上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240
肖潇(1985-),男,江西省南昌市人,博士生,研究方向为深基坑工程.E-mail: 基金资助:
国家自然科学基金资助项目(41330633)Mechanism Analysis of Influence of Deep Excavation on Deformation of Nearby Cut-and-cover Tunnel
XIAO Xiao(

School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
LI Mingguang E-mail:xiaoxiao8808@163.com;lmg20066028@sjtu.edu.cn摘要/Abstract
摘要: 结合上海地区某邻近明挖暗埋隧道基坑工程案例,采用数值方法模拟了深基坑开挖的过程,并通过与实测数据进行对比验证了模型的合理性.针对隧道与基坑之间的连接墙进行对比分析,揭示了连接墙所起的作用.通过分析相邻地连墙竖向位移以及其两侧土体位移,得出地连墙与隧道之间以及墙土之间的相互影响规律.根据地连墙墙体轴力分布,研究墙体在开挖过程中的受力形态,揭示临近基坑开挖对地下结构(明挖暗埋隧道)的影响机理.结果表明,对于明挖隧道与基坑共墙的情况,隧道的隆起主要由地连墙以及连接墙的共同影响所致.明挖隧道受到基坑地连墙变形的影响明显大于受周围土体位移的影响.地连墙发生竖向隆起的原因为坑内土体提供的摩擦力大于坑外土体提供的摩擦力.
关键词: 基坑, 隧道, 地下连续墙, 竖向位移, 轴力, 摩阻力
Abstract: A practical numerical example is used to simulate the excavation process of a deep foundation pit in Shanghai, and the rationality of the model is verified by comparing with the measured data. The cross wall between tunnel and diaphragm wall is studied and the influence of cross wall is discussed. By analyzing the vertical displacement of adjacent walls and the displacement of soil on both sides of diaphragm walls, the interaction principle between diaphragm wall and tunnel or diaphragm wall and soil is obtained. The force distribution of the wall in the excavation process is used to reveal the influence principle of adjacent deep excavation on underground structure (cut-and-cover tunnel). The results show that the uplift of the tunnel is mainly caused by the uplift of the nearby diaphragm wall. The influence of the diaphragm wall on the cut-and-cover tunnel is obviously greater than that of the surrounding soil. Under the influence of deep excavation, the reason for the diaphragm wall uplifting is that the friction force in the foundation pit is larger than that of outside the pit.
Key words: foundation pit, tunnel, diaphragm wall, vertical displacement, axial force, friction