在传统MBA的基础上,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 - 法国马赛商学院MBA项目 (以下简称AEMBA) 针对公司三大类紧缺高级人才进行强化培养,以满足中国企业国际化和国际企业本土化的需要。 AEMBA是法国马赛商学院EuroMed MBA项目之一。
投资与金融方向: 在公司资本运作的规模与力度日益加大的今天,每位高级部门经理都必须在熟悉传统业务的同时,了解公司资本运作机制。本方向强化投资和金融相关的管理知识,帮助经理人突破职业进一步提升的瓶颈。
全球管理方向: 在跨国公司进驻中国的同时,中国企业的国际化步伐也迅速加大。具有国际化视野与战略眼光,谙熟规范化运作,能够胜任在多元文化环境下开拓全球业务的高级管理人才非常稀缺。本方向深入探讨全球商业与经济运作,培养国际项目经理。
人才领导力方向: 人才已日益成为构建公司核心竞争力的关键资源。因此,对于每个业务经理以及人力资源经理来说,如何有效地设计人才发展战略、推行人才发展体系,已成为其成功领导业务发展的必须能力。
品牌与创新方向: 在法国这个以奢侈品享誉世界的国家,无论是市场分析、管理体系,亦或是师资力量、实践实习,都为学员提供了更加广阔的交流平台和良好的学习环境,学员可以充分享受到国际高端品牌带给自己的乐趣,从而更加自信的成长成为一个企业的高级管理精英。
法国马赛商学院成立于1872年,是法国历史上的第一所商学院,也是法国十大精英商学院之一。马赛商学院获得EQUIS, AACSB和AMBA国际认证。2011年度管理学硕士项目金融时报全球排名第30位, 2011年度工商管理硕士项目金融时报全球排名第61位。法国马赛商学院获得中国教育部的认可。
AEMBA项目(Antai - Euromed Marseille MBA)自2002年以来,已经成功地举办9期,共招收学员近700多名。他们普遍拥有良好的英文水平,外籍学员的比例为15%,来自大型跨国企业的学员比例占90%。
在经历了事业快速发展,并实现一定成就之后,企业中高层经理人正面临新的挑战: 如何从容管理国际项目和国际化团队? 如何将生产型企业通过资本运作迅速扩张? 如何创建卓越的人才战略以推动业务发展?
AEMBA项目提供了有的放矢的解决方案, 并因此迅速获得口碑效应,学员及校友推荐占新生的比例日益提高。本项目具有以下鲜明特色:
1. 大学或以上学历。
2. 三年以上的全职工作经验,大专毕业至少六年以上工作经验。
3. 通过由两校组织的网络综合测试和英语面试。(不需要参加MBA全国联考)
4. 强烈学习动机及努力完成学业的承诺。所在单位同意学员每月占用两天工作时间。
学 费
上海交通大学 - 马赛商学院AEMBA办公室
地址:上海市法华镇路535号,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院, 南楼103室
电话:( 021)5230 1653
传真:( 021)5230 3357
Weibo: weibo.com/AEMBA
In order to meet the critical demand for talents in the fast track, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille jointly establish the AEMBA (Antai Euromed Marseille MBA) program to satisfy the internationalization of local companies as well as the localization of MNCs. (Authorized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China: MOE31FR1A20030602O) AEMBA is one affiliate of Euromed MBA from Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille.
Finance Track: In addition to their functional responsibilities, it is increasingly important for managers to familiarize themselves with the capital structuring of their business. This track helps you to break the bottleneck by emphasizing managerial knowledge on investment and finance.
Global Management Track: Increasing numbers of MNCs are enhancing their operations in China, and the internationalization of Chinese companies is irreversible. Consequently there is a huge demand for managers with an international vision, operation skills and market exploration capabilities in this expanding multicultural environment. The AEMBA will provide you deep insights and skills in how to manage global businesses.
Talent Leadership Track: In today’s global economy, talent has become a key competitive resource. The ability to strategize and implement talent development at government and corporate level is a key challenge for success in taking leadership roles in the global economy. This track build and inspire talent strategist.
Brand, Design & Innovation Track: The track is for business professionals and creative professionals who want to differentiate themselves and get an edge in the marketplace. It’s for people who want to become more user‐centered, empathic centered, leading with a holistic encompassing approach by becoming a problem solver, critical thinker, and have the abilities to challenge ideas and processes. It’s for engineers, salespeople, programmers, design managers, brand manager, designers, account handlers, who want to be able to use design thinking to thrive in the future business arena.
About School
Established in 1872, Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille was the first business school in France and it is ranked as one of the top ten Grande Ecole de Management. Euromed Management is one of an elite group of 50 in Europe and 61 in the world (Financial Time 2011), to be EQUIS AACSB and AMBA accredited. In 2011, the master of management of Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille, ranked No.30 globally by Financial Time. Euromed Management is recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
Shanghai Jiaotong University, founded in 1896, was the first Chinese University to establish a department of management science. In 2011, the master of management of Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM), ranked No.46 by Financial Time.
Distinguished Feature
AEMBA program is one of the few Sino-foreign International MBA programs, which both partners have accredited by EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA.
Launched in 2002, the Antai - Euromed Marseille MBA (AEMBA) program has enrolled around 700 participants over 9 intakes by 2011. All participants have a high command of English and among them 15% are international participants and 90% are from MNCs.
After the development in fast track, managers face challenges: how to grow their international projects? How to pro-actively manage an increasingly internationalized team? How to secure the financial resources to rapidly expand operations? And how do talents contribute to the corporate strategy?
The AEMBA program provides the appropriate cutting-edge solutions and has enjoyed "word of mouth" advocacy from former students. Increasing numbers of applicants are recommended by alumni.
The distinguished features of the programme are as follows:
1. Emphasize on personal development in the middle and long term.
2. Specializes in 4 tracks, i.e. Finance, Global Management, Brand, Design & Innovation and Talent Leadership.
3. Lectures are conducted in English.
4. Participation in the alumni network both in Euromed Management and ACEM.
5. Life-long study is ensured by regular executive talks.
Course Contents
Program and Degree
The classroom-workplace format helps you to pursue a graduate management degree without interrupting your career. Modular teaching, concentrates on three full days (from Friday to Sunday or Saturday to Monday) each month in the delivery of one course. The program lasts for 20 months and participants will take 19 courses and have a 3-month international management project. Upon completion of the program (thesis) with a graduation grade, a MBA degree will be granted by the Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille, and a certificate will be issued by ACEM, Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Admission Criteria
Career background and academic qualifications are the two principal criteria for admission. Applicants should have:
1. At least three years full-time work experience
2. A recognized college’s degree.
3. Pass the online based Personal Competency Analysis (PCA) test and face-to-face interview, organized by two institutions. (Applicants don’t need to take the MBA National Entrance Exam)
4. Strong motivation and commitment for completing the MBA program on a part-time basis is expected. The student’s employer must agree to give two working days off for study in each month.
Opening Date
November, 2012
Tuition fee
Finance Track
Global Management Track
Talent Leadership Track
Branding, Design & Innovation Track
All above tuition fees are 268,000 RMB
Contact Us
AEMBA (Antai-Euromed Management MBA Office)
Add: Room 103, South Building, Antai College of Economics and Management,
No. 535, Fa Hua Zhen Road, Shanghai, P. R. China
Postcode: 200052
Tel: + 86 (0) 21 5230 1653
Fax: + 86 (0) 21 5230 3357
Email: GlobalMBA@sjtu.edu.cn
Website: www.AEMBA.com.cn