姓名:闫栋 职称:副教授
专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学历层次:博士
办公室地点:行政楼1119 办公电话:
赵鹏德, 闫栋, 闫玲. 基于SolidWorks二次开发的钣金箱体三维建模. 软件, 40(10): 125-128, 2019.
朱健, 闫栋, 赵鹏德. 飞机框肋件自动制孔工艺路径优化算法. 计算机时代, 10: 43-46, 2019.
Danqing Zhu, Dong Yan. RESEARCH ON THE INTEGRATION OF PDM AND SOLIDWORKS. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 7(9): 57-61, 2018 [ISTP].
闫栋, 刘建飞. 工序重用的非协调性及其配置性评价. 现代制造工程, 12: 11-15, 2017.
Jin Junsheng, Yan Dong. LADDER SHAFT SECONDARY DEVELOPMENT BASED ON SOLIDWORKS. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 6(9): 122-125, 2017 [ISTP].
Dong Yan, Junsheng Jin. The Network Complexity of Small-scale Software Systems. Computer Communication & Collaboration, 5(2):1-7, 2017 [ISTP].
闫栋, 刘建飞. 基于网络中心性因子的工艺路线前导规划. 上海工程技术大学学报, 30(3): 230-233, 2016.
Liujianfei, Yandong. A method for example of machining priority sequence segment and sorting by genetic algorithm to enhance process route. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, 2016, 4(10): 46-52 [ISTP].
YV Wen-bin, YAN Dong. Modeling and Simulation of an Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Based on Matlab/Simulink. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, 2015, 3(7): 62-69 [ISTP].
杨茂林, 闫栋, 刘颖. 产品二级联合优化配置设计方法. 轻工机械, 33(3):99-103, 2015.
杨茂林, 闫栋. 机械结构网络模体探究. 轻工机械, 33(2):9-13, 2015.
Dong Yan, Keyong Wang and Maolin Yang. Disassortativity of Class Collaboration Networks. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks, Shanghai 2014 [ISTP].
Dong Yan and Keyong Wang. Topological Characteristics of Class Collaborations. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks, Shanghai 2014 [ISTP].
Dong Yan, Syed Zubair Ahmad and Dong Yang. Matthew effect, ABC analysis and project management of scale-free information systems. Journal of Systems and Software, 2013, 86 247-254 [SCI].
Yan Dong, Dong Ming, Abdelaziz Bouras and Yu Suiran. Poor-rich Demarcation of Matthew Effect on Scale-free Systems and its Application. Chin. Phys. B, 2011, 20(4): 040205 1-6 [SCI, EI].
Dong Yan, Ming Dong and Suiran Yu. The Modularity and Connectivity of the Master Structure of Complex Product Families. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 229: 794-799 [EI].
Dong Yan, Ming Dong and Suiran Yu. The Weight Distribution and Configurability of Process Collaboration. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 228: 276-282 [EI].
闫栋, 董明. 工序网络的拓扑结构与配置性. 上海交通大学学报, 2011, 45(9): 1288-1293 [EI].
Dong Yan, Guoning Qi and Xinjian Gu. The Complexity Nature of Large-scale Software Systems. Chinese Physics, 2006, 15(11): 2489-2495 [SCI, EI].
闫栋, 祁国宁. 大规模软件系统的无标度特性与演化模型. 物理学报, 2006, 55(8): 3799-3804 [SCI, EI].
闫栋, 祁国宁. 基于网格的虚拟组织协同模型及其任务调度. 中国机械工程, 2005, 16(9): 784-786 [EI].