1. 浙江工业大学 过程装备及其再制造教育部工程研究中心, 杭州 310032;2. 中航工业金城南京机电液压工程研究中心, 南京 211106
彭旭东,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):0571-88871503;E-mail: xdpeng@126.com.作者简介:
国家自然科学基金面上项目(51575490,51775505),国家重点基础研究发展计划(973) (2014CB046404),浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(LZ15E050002)Static Sealing Performance of Glyd-Ring Seal with Two Precompression Models
CAI Zhiyuan 1,WANG Bingqing 1,PENG Xudong 1,GUO Shengrong 2,MENG Xiangkai 11. MOE Engineering Research Center of Process Equipment and Its Remanufacture, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China;2. AVIC Jincheng Nanjing Engineering Institute of Aircraft Systems, Nanjing 211106, China
摘要: 基于ANSYS软件建立了液压格莱圈密封二维轴对称几何模型,对模拟密封圈安装过程中采用的轴向推进和径向压缩两种预压缩有限元模型及相关模拟结果进行了对比研究.首先,给出了两种模型下格莱圈密封应力分布的差异.其次,对比分析了两种模型下不同压缩率和介质压力对静密封性能的影响.结果表明:两种模型下获得的静密封性能影响规律基本相同,且应力分布基本相似,但对密封圈应力集中部位预测结果存在偏差,表现为径向压缩模型下的应力集中部位更靠近空气侧;此外,轴向推进预压缩模型的模拟结果揭示出聚四氟乙烯滑环靠介质侧的倒角处易发生磨损,这一结果与工程实际比较符合.
关键词: 预压缩有限元模型; 格莱圈; 静密封性能
Abstract: The two-dimensional axisymmetric geometry model of hydraulic Glyd-ring seal was established by applying the ANSYS software, which was used to analyze the effects of two precompression finite element models, the axial push and the radial compression, that were used to simulate the sealing ring installation process, and the related simulation results were compared and studied. Firstly, the stress distribution differences of two FEA models were given. Secondly, the influences of compression rate and sealed pressure on the static sealing performance with the two FEA models were compared and analyzed. The results indicate that the effect law on the static sealing performance of the two FEA models is basically the same, and the stress distribution is basically similar, but there is a deviation in the prediction of the stress concentration parts of the seal ring, which shows that the stress concentration of the radial compression model is closer to the air side. In addition, the simulation results of the axial push precompression FEA model reveal that the chamfer of polytetrafluoroethylene ring near the oil side is easier to meet with wear, which is in consistency with engineering practice.
Key words: precompression finite element model; Glyd-ring; static sealing perfor-mance