上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院, 上海 200240
科技部重点研发计划项目(2016YFB1200602-28)Analysis of Cross-Platform Coupling Vibration of Ultra-High-Speed Maglev Track Beam System
CAI Wentao, WANG Chunjiang(![](http://xuebao.sjtu.edu.cn/images/email.png)
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
WANG Chunjiang E-mail:wangchj@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 轨道梁是磁浮交通线路中非常重要的结构部件,对其结构性能的分析,特别是针对其在高速运动列车作用下的耦合动力分析非常关键,与列车的运行安全性以及稳定性直接相关.针对 600 km/h 超高速磁浮轨道梁的动力耦合进行研究,基于5刚体30自由度车辆模型和考虑剪切影响的Timoshenko空间梁单元模型,建立了磁浮轨道梁的空间耦合分析模型.在跨平台耦合分析框架的搭建中,采用多体动力学软件Simpack,大型有限元软件ANSYS和可视化仿真工具MATLAB/Simulink联合建模方法,并引入PID控制器对整个悬浮控制系统进行主动控制,将整个系统划分为车辆主系统、控制器子系统以及轨道梁-桥墩子系统,建立了磁浮列车-控制器-轨道梁耦合振动模型.以24.768 m跨度的简支桥梁为例,研究了超高速磁浮列车运行时列车、轨道梁的竖向动力响应,并评估了控制系统的动态性能,给出了考虑桥墩参振影响的多参数动力响应变化规律,可为未来超高速磁浮工程的建设提供技术支撑.
关键词: 超高速磁浮, 轨道梁, 耦合振动, PID控制器, 跨平台系统
Abstract: Track beam is an important structural component in maglev transportation. The analysis of its structural performance is quite critical, especially for the coupled dynamic analysis under the action of high-speed moving train, which is directly related to the operation safety and stability of the train. The dynamic coupling of the 600 km/h ultra-high-speed maglev track beam was studied, the train model was based on 5 rigid bodies and 30 degrees of freedom system, and the spatial coupling analysis model of the maglev track beam was established by using the Timoshenko beam element model with shear effect considered. For the specific implementation of the coupling analysis in the cross platform framework, the multi-body dynamics software Simpack, the large-scale finite element software ANSYS and the visual simulation tool MATLAB/Simulink modeling method were used, and the PID controller was introduced to actively control the whole suspension control system. The whole coupling system was divided into the main vehicle master system, the controller subsystem, and the track beam-pier subsystem. Besides, a coupled vibration model of maglev vehicle-controller-track beam was established. Taking a simply supported bridge with a span of 24.768 m as an example, the vertical dynamic response of the following cars and track beams of ultra-high-speed maglev vehicle running was studied, and the dynamic performance of the control system was evaluated. In addition, the change law of multi-parameter dynamic response considering the influence of bridge pier parametric vibration is given, which will provide technical support for the construction of ultra-high-speed maglev projects in the future.
Key words: ultra-high-speed maglev, track beam, coupled vibration, PID controller, cross-platform system