上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程研究所, 上海 200240
张鹏,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):021-34205505; E-mail: zhangp@sjtu.edu.cn.作者简介:
国家自然科学基金(51976117),上海航天先进技术联合研究基金 (USCAST2019-4)资助项目Capillary Performance of Superhydrophilic Copper Foams with Volatile Working Fluid
JIANG Yuting,ZHANG Peng,Lü FengyongInstitute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 为研究超亲水泡沫铜的毛细性能,以及易挥发工质的蒸发对毛细性能参数的影响,分别以水和乙醇作为工质,对其在超亲水泡沫铜上的毛细上升过程进行实验研究.根据工质的挥发性,结合不同的理论模型得到超亲水泡沫铜的毛细性能参数;分析比较不同工质在同一样品上的毛细性能因子.研究结果表明:工质蒸发对所测试的毛细性能参数有较大的影响,不可忽略;在此基础上,为易挥发工质提出一种可准确获得毛细性能参数的方法;利用该方法系统地分析了超亲水泡沫铜的毛细性能.
关键词: 超亲水泡沫铜; 易挥发工质; 毛细性能; 蒸发
Abstract: In order to study the capillary properties of superhydrophilic copper foam and the effect of evaporation of volatile working fluid on capillary performance parameters, the experiments on the capillary rise of superhydrophilic copper foam were carried out with water and ethanol as working fluids. The capillary performance parameters corresponding to different working fluids were obtained by using different theoretical models. The capillary performance parameters of different working fluids in the same sample were analyzed and compared. The results show that the evaporation of ethanol has a great influence on the capillary rise process. Based on the results, a method for accurately obtaining capillary performance parameters is proposed for volatile working fluids,and the capillary properties of superhydrophilic copper foam are systematically analyzed.
Key words: superhydrophilic copper foam; volatile working fluid; capillary performance; evaporation