海军工程大学 舰船与海洋学院, 武汉 430033
徐 野(1991-),男,吉林省长春市人,博士生,主要研究方向为船舶流体动力性能基金资助:
国家自然科学基金(51479207)Test and Numerical Study of Propeller Cavitation Induced Fluctuating Pressure of Twin-Propeller Ship
XU Ye, XIONG Ying(
College of Naval Architecture and Ocean, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China
XIONG Ying E-mail:xiongying0920@163.com摘要/Abstract
摘要: 为研究高速双桨船螺旋桨空泡状态下的脉动压力特性,在深水拖曳水池中开展了螺旋桨敞水试验,在大型循环水槽中使用完整船模开展了螺旋桨船后水动力性能、脉动压力测量和空泡观测试验.试验结果表明,脉动压力的最大幅值随螺旋桨转速的增加而增大,不稳定片空泡会导致脉动压力高阶分量增加;随着空泡的发展,脉动压力幅值最大位置逐渐向船体内侧移动,螺旋桨达到一定转速后,其脉动压力分布基本保持不变.采用剪切应力输运(SST)k-ω模型及流体体积(VOF)方法,建立了螺旋桨脉动压力和空泡的计算流体动力学(CFD)数值计算方法,并通过计算与试验结果的对比发现,该方法的计算结果在无空泡和高转速工况下与试验结果吻合较好.由于不能很好地对不稳定片空泡进行模拟,在其出现时脉动压力计算值偏大.计算值的衰减和试验中两桨的相位差导致靠近船体内侧的监测点脉动压力误差较大.
关键词: 螺旋桨, 空泡, 脉动压力, 计算流体动力学
Abstract: To study propeller fluctuating pressure characteristic of highspeed twin-propeller ship in cavitation condition, a propeller open water test is conducted in deep water towing tank, while propeller after hull performance, fluctuating pressure measurement, and cavitation observation tests are conducted in a large circulating water channel with a complete ship model. The test results show that the maximum amplitude of fluctuating pressure increases with propeller speed, and unstable sheet cavitation leads to the increase in higher order components of fluctuating pressure. With the development of cavitation, the location of the maximum amplitude of fluctuating pressure moves to the inside of the model until distribution of fluctuating pressure keeps constant when the propeller reaches a certain speed. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical method to evaluate fluctuating pressure and cavitation of propeller is established using the shear stress transport (SST) k-ω model and the VOF method. The comparison of numerical and test results illustrates that the numerical results of fluctuating pressure have a good agreement with test results in non-cavitation and high rotation speed conditions, but the numerical values calculated are larger due to imprecise simulation of unstable sheet cavitation. There exists a large error in the numerical results of fluctuating pressure on the inside of the model which results from the attenuation of the value calculated and the phase difference of the two propellers in the test.
Key words: propeller, cavitation, fluctuating pressure, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)