南京理工大学 机械工程学院, 南京 210094
国家重点基础研究发展计划(61324901),国家自然科学基金(51605344)资助项目Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control of a Howitzer Shell Transfer Arm with Friction Compensation
YAO Laipeng,HOU Baolin,LIU XiSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
摘要: 为处理某自行火炮弹药传输机械臂系统在负载变化和非线性摩擦干扰情况下的快速定位控制问题,构造了一种结合自适应思想的新型非奇异快速终端滑模控制策略.建立了负载变化及非线性摩擦干扰情况下的弹药传输机械臂动力学方程.为避免控制器产生奇异问题和改进控制器到达滑模面的速度,采用一种新型非奇异快速终端滑模控制策略,设计了弹药传输机械臂的控制律.针对系统不确定上界难以确定的问题,采用自适应律估计系统的不确定上界,并利用Lyapunov准则证明了系统状态的有限时间收敛.为实现系统非线性摩擦补偿控制,使用遗传算法对建立的Stribeck模型进行参数辨识.不同负载工况下弹药传输机械臂实验结果表明:文中设计的控制器实现了负载变化和非线性摩擦情况下弹药传输机械臂的快速准确定位,具有良好的鲁棒性,控制策略合理有效.
关键词: 非奇异快速终端滑模, 自适应控制, 非线性摩擦, 遗传算法, 参数辨识
Abstract: To deal with the fast position control problem of a howitzer shell transfer arm with load change and nonlinear friction disturbance, a nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control strategy is designed combined with adaptive control. The dynamical equations of shell transfer arm with load change and nonlinear friction are established. To avoid singular problem of the control law and improve the convergence rate of reaching the sliding surface, a new nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control strategy is used to design the control law of the howitzer shell transfer arm. An adaptive law is presented to estimate the unknown upper bound of the uncertain disturbance which is difficult to obtain. The state of the closed-loop system is finite time convergence based on the Lyapunov theory. In order to realize the friction compensation control, a genetic algorithm is used to identify the Stribeck model parameters of the system. The experiment results of shell transfer arm under three different load conditions show that the controller designed in this paper can position accurately, and it has a good robustness against load change and nonlinear friction. The correctness and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy are proved by experimental results.
Key words: nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control, adaptive control, nonlinear friction, genetic algorithm, parameter identification