杭州电子科技大学 机械工程学院, 杭州 310018
许明(1982-),男,湖北省黄梅县人,副教授,主要从事精密驱动相关研究,E-mail: xumzju@163.com.基金资助:
国家自然科学基金(51775153, 51205099),浙江省自然科学基金(LY16E050004)资助项目Dynamic Wetting Characteristics of Droplets in a Tool-Workpiece-Chip Slit
XU Ming,YU Xin,NI JingSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018
摘要: 针对切削过程中切削液液滴在刀具-工件-切屑构成的狭缝中的润湿铺展行为不易观测及分析的问题,采用透明石英砖和带沟槽的不锈钢板构成类刀-工-屑微狭缝,利用具有显微功能的高速摄像机拍摄微狭缝中液滴的润湿动态过程.基于图像处理技术,提取实验拍摄的视频帧中数据.描述微狭缝中的液滴二维扩散过程,采用Logistic模型加以拟合,结合模型中参数,定性衡量了不同高度狭缝中渗水速度的相对大小.研究发现,水滴在深度200μm以下的狭缝中铺展时,渗入狭缝的流量随狭缝深度减小而减小,这说明尽管随着尺度缩小,毛细压力增加,但是渗入狭缝还是越来越困难,并通过多次重复性实验验证了这一结论.
关键词: 微狭缝, 刀-工-屑, 液滴, 二维扩散, Logistic模型
Abstract: In view of the difficulty in observing and analyzing the wetting spreading behavior of cutting fluid droplets in the slit formed by tool-workpiece-chip (TWC) in cutting process, a simulated TWC micro-slit was made up of a transparent quartz brick and a piece of stainless-steel plate with grooves. The dynamic wetting process of droplets in the slit was recorded by a high-speed camera with microscope function. Based on the image processing technology, the data in the experimental video frames were extracted and analyzed. The two-dimensional diffusion process of droplets in micro-slits was described by Logistic model. Combined with the parameters of the model, the relative size of penetration velocity in slits with different heights was qualitatively described. It is found that when the water droplets are spread in slits with height below 200 μm, the flow rate into the slit decreases with the slit height reduces, which indicates that it is still more and more difficult for droplets to infiltrate into the slit although the capillary pressure increases with the decrease of slit. This conclusion was verified by the average results of repeated experiments.
Key words: micro-slit, tool-workpiece-chip (TWC), droplet, two-dimensional diffusion, Logistic model