1. 浙江海洋大学 港航与交通运输工程学院, 浙江 舟山, 316022; 2. 舟山博睿船舶科技开发有限公司, 浙江 舟山, 316000
邓佳佳(1982-),男,湖北省洪湖市人,副教授,主要从事两相流动传热传质研究.电话(Tel):0580-8180981;E-mail: lu_goldtree@163.com.基金资助:
国家自然科学青年基金项目 (11602222),浙江省基础公益研究计划项目 (LY18E090009),浙江省舟山市科技局项目(2016C41021,2016C12010),浙江海洋大学科研启动基金项目(Q1612)Blowing Effect Analysis of Single Saturated Liquefied Natural Gas Droplet Evaporation in Its Vapor
DENG Jiajia 1,XU Jian 1,LU Jinshu 1,SHI Dunzhang 21. School of Port and Transportation Engineering, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316000, Zhejiang, China; 2. Zhoushan Borui Ship Technology Development Co., Ltd., Zhoushan 316000, Zhejiang, China
摘要: 采用计算流体动力学方法,基于液滴界面能量守恒原理建立了液化天然气饱和单液滴蒸发模型,以对不同的温差、相对速度及液滴粒径的液滴在同种蒸气中的蒸发过程进行模拟,并分析了吹拂效应的影响.结果表明:增大温差、相对速度及液滴粒径,均会使得液滴界面换热量增大;随着温差增大,温度边界层厚度及其比值逐渐增加,但考虑与未考虑液滴蒸发时液滴界面换热量之比呈现出分段变化特征,液滴的运动使得其分段点提前,且吹拂效应的影响增大;随着相对速度增加,吹拂效应对液滴蒸发的影响减弱,当相对速度大于18m/s时,吹拂效应的影响可以忽略;随着液滴粒径增加,吹拂效应的影响基本保持不变.
关键词: 液化天然气; 液舱预冷; 液滴运动; 单液滴蒸发模型; 吹拂效应
Abstract: A novel model was built based on the computational fluid dynamics method. By multiple temperature differences, the static and moving liquefied natural gas (LNG) droplets of multiple relative velocity differences and multiple droplet diameters evaporation were simulated. Their blowing effects were identified. It was found that the higher vapor temperature is, the bigger relative velocity and the bigger diameter are, and they could enhance the droplet interface heat transfer rate. As the increase of vapor temperature, the temperature boundary layer becomes thicker and the thickness ratio becomes larger, but the heat transfer ratio presents a piecewise linearity characteristic. The piecewise linearity critical point of moving droplet evaporation is lower than the static droplet evaporation, but the blowing effect is bigger. The blowing effect is enhanced because vapor temperature increases. The blowing effect becomes weaker as the relative velocity increases, the blowing effect could be omitted when the relative velocity is bigger than 18m/s. The blowing effect almost keeps the same as the diameter increases.
Key words: liquefied natural gas (LNG); tank cooling down; droplet movement; single droplet evaporation model; blowing effect