上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程研究所, 上海 200240
陈江平,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):021-34206775; E-mail: jpchen@sjtu.edu.cn.作者简介:
俞登佳(1995-),男,福建省龙岩市人,硕士生,主要研究方向为新能源汽车热泵空调、整车热管理及相关零部件.Refrigerant Distribution and Application Research of Parallel Flow Evaporator for Bus Air Condition
YU Dengjia,CHEN JiangpingInstitute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 为提高客车空调系统的运行效率,设计了平行流蒸发器.针对平行流蒸发器客车空调系统中的分液问题,在阀后采用分液器分液方式的基础上,提出了阀前分液并且通过4个热力膨胀阀单独控制各蒸发器过热度的改进分液方式.通过实验验证了平行流蒸发器在客车空调上应用的可行性及优势;阀后采用分液器分液方式下各蒸发器的出口温度分别为 7.9,23.3,13.3 和 15.3℃,而改进分液方式下各蒸发器的出口温度分别为 11.5,12.6,14.2 和 11.0℃,改进后各蒸发器出口温度的均匀性有较大提高,从而有效改善了多流路蒸发器的分配不均现象.
关键词: 客车空调, 平行流蒸发器, 多流路分配, 过热度
Abstract: Microchannel heat exchangers (MCHX) have been widely used in automotive air conditioning system due to their advantages of compactness and higher efficiency. However,there are still issues that need to be overcome due to the slender structure of bus air conditioning, such as the uneven flow distribution of refrigerant and condensed water. A new refrigerant distribution way has been investigated to verify the feasibility and advantages of parallel flow evaporator application in bus air conditioning. Results show that by separate the refrigerant in front of the expansion valve and use four expansion valve control the superheat of each evaporator, the outlet temperature of each evaporator are 11.5, 12.6, 14.2, 11.0℃ respectively. Evaporator outlet temperature uniformity is better than the system with liquid-distributor which are 7.9, 23.3, 13.3, 15.3℃ respectively.
Key words: bus air conditioning, parallel flow evaporator, multi-flow distribution, superheat