1. 上海交通大学 航空航天学院, 上海 200240; 2. 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200240;3. 先进航空发动机协同创新中心, 北京 100083
潘丁浩(1993-),男,上海市人,硕士生, 主要从事叶轮机械气动热力学方面的研究,E-mail:pandinghao@163.com.Blade Force Characteristics and Tonal Noise Prediction of Axial Fans with Uneven-Spaced Blades
PAN Dinghao1,WU Yadong2,3,PENG Zhigang2,OUYANG Hua2,3,DU Zhaohui2,31. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;3. Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine, Beijing 100083, China
摘要: 采用数值模拟方法对汽车用冷却风扇的均布和非均布叶片分布的模型进行了研究.通过对叶片采用片条化处理,分析了叶片力与非均布角度之间的关系,建立了叶片力与叶片相位角之间的叶片力模型.基于非均布风扇叶片力的特性,通过Lowson点力发声模型提出了非均布风扇的噪声预测方法,并建立了基于风扇叶片力模型的低速轴流非均布风扇尖峰噪声预测模型.通过与基于计算流体力学(CFD)的Lowson模型预测结果、实验数据以及其他非均布叶片噪声预测模型的对比,验证了该预测模型的有效性.
关键词: 非均布叶片; 尖峰噪声; 叶片力特性; 噪声预测
Abstract: In this paper, the numerical simulation method is used to investigate the even-spaced and uneven-spaced automotive cooling fans. The relationship between blade force and uneven-spaced blade distribution angle is analyzed through blade striping treatment, and the model between blade force and blade phase angle of uneven-spaced fan is established. Based on the characteristics of uneven-spaced fan blade force, a noise prediction method for uneven-spaced fan is proposed by using Lowson point force model, and a peak noise prediction model for low-speed non-uniformly distributed fan based on fan blade force model is established. The prediction model is verified by comparing with the prediction results of Lowson model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), experimental data and other uneven-spaced fan blade noise prediction models.
Key words: uneven-spaced blade; tonal noise; blade force characteristic; noise prediction