

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-12

上海交通大学 a. 自动化系; b. 上海市北斗导航与位置服务重点实验室; c. 机器人研究所, 上海 200240
通讯作者:杨明,男,教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel.):021-34204553;E-mail: MingYANG@sjtu.edu.cn.

Pallet Detection Based on Contour Matching for Warehouse Robots

WU Wenhan,YANG Ming,WANG Bing,WANG Chunxiang
a. Department of Automation; b. Shanghai Key Lab of Navigation and Location Services;c. Research Institute of Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China


摘要: 对托盘的检测是仓储机器人进行货物搬运的关键步骤.针对当前检测方法光照鲁棒性不强、受托盘与传感器之间相对位姿的约束等问题,提出一种基于点云平面轮廓匹配的检测方法.该方法使用ToF(Time-of-Flight)相机采集点云;点云经预处理后,使用以法线为约束的区域生长算法进行平面分割,并沿其主法线方向投影生成栅格图,解决受相对位姿约束的问题;最后在对栅格图进行轮廓提取后,利用融合Hu不变矩和尺度比例特征的轮廓特征进行目标与模板的匹配,实现对托盘的检测.实验结果表明,该方法在光照不同、托盘位姿不定等场景下均具有高识别率和强鲁棒性.
关键词: 托盘检测, ToF相机, Hu不变矩, 轮廓匹配
Abstract: Pallet detection is the key step of cargo handling for warehouse robots. A pallet detection method based on point clouds plane contour matching is proposed to solve the current detection method problems that are not robust to illumination and relative position between the pallet and sensor. Point clouds generated by time-of-flight (ToF) camera are filtered and segmented to different planes using region-growing method constrained by surface normal. Then point clouds are projected to the grid image along the plane’s principle normal direction. Fusion contour feature of Hu moment invariants and scale feature extracted from grid image contour is applied for similarity matching between the target and template pallet contour. The experimental results show that the method has high recognition rate and strong robustness under the circumstance of complex illumination, uncertain distance and relative pose between the pallet and sensor.
Key words: pallet detection, time-of-flight (ToF) camera, Hu moment invariants, contour matching


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