温层的动态特性模拟. 节能技术, Vol.32, no.187, pp. 404-409.
37.安巍, 朱彤, 王海鹰, 王海, 高乃平 (2014) 银纳米三角片二聚体的近场辐射分析. 工程热物理学报,Vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1140-1143.
38.Wu Y, Gao NP (2014) The dynamics of human wake due to the motion and its effects on the indoor environment and contaminant transport in a displacement ventilated office room, Building and Environment, Vol.82, pp. 63-74.
39.Wu Y, Gao NP, Wang LH, Wu XP (2014) A numerical analysis of train-induced airflow and performance evaluation of a subway ventilation system. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.23, no.6, pp. 854-863.
40.牛建磊, 沈翀, 董坤, 高乃平 (2014) 静压箱对地板送风气流组织与温度分层特性的影响. 同济大学学报, Vol.42, no.3, pp.454-459.
41.Li X P, Niu J L, Gao NP (2013) Co-occupant’s exposure to exhaled pollutants with two types of personalized ventilation strategies under mixing and displacement ventilation systems, Indoor Air, Vol.23, no. 2, pp. 162-171.
42.Chen YD, Niu JL, Liu XP, Gao NP (2013) Experimental and numerical investigations on stratified air distribution systems with special configuration: thermal comfort and energy saving, Energy and Buildings, Vol.64, pp. 154-161.
43.Seng C, Gao NP (2013) CFD study on the transmission of indoor pollutants under personalized ventilation, Building and Environment, Vol. 63, pp.69-78.
44.An W, Zhu QZ, Zhu T, Gao NP (2013) Radiative properties of gold nanorod solutions and its temperature distribution under laser irradiation: Experimental investigation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.44, pp. 409-418.
45.Chen YD, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Stratified air distribution systems in a large lecture theatre: a numerical method to optimize thermal comfort and maximize energy saving. Energy and Buildings, Vol.55, pp. 515-525.
46.Li X P, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Co-occupant’s exposure of expiratory droplets—effects of mouth covering. HVAC&R research, Vol.18, no.4, pp. 575-587.
47.Li X P, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Characteristics of physical blocking on co-occupant’s exposure to respiratory droplet residuals. Journal of Central South University, Vol.19, no.3, pp. 645-650.
48.Gao NP, He QB (2012) Calculation of particle deposition velocity in the Lagrangian frame. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol 21, no. 2, pp. 348-350.
49.Gao NP, He QB, Niu JL, Zhu T, Wu JZ (2012) Using RANS turbulence models and Lagrangian approach to predict particle deposition in turbulent channel flows. Building and Environment, Vol. 48, pp. 206-214.
50.Gao NP, He QB, Niu JL (2012) Numerical study of the lock-up phenomenon of human exhaled droplets under a displacement ventilated room. Building Simulation: An International Journal, Vol.5, no.1, pp. 51-60.
51.An W, Zhu T, Gao NP (2012) Accelerate iteration of least-squares finite element method for radiative heat transfer in participating media with diffusely reflecting walls. Journal of the Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME, Vol.134, no.4, pp. 044502 1-5.
52.Chen YD, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Thermal comfort models: A review and numerical investigation. Building and Environment, Vol.47, pp.13-22.
53.高乃平, 贺启滨, 李晓萍, 牛建磊 (2012) 人工气候室内呼出气溶胶浓度分布的实验研究. 同济大学学报, Vol.40, no.11, pp. 1680-1685.
54.高乃平, 董昆, 朱彤 (2012) 房间内强自然对流流场特性的k-ε模型模拟研究. 同济大学学报, Vol.40, no.4, pp. 601-609.
55.吴妍, 高乃平, 王丽慧, 吴喜平, 朱彤 (2012) 地铁隧道活塞风井通风性能的数值模拟研究. 建筑科学, Vol.28, no.8, pp. 70-76.
56.安巍, 朱彤, 高乃平 (2012) 改善切圆燃烧锅炉烟温偏差措施的数值模拟分析. 热力发电, Vol.41, no.5, pp. 31-35.
57.辛志宇, 朱彤, 高乃平 (2012) 热冲压模具冷却系统数值模拟研究,热加工工艺. Vol.36, no. 1, pp. 170-174.
58.He QB, Gao NP, Zhu T, Wu J Z, Niu JL (2011) CFD Study of Exhaled Droplets Transmission between Occupants under Different Ventilation Strategies in a Typical Office Room. Building and Environment, Vol.46, no.2, pp. 397-402.
59.Li XP, Niu JL, Gao NP (2011) Spatial distribution of human respiratory droplet residuals and exposure risk for the co-occupant under different ventilation methods. HVAC&R Research. Vol.17, no.4, pp.432-445.
60.Niu JL, Tung CW, Gao NP (2011) Inter-flat airflow and airborne disease transmission in high-rise residential buildings. Hong Kong Medicine Journal, Vol.18, no.1, pp. 1-3.
61.董坤, 曹旭明, 胡伟, 高乃平 (2011) 地板送风房间内流场、温度场及负荷特性的研究. 建筑科学, Vol.27, no.12, pp. 87-90, 113.
62.贺启滨, 高乃平, 朱彤, 吴家正 (2011) 应用随机轨道模型研究颗粒在通风管道内的沉积. 建筑科学, Vol.27, no.4, pp.104-108.
63.贺启滨, 高乃平, 朱彤, 吴家正 (2011) 气溶胶在全混通风小室中浓度衰减的试验研究. 安全与环境学报, Vol.11, no.3, pp.109-111.
64.贺启滨, 高乃平, 朱彤, 吴家正 (2011) 人体呼出气溶胶在通风房间中运动的受力分析. 安全与环境学报, Vol.11, no.1, pp.242-245.
65.臧建彬, 王亚伟, 陈佳, 高乃平, 史意 (2011) 轨道车辆孔板送风特性的试验研究. 铁道学报, Vol.33, no.2, pp. 33-37.
66.王芳, 臧建彬, 于佳, 高乃平 (2011) 高速列车客室内部流场计算流体动力学数值模拟. 制冷空调与电力机械, Vol.137, no.32, pp. 45-48.
67.施孝增, 倪丹, 高乃平, 吴家正, 胡军 (2011) 典型送风方式下室内流场分布规律的数值研究. 洁净与空调技术, no.3, pp. 35-39.
68.施孝增, 高乃平, 陈旭, 胡晓伟 (2011) 新建路隧道气态污染物浓度分布的数值模拟研究. 洁净与空调技术, no.2, pp. 15-18.
69.徐峻, 蔡明伟, 刘叶弟, 高乃平, 臧建彬 (2011) 高速列车车体传热系数模拟计算. 铁道车辆, Vol.49, no.12, pp. 29-31.
70.Gao NP, Niu JL, Moraskwa L (2010) Distribution characteristics of respiratory aerosols in enclosed environments. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), Vol.26, no.2, pp. 232-237.
71.贺启滨, 高乃平, 朱彤, 吴家正 (2010) 应用CFD方法模拟室内气溶胶的传输及沉积. 建筑热能通风空调, Vol.29, no.1, pp. 26-31.
72.李金厂, 贺启滨, 李渊, 安巍, 高乃平, 朱彤 (2010) 助燃空气旋转动量对燃气燃烧过程及NO_X生成量的影响. 工业加热, no.6.
73.鲁海霖, 岳优敏, 高乃平, 陈德珍, 朱彤 (2010) 垃圾焚烧炉干燥段通风阻力特性实验研究. 环境工程学报, Vol.4, no.1, pp. 204-208.
74.Xu HT, Gao NP, Niu JL (2009) A method to generate cooling load reduction factors for under-floor air distribution (UFAD) systems. HVAC&R Research, Vol.15, no.5, pp. 915-930.
75.施孝增, 朱彤, 高乃平 (2009) 室内气溶胶颗粒浓度分布与传播特性的研究——对人体颗粒暴露的影响. 建筑科学, Vol.25, no.12, pp. 93-100.
76.Gao NP, Niu JL, Moraskwa L (2008) Distribution of respiratory droplets in enclosed environments. Building Simulation: An International Journal, Vol.1, no.4, pp. 326-335.
77.Gao NP, Niu JL (2008) Improvement of facial humidity and reduction of pollutant inhalation in commercial aircraft cabins via application of ventilation seats. ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 114, part 2.
78.Gao NP, Niu JL (2008) Personalized ventilation for commercial aircraft cabins. Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, no.2, pp. 508-512.
79.Gao NP, Niu JL, Perino M, Heiselberg P (2008) The airborne transmission of infection between flats in high-rise residential buildings——tracer gas simulation. Building and Environment, Vol. 43, no.11, pp. 1805-1817.
80.Gao NP, Niu JL, Perino M, Heiselberg P (2008) The airborne transmission of infection between flats in high-rise residential buildings——particle simulation. Building and Environment, Vol.44, no. 2, pp. 402-410.
81.高乃平, 贺登峰, 牛建磊 (2008) 关于个性化送风若干问题的讨论. 建筑科学, Vol. 24, no.8, pp. 103-108
82.高乃平, 贺登峰, 牛建磊, 董志华 (2008) 高层建筑垂直方向污染物传播的实验与模拟研究. 建筑科学, Vol. 24, no.10, pp. 47-54
83.Gao NP, and Niu JL (2007) Modeling particle dispersion and deposition in indoor environments. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 41, no. 18, pp. 3862-3876.
84.Gao NP, Niu JL, Zhang H (2007) Investigating indoor air quality and thermal comfort using a numerical thermal manikin. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.16, no. 1, pp. 7-17.
85.Gao NP, Niu JL, Zhang H (2006) Coupling CFD and human body thermoregulation model for the assessment of personalized ventilation. Journal of HVAC&R Research, Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 497-518.
86.Gao NP, Niu JL (2005) CFD study of the thermal environment around a human body: a review. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.14, no.1, pp. 5-16.
87.Gao NP, Niu JL (2005) Modeling the performance of personalized ventilation under different conditions of room air and personalized air. Journal of HVAC&R Research, Vol.11, no.4, pp. 587-602.
88.Gao NP, Niu JL (2005) Transient CFD simulation of the respiration process and inter-person exposure assessment. Building and Environment, Vol.41, no. 9, pp. 1214-1222.
89.Niu JL, Gao NP, Ma P, Zuo HG (2005) Experimental study on a chair-based personalized ventilation system. Building and Environment, Vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 913-925.
90.Gao NP, Niu JL (2004) CFD study on micro-environment around human body and personalized ventilation. Building and Environment, Vol. 39, no. 7, pp.795-805.
1.吴晋禄, 高乃平. 一种基于电磁感应加热原理的加热不燃烧卷烟. 发明专利, 申请号 CN8.3, 申请日2017-11-21
2.高乃平, 吴晋禄, 朱彤. 涉及空调余热回收利用的有机朗肯循环(ORC)发电系统. 发明专利, 申请号 CN7.9, 申请日2017-11-21
3.高乃平, 吴晋禄, 朱彤. 由两个有机朗肯循环(ORC)耦合而成的发电系统. 发明专利, 申请号 CN 9.8, 申请日2017-11-21
4.方晓艳, 颜静, 崔颂, 朱彤, 高乃平. 一种涡旋膨胀机性能测试系统. 发明专利, 申请号 CN6.0, 申请日2016-03-22, 公开号 CNA, 公开日2016-08-03.
5.钟芬, 高乃平, 朱彤. 一种低温余热驱动的热电联产系统. 实用新型专利, 申请号 CN8.4, 申请日2015-09-29, 公开号CNA, 公开日2016-01-20.
6.钟芬, 朱彤, 高乃平. 一种低品位余热驱动的冷热电联产系统. 发明专利, 申请号 CN2.X, 申请日2015-02-15, 公开号 CNU, 公开日2015-08-19.
7.谢飞博, 朱彤, 高乃平. 一种有机朗肯循环和电力双驱动的内燃机增压系统. 发明专利, 申请号CN1.X, 申请日2015-07-21, 公开号CNA, 公开日2015-11-18.
8.谢飞博, 朱彤, 高乃平. 一种汽车尾气余热回收利用的冷电联产系统. 发明专利, 申请号CN8.X, 申请日2015-07-21, 公开号CNA, 公开日2015-10-28.
9.谢飞博, 朱彤, 高乃平, 安巍, 刘季华. 一种基于光热光电分频利用的有机朗肯循环发电系统. 发明专利, 申请号CN1.9, 申请日2015-06-23, 公开号CNA, 公开日2015-09-16.

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