同济大学 机械与能源工程学院,上海 201804
周炳海(1965-),男,浙江省浦江县人,教授,研究方向为离散制造系统的调度、建模与仿真. E-mail:bhzhou@tongji.edu.cn.基金资助:
国家自然科学基金资助项目(71471135)Multi-Objective Hybrid Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem Considering Energy Consumption and On-Time Delivery
ZHOU Binghai,LIU WenlongSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
摘要: 针对加工时间和交货期模糊的混合流水线,考虑阶段内并行机互不相关、换模时间与工件加工次序相关等约束,面向降低生产能源消耗和保证准时交货的双目标调度问题,提出一种改进型差分进化算法.首先,以最小化系统能耗和准时交货惩罚为优化目标建立双目标优化数学模型;在此基础上,使用NEH(Nawaz, Enscore, Ham)方法获得优质初始解,并利用优质解挑战机制进行有效的邻域挖掘;同时,引入混沌搜索策略以保证算法的全局搜索能力;最后,将数值实验与有代表性的算法的计算结果进行对比,以验证所提算法的可行性与有效性.
关键词: 混合流水线调度; 差分进化算法; 模糊; 不相关并行机; 换模时间
Abstract: To guarantee on-time delivery of the hybrid flow-shop system and reduce energy consumption at the meantime, a modified differential evolution algorithm is proposed for the multi-objective hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem with fuzzy processing time and due date, considering in-stage unrelated parallel machines and sequence-dependent setup time. First, a bi-objective mathematical model is established to minimize on-time delivery penalty and energy consumption. Then, a modified algorithm is developed which efficiently generates high-quality initial solutions with NEH (Nanaz, Enscore, Ham)-based heuristic method, thoroughly exploits neighborhoods with the elite individual challenging mechanism. The modified algorithm highly improves the exploration ability with chaotic search strategy. Finally, the results of the comparison with existing typical algorithms and numerical experiment demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective.
Key words: hybrid flow-shop scheduling; differential evolution algorithm; fuzzy; unrelated parallel machine; setup time