1. 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室, 上海 200240; 2. 船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室, 上海 200240; 3. 中国石化润滑油有限公司 内燃机润滑研究所, 北京 100085
张武高(联系人),男,副教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):021-34206540; E-mail:zhangwg@sjtu.edu.cn.作者简介:
国家自然科学基金(51376118),国家重点研发计划 (2017YFB0103500)资助项目Experimental Study on the Effect of Lubricating Oil Parameters on Constituent and Characteristics of Diesel Engine Particle Emission
GAO Shen 1,2,XU Changmao 1,2,ZHAO Lei 3,LEI Ling 3,TIAN Qiang 1,2,ZHANG Wugao 1,21. Key Laboratory for Power Machinery and Engineering of Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2. National Engineering Laboratory for Marine and Ocean Engineering Power System, Shanghai 200240,China; 3. Internal Combustion Engine Lubrication Research Department, Sinopec Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd., Beijing 10085, China
摘要: 在一台增压中冷高速柴油机上,分别用4种专门配制的润滑油进行尾气排放测试,比较分析了润滑油的基础油种类及灰分含量对颗粒排放物的氧化活性、金属元素及颗粒中正构烷烃含量的影响.针对柴油发动机排气进行测试,对柴油机颗粒滤清器的再生研究具有一定的参考价值.颗粒物的氧化活性研究结果表明:小负荷时,颗粒排放物的氧化性较强,且和基础油种类关系不大;当负荷增大时,颗粒排放物的氧化活性变低;聚α烯烃(PAO)润滑油的颗粒排放物的氧化活性高于矿物润滑油,且经过低灰处理后润滑油的颗粒物氧化活性较强.颗粒排放物中金属成分的研究结果表明:相同种类的基础油,润滑油的灰分含量降低,颗粒排放物的金属成分含量也随之降低;与普通矿物油相比,在普通PAO润滑油的颗粒排放物中金属含量有增大的趋势,但经过低灰并加入部分矿物油处理后,颗粒排放物中的金属含量与低灰普通矿物润滑油的含量大致相当.颗粒排放物中正构烷烃含量的研究结果表明:当负荷增大时,润滑油中的正构烷烃含量升高;当用PAO润滑油时,颗粒排放物中的正构烷烃含量有所降低;当润滑油的灰分含量较低时,颗粒排放物中的正构烷烃含量减少.
关键词: 润滑油; 柴油机; 基础油; 灰分; 颗粒排放物
Abstract: The effect of lubricating oil parameters on the constituent of particle emitted from diesel engine was investigated on a turbo charged diesel engine with four kinds of specially formulated lubricating oils. The effect of base oil type and quantity of ash content on the oxidation activity, metallic element and paraffin of particle emitted was studied. This study focuses on the original particle emission of diesel engine, and has reference value of the regeneration of diesel particle filter. The results show that base oil has little impact on oxidation activity of particle at low engine load when oxidation is more active. And high engine load leads to lower oxidation activity of particle. The emitted particle has a higher oxidation activity when poly alpha olefin (PAO) lubricants as well as lubricants of lower ash content are used. A smaller quantity of metallic elements is found in emitted particle when tested lubricants has the similar base oil but lower ash content. Compared with ordinary mineral oil, ordinary PAO shows more metallic element emission in particle, but the difference is not as obvious when PAO and mineral oil of low ash content is used. It can be concluded that high load of engine leads to more paraffin emission in particle, and when PAO lubricants are used, less paraffin is emitted. Low ash content leads to less paraffin emission.
Key words: lubricating oil; diesel engine; base oil; ash content; particle emission