同济大学 地下建筑与工程系, 上海 200092
李镜培(1963-),男,江西省信丰县人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事桩基础及基坑工程等领域教学与科研工作.E-mail: lijp2771@tongji.edu.cn.基金资助:
国家自然科学基金资助项目(41272288)Influence of Driving Pile on Diaphragm Wall Deformation of Adjacent Foundation Pit
LI Jingpei,CUI Jifei,LI Lin,ZHAO GaowenDepartment of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
摘要: 以半无限土体中圆孔扩张解答为基础,运用弹性地基梁理论,通过简化基坑内部支撑条件以及墙端约束条件,得到了静压沉桩对邻近基坑地下连续墙变形影响的弹性解答,并分析了沉桩深度和沉桩距离对地下连续墙侧移的影响规律.研究结果表明:静压沉桩对邻近地下连续墙变形有较大影响,尤其对开挖面以下地下连续墙的侧向位移影响更加显著.当沉桩深度超过开挖深度后,地下连续墙产生的位移随沉桩深度不断增加;沉桩超过地下连续墙深度后,继续沉桩对地下连续墙的位移影响逐渐减弱.桩径越大,地下连续墙产生的位移越大.沉桩离地下连续墙越近,地下连续墙产生的位移越大;当沉桩距离增大到15倍桩径时,沉桩影响可以忽略.
关键词: 静压沉桩, 邻近基坑, 地下连续墙, 水平位移
Abstract: Based on the solution to a spherical cavity expansion in semi-infinite soil, an elastic solution or assessing the deflection of the diaphragm wall caused by pile driving is derived by using the elastic foundation beam theory. To determine the supporting condition of the diaphragm wall, simplifications are made to the internal support conditions of the excavation and the constraint conditions at the end of the diaphragm wall. A detailed discussion is conducted to analyze the effects of pile depth and distance between diaphragm wall and pile. The results indicate that pile driving has pronounced effects on the adjacent underground diaphragm wall, especially for the diaphragm wall under the excavation surface. With the increase of pile depth the lateral displacement of diaphragm would be gradually larger after the end of pile below the excavation surface. And when the depth of the pile is more than the depth of the diaphragm wall, the influence on the diaphragm wall will be gradually weakened. The displacement of the diaphragm wall becomes larger with the increase of the pile diameter. The closer the pile is to the diaphragm wall, the greater the displacement of the diaphragm wall is, and when the distance between the pile and the diaphragm wall reaches 15 times of the pile diameter, the effect can be ignored.
Key words: static piling, adjacent foundation pit, diaphragm wall, lateral displacement