1.上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室,上海 200240
2.自然资源部海洋减灾中心,北京 100194
3.上海交通大学 高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心,上海 200240
国家自然科学基金项目(51679138)Numerical Wave Simulation Using Geometrical VOF Method Based on OpenFOAM
TIAN Kang1, ZHANG Yao2, LI Jinlong1, ZHANG Xinshu1,3(
1.State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2.Natural Marine Hazard Mitigation Service, Beijing 100194, China
3.Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
ZHANG Xinshu E-mail:xinshuz@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 波浪数值模拟一直是船舶海洋工程领域非常重要的研究课题.该研究基于开源计算流体力学分析平台OpenFOAM对Stokes五阶波进行模拟.由于几何流体体积(VOF)方法中的几何重构处理能够实现对自由液面更精准的捕捉,所以该研究采用了OpenFOAM内置几何VOF方法——isoAdvector方法,进行自由液面捕捉,通过二次开发引入松弛区方法进行消波处理.对几何VOF方法下网格密度及库朗数进行了收敛性分析,发现可用较大库朗数获得较好的波浪模拟结果;在不同波陡和波频情况下,对几何VOF方法和代数VOF方法模拟波浪的波高及相位进行分析,并与Stokes五阶波理论值进行了对比,研究表明几何VOF方法能更好地对波高进行模拟.最后探讨了松弛区方法中消波区长度及权重分布对消波效果的影响,结果显示大于2倍波长的消波区长度配合指数权重分布可达到最佳消波效果.
关键词: OpenFOAM, 几何流体体积(VOF), Stokes五阶波, 松弛区方法
Abstract: Numerical wave simulation is a significant research topic. In this paper, the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) platform, OpenFOAM, is utilized to simulate Stokes fifth-order waves. Since geometrical volume-of-fluid (VOF) could better capture free surface due to its geometrical reconstruction step, the free surface simulations are accomplished by applying OpenFOAM built-in geometrical VOF method-isoAdvector, and the relaxation zone scheme is introduced through secondary development for wave absorption. The mesh density and Courant number convergence analyses with geometrical VOF are conducted. The simulation shows that satisfactory results could be obtained with a large Courant number. The algebraic and geometrical VOF simulated data with respect to wave elevation and phase at varied wave steepnesses and frequencies are recorded and compared with the theoretical value of Stokes fifth-order waves, which demonstrates that geometrical VOF is better than algebraic VOF in the prediction of wave elevation. Finally, the lengths and weights of the wave absorption zone are discussed, and the results imply that the best practice for the wave absorption is assigning the wave absorption zone length at least two times of the wave length along with applying exponential weight distribution.
Key words: OpenFOAM, geometrical volume-of-fluid (VOF), Stokes fifth-order waves, relaxation zone scheme