1.上海交通大学 核科学与工程学院, 上海 200240
2.武汉第二船舶设计研究所, 武汉 430064
张 伟(1995-),男,江苏省盐城市人,硕士生,主要从事核反应堆热工水力实验研究.基金资助:
国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0307800/06);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51806141)Experimental Study on Condensation of Steam Jet Injection in Submerged Condition
ZHANG Wei1, JIANG Chaofei2, YE Ya’nan1, WANG Xiaoyan2, GONG Zili2, HU Chen2, XIAO Yao1(
1. School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2. Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan 430064, China
XIAO Yao E-mail:yxiao@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 针对直接接触冷凝压力脉动与汽羽形态在单孔鼓泡器结构下的特性开展实验研究.基于高速摄像和高频压力传感器实现汽羽形态瞬时压力的同步测量,获得蒸汽质量流率及水箱温度对直接接触冷凝特性的影响规律,建立冷凝相图.分析不同冷凝区域瞬时压力与汽羽形态变化过程的对应关系,发现压力高频振荡与脱离气泡溃灭同时出现,脱离气泡溃灭后的冷凝消失过程伴随着压力波动强度的指数型振荡衰减.获得冷凝振荡区与稳定冷凝区的汽羽长度变化规律,发现在冷凝振荡区内汽羽长度随流率及温度的上升而增加;进入稳定冷凝区时,汽羽长度发生突降,而后继续随流率及温度的上升而增加.研究结果对鼓泡器在蒸汽排放装置上的工程应用具有一定的参考价值.
关键词: 蒸汽浸没射流, 直接接触冷凝, 汽羽形态, 压力脉动, 汽羽长度
Abstract: An experimental study is conducted to find the characteristics of steam plume and pressure oscillation on direct contact condensation by a side-hole sparger. Synchronal measuring of transient pressure of the steam plume is gained from the high-speed camera and high-pressure sensor respectively. The influence of steam mass flux and water temperature on direct contact condensation characteristic are presented and its regime map is plotted. Then, the dynamic connections of transient pressure and steam plume in different condensation regimes are analyzed. It is found that high frequency pressure oscillation and the collapse of detached bubbles occur at the same time. Together with the condensing and disappearing process of the collapse of detached bubbles, the intensity of pressure oscillation decays exponentially in a vibration way. The changing trends of steam plume length in condensation oscillation regime and stable condensation regime are also obtained, which shows that the steam plume increases with the steam mass flux and the temperature in the condensation oscillation regime. When entering the stable condensation regime, the steam plume suddenly decreases and then increases with the temperature and the steam mass flux. The research results are useful for the engineering application of sparger in steam emission devices.
Key words: steam jet injection, direct contact condensation, steam plume, pressure oscillation, steam plume length