美国德克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校(UT Dallas)拥有“私立大学优越的教学条件,公立大学低廉的学费标准”,以国际管理学、经济学和政治经济学著称,每年吸引全球大量的学生来此就读。根据2013年“美国新闻与世界报道最佳商学院排名”(US NEWS Best Business Schools Ranking 2013),UT Dallas商学院排名位列全美第37名。
两所名校共同合作,拟自2012年起每年在中国招收一定数量的优秀大学本科或以上学历的毕业生,由两所学校共同培养,攻读金融学硕士学位(Master of Science in Finance),毕业获得UT Dallas所授予的金融学硕士学位。
全日制学习两年,每年秋季入学,一年在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,一年在UT Dallas管理学院。
完成必要的课程和学分可获得UT Dallas所授予的金融学硕士学位,并获得安泰经济与管理学院颁发的修业证书。
1、基础核心课程:12学分(Basic Core Courses, 12 credit hours)
AIM 6305 经理人会计(Accounting for Managers)
MECO 6303 企业经济学(Business Economics)
FIN 6306 财务金融数量方法(Quantitative Methods in Finance)
FIN 6301 财务管理(Financial Management)
2、必修课程:15学分(Required Courses, 15 credit hours)
AIM 6344 财务报表分析(Financial Statement Analysis)
FIN 6310 投资管理(Investment Management)
FIN 6311 估价模型和操作(Valuation Models and Practices)
FIN 6314 固定证券收益和衍生产品(Fixed Income Securities and their Derivatives)
FIN 6360 期权和期货市场(Options and Futures Markets)
3、选修课程:9学分(Electives,9 credit hours)
AIM 6341 规划、控制与业绩评价(Planning, Control, and Performance Evaluation)
FIN 6315 创业金融( Entrepreneurial Finance)
FIN 6316 私募股权(Private Equity Finance)
FIN 6320 金融市场与机构(Financial Markets and Institutions)
FIN 6340 金融机构管理(Management of Financial Institutions)
FIN 6350 高级财务管理(Advanced Financial Management)
FIN 6355 公司金融和政策(Corporate Finance and Policy)
FIN 6364 高级投资管理(Advanced Investment Management)
FIN 6366 国际财务管理(International Financial Management)
FIN 6370 金融理论(Theory of Finance)
FIN 6380 金融实战(Practicum in Finance)
应用计量经济学和时间序列分析(Applied Econometrics and Times Series Analysis)
宏观国际经济学(Macro and International Economics)
Professor Zhonglan Dai
Professor Zhonglan Dai has been an accounting faculty at UTD since year 2005. She went to Duke University for PhD in Economics (1994) and came back to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for PhD in accounting (2005). Her research interests are broad, and shehas been working on executive compensation and executive turnover focusing on incentive alignment as well as individual taxation.
Professor Theodore E. Day
Theodore E. Day is Professor of Finance. He teaches courses in corporate finance and portfolio management. A Certified Public Accountant, Professor Day earned his M.B.A. from the University of Oklahoma and a Ph.D. in Finance from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. His research interests the impact of inflation on stock market returns, the term structure of interest rates, analysts’ earnings forecasts and the volatility of derivative asset markets.
Professor Robert Kieschnick
Professor Kieschnick is the department head of the finance group. He has worked both in the public and private sectors, and has published a number of articles in top journals on topics related to this work. His current research interests concern the process of taking firms public, their subsequent governance and decisions on financing; both in terms of timing and amount. In addition, he manages a trust fund and student investment fund.
Professor Peter Lewin
Peter Lewin earned a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago under Gary Becker. He is currently clinical professor of economics at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has taught at UTD since 1979, except for 1986-1991 when he was a founding shareholder of a very successful digital-age start-up. His work on capital, and its relation to the theory of the firm, has led to some related contributions in the management studies literature.
Professor David Springate
Professor David Springate has a Ph.D. in Corporate Finance from the Harvard Business School. In addition to be active in research, he has also testified before a committee of the Canadian Parliament. Twenty eight authored teaching cases were published through Harvard's Intercollegiate Case Clearing House. His teaching interests include private equity finance, turnarounds and restructurings, and the finance of innovation.
Professor Harry Joe Wells
Professor H. Joe Wells has been on the UTD faculty since 2010 and specializes in corporate finance and business valuation. Before joining the UTD faculty, he had over thirty years of experience in industry and financial consulting, including twenty years as a Partner in Deloitte’s Financial Advisory Services. Dr. Wells has a PhD in finance from Cornell University, as well as a CPA certificate and a CFA designation.
Professor Yexiao Xu
Professor YexiaoXu received his Ph.D degree in financial economics from Princeton University in 1996. Currently he is an associate professor and his research interest covers stock market volatility, the pricing role of idiosyncratic risk, factor models, testing the CAPM model, predictability, mutual fund performance, tax and closed-end fund discounts, analyst research and return comovement, heterogeneity in leverage, short sale interest, and the Chinese and the Japanese equity markets.
Professor Harold Zhang
Harold H. Zhang is Professor of Finance at the Jindal School of Management at UTD. His research focuses on the optimal investment and portfolio decisions of investors, pricing of financial assets, and the effects of investment income taxes on investment and asset pricing. His research on the taxable and tax-deferred investments published on the Journal of Finance has received the 2004 TIAA-CREF Paul A. Samuelson Award for outstanding scholarly writing on lifelong-financial security.
Professor Feng Zhao
Feng Zhao is an Associate Professor of Finance in Jindal School of Management at UTD. His research interests include fixed income, credit risk, option pricing and behavior finance and real estate. His work has been published in leading academic journals in finance and economics including Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics and Journal of Econometrics. Zhao received his B.S. from Tsinghua University, China and his Ph.D from Cornell University.
有效的GMAT成绩(不低于600, UTD代码:R6897),或GRE成绩(不低于300,老GRE不低于1240,UTD代码:R6897);
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