上海交通大学 塑性成形技术与装备研究院,上海 200030
郭荣盛(1995-),男,湖北省黄冈市人,硕士生,主要从事金属-聚合物组合成型的研究.Copper Surface Treatment in Metal-Polymer Direct Molding Technology
GUO Rongsheng, HU Guanghong(
Institute of Plastic Forming Technology and Equipment, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China
HU Guanghong E-mail:hguangh@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 研究铜的表面微纳米结构制备工艺并进行了优化.使用碳酸钠和钼酸钠的水溶液作为电解液,在恒定电压下对铜表面进行阳极氧化,在铜表面生成一层氧化膜.使用磷酸和磷酸二氢钠的水溶液作为腐蚀液,对铜表面进行腐蚀处理,以在铜表面获取微纳米结构,并在扫描电镜下观察其形貌.统计分析扫描电镜图片,计算得到铜表面的微纳米结构的孔隙率.结果表明:阳极氧化电压为15 V,阳极氧化时间为20 min,磷酸质量分数为20%,腐蚀时间为30 min时,铜的表面形貌较为平整,孔隙率达到25.77%.根据正交实验结果,腐蚀液种类、浓度以及腐蚀时间对孔隙率的影响较大,而阳极氧化电解液、电压以及电解时间影响不明显.使用阳极氧化和化学腐蚀相结合的方法可以在铜表面制备出均匀、孔隙率高的微纳米结构.
关键词: 铜, 表面处理, 纳米注塑, 阳极氧化, 微纳结构
Abstract: The preparation technology of micro-nano structure on copper surface is studied and optimized. Aqueous solution containing sodium carbonate and sodium molybdate is used as electrolyte, and the copper sample is anodized at a constant voltage to form a layer of oxidation on the copper surface. Then, the copper surface is treated with aqueous solution containing phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate as corrosion solution to obtain a micro-nano structure on the copper. The surface is observed by using a scanning electron microscope. Finally, the analysis software is used to analyze the scanning electron microscope image to calculate the micro-nano structure pores on the copper surface. The results show that when the anodizing voltage is 15 V, the anodizing time is 20 min, the phosphoric acid mass fraction is 20%, and the corrosion time is 30 min, the copper surface is relatively smooth, and the porosity reaches 25.77%. Orthogonal experiments demonstrate that the type, concentration of the corrosive solution, and etching time have a great effect, while the anodizing electrolyte, voltage and electrolysis have no significant effect on the porosity. Using a combination of anodic oxidation and chemical corrosion, micro and nano junctions with uniform and high porosity can be prepared on the copper surface.
Key words: copper, surface treatment, nano injection molding, anodic oxidation, micro-nano structure