上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室;船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240
教育部重大专项船舶数字化智能设计系统二期资助项目(GKZY010004)Numerical Simulation and Uncertainty Analysis of Wave-Co-Current Interaction with Irregular Waves
YAO Shun, MA Ning(
State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering; School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
MA Ning E-mail:ningma@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 考虑实际海域普遍存在的波流相互作用现象,研究均匀流对不规则波的波浪特性和不确定度的影响规律.首先,在上海交通大学循环水槽中开展不规则波与均匀流相互作用试验并测量波面升高时历数据;然后,基于雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程对波流相互作用问题进行数值模拟;最后,将不规则波的有义波高和平均周期作为研究对象,开展包括网格收敛性和时间步长收敛性在内的不确定度分析.研究结果表明:顺流及无流时波高概率分布符合Rayleigh分布;不规则波能量谱峰值在顺流作用下向低频移动;不规则波有义波高对网格尺寸更加敏感,平均周期则更依赖于时间步长;均匀顺流能降低有义波高对时间步长的依赖程度,但对平均周期的影响则相反.
关键词: 波流相互作用, 不规则波, 波高概率分布, 不确定度分析
Abstract: Uniform current effects on the characteristic of irregular waves along with its uncertainty are presented considering wave-current interaction in the actual ocean environment. First, relative tests of interaction of irregular wave and uniform current are conducted in the circulating water channel at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Then, the wave elevations are measured to validate the numerical results obtained from the numerical simulation of wave-current interaction based on Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Finally, significant wave height and average period of irregular wave are selected to conduct the uncertainty analysis including both grid-convergence and time-step-size convergence studies. The results show that wave height probability distribution agrees well with Rayleigh distribution in the co-current and no-current cases. The spectral peak of irregular wave moves to the low frequency in the co-current conditions. Besides, significant wave height of irregular wave is more sensitive to grid size, while the average period is more affected by time step size. Moreover, uniform co-current can reduce the degree of dependence of significant wave height on time step size, while the influence on the average period is on the contrary.
Key words: wave-current interaction, irregular wave, wave height probability distribution, uncertainty analysis