1. 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室, 上海 200240;2. 中国石化润滑油有限公司内燃机润滑研究所, 北京 100085
国家自然科学基金(51376118),清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室开放基金(KF14021)资助项目Effect of PAO Based Lubricating Oil on Particle Emission Performance of Diesel Engine
TIAN Qiang 1,GAO Shen 1,ZHAO Lei 2,WANG Zhiyu 1,ZHANG Wugao 11. Key Laboratory for Power Machinery and Engineering of Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2. Institute of Internal Combustion Engine Lubrication of Sinopec Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085, China
摘要: 在增压中冷高速柴油机上,利用DMS500快速响应颗粒分析仪,比较研究了包括聚α-烯烃(PAO)基全合成润滑油在内的多种润滑油对柴油机颗粒数量排放性能的影响,在不同负荷与转速下进行考察,并重点分析了润滑油工作温度和灰分含量影响,从而概括出PAO润滑油典型工况下的颗粒排放特征.结果表明:发动机负荷增加,发动机颗粒数排放峰值降低;转速增加,颗粒数排放峰值升高.较高的工作温度有利于降低PAO润滑油的颗粒排放峰值;润滑油的灰分含量越低,颗粒排放量越少,尤其在小负荷工况下;润滑油的基础油成分对发动机颗粒排放影响显著,PAO基润滑油在高工作温度、高发动机负荷下的颗粒排放性能优异.
关键词: 柴油机; 全合成润滑油; 聚α-烯烃(PAO)基润滑油; 颗粒排放
Abstract: On a test bench with a turbocharged, intercooler and high-speed diesel engine, the effects of various lubricating oils, including poly alpha olefin (PAO)-based fully synthetic lubricant on particle emission were investigated using a DMS500 fast response particle analyzer. The change of particle emission under different engine working loads and speeds was studied. We laid special stress on analyzing the influence of working temperature and ash content of lubricating oil on particle emission. On this basis, the particle emission characteristics of PAO-based lubricating oil under typical working conditions were summarized. The results showed that the total particle emission peak decreases when the engine load increases, and the peak increases when the engine speed increases. For PAO-based lubricating oil, higher working temperature helps reduce the peak value of particle emission. A lower ash content of lubricating oil can lead to a less total particle emission especially under low engine load. The base composition of lubricating oil has significant influence on engine particle emission. PAO-based lubricating oil has excellent particle emission performance at high operating temperature and high engine load.
Key words: diesel engine; fully synthetic lubricating oil; poly alpha olefin (PAO)-based lubricating oil; particle emission