
International Specialists Wanted at Shanghai Theatre Academy_上海戏剧学院

上海戏剧学院 免费考研网/2018-05-05

With a history of over 70 years, Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) is a leading comprehensive university of arts in China, which has made outstanding achievements on theatre arts education and research. STA has ten departments and colleges - Department of Acting, Department of Directing, Department of Dramatic Literature, Department of Stage Design, College of Film & Television, College of Chinese Traditional Opera, College of Dance, College of Creative Studies, Musical Theatre Center,etc. There are two postdoctoral research centers, two doctorate programs, and more than twenty master programs. It is also home to the headquarters of International Theatre Institute (ITI) and one of the two cooperation centers for the UNESCO ITI Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts. STA is also a member of the Asia Theatre Education Center (ATEC) and the Secretary of the APB.
I. Job Categories

1. STA is seeking specialists of performing arts, directing, theatre creations and critics, playwright and screenwriter, stage design (set design, lighting design, costume design and make-up design), theatre management, cinematography and production, TV and broadcasting programming and directing, dancing and those excelling in teaching, research and art production around the world.

2. Editor in Chief / Editor (with the professional background of theatre and previous experience in academic/ scholarly publishing and working in a global environment is desirable.)

II. Qualifications and Remuneration

1. The applicant should have a doctor’s degree or working experience in well-established universities or research institutions, or high reputation in his or her field.

2. In principle, the age of young applicants should not exceed 35 years old, and the age of applicants with professional reputation should not exceed 55 years old.

3. The applicant should be able to provide at least two papers published in international prestigious journals in the last 3 years, or research/ creation projects they headed in international prestigious institutions and well-established universities in the last 5 years, or international research/ creation awards they received in the last 5 years, or international academic forums which they attended and presented their papers, or works selected by international exhibitions or fairs.

4. Those employed will sign a long or short-term agreement with STA, and STA will provide good conditions on salary, housing allowances and research funding. Detailed terms are subject to signed employment agreement.

III. Application Deadline and Required Materials

1. Application deadline: May 30th, 2017 (Recruiting will be opened again in mid-November.)

2. Required materials:

1) A filled-out copy of Shanghai Theatre Academy Job Application Registration Form (see the Appendix);

2) Supporting documents, including diplomas and degree certifications, passport, employment certificates, representative papers and monographs, certificates of awards, etc.
Please email the digital copies of the above-mentioned documents to STA: D&P-office@sta.edu.cn and the subject of the email should be “International Talents Wanted at STA + Your Name.” Please send the printed copies of the documents by post to Discipline Office (Room 110, Department Office Building), Shanghai Theatre Academy, 630 Huashan Road, Shanghai 200040.
Shanghai Theatre Academy

April 5th, 2017



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